What would be your perfect life?

Oct 7, 2007
What would a perfect life for you be?

Financially, socially, spiritually, physically.

I'll start:

Financially: Earning over 150k a year. Money can't buy you all the happiness, but without money there is no possibility of true happiness. 150k allows me to live comfortably and invest wisely.

Socially: Surround myself with people who are more successful than me. The saying "If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room" is so true to me. I want friends of different ethnicity, backgrounds and upbringing. Diversity is appreciated.

Spiritually: This is the area I'm most lost in. Not religious, but there are many times I wonder if there is a greater "purpose" in this life so to speak. So many people talk about the power of thought and belief, and personally this all comes under spirituality. The ability to fully control my emotions and genuine positivity is something I will always strive for. 

Physically: Be in shape for the rest of my life. This is probably the easiest aspect for me.

Let's hear it brethrens
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Somewhere in the neighborhood of 150k a year as well. A nice 6 bedroom home with a beautiful wife that likes to work out and be in shape. I'd be a little more in shape but not gym heavy, she's just be a catalyst to eat better, grilling fish and veggies for me all the time for me. Maybe 2-3 children and either a bulldog or a golden retriever running around...
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Coming into College I had my sights set on going to med school afterwards and becoming a doctor. I was a very obnoxious kid back then who bought MCAT books early and looked down upon people who had like a liberal arts major or a type of major that wouldn't equate to a high paying salary right after college. I also looked down upon people who didn't go to college and people who attended colleges with less prestige than mine, like community colleges etc. 

About half way through my junior year I realized I was more in love with the amount of money doctors make and the materialistic things i could obtain with said money, than the actual work itself and ended up switching to being a Psychology major (lol). It wasn't about laziness or the workload getting to me, but I began to low-key hate the version of myself i had become as once the work began to pile up on me I cut off/lost a lot of friends who i would find to be a 'distraction'. I had an amazing girlfriend who truly loved me but i pushed away because I thought she was 'small minded' as her goals were not as big as mine. 

I was never lonely per say, as I am part of a fraternity and still had an amazing group of supportive friends, but my phone began to ring less and less and people were getting tired of always looking for me. I kinda realized it was a result of the person I was becoming and soon after i changed to a less demanding major and began to enjoy life so much more man. 

Now I'm not a needy person or don't really long for company but i believe friendship, and the bonds/memories you build with people is a very important aspect of life. Not to say having a lot of friends is an end all be all of life, but this experience taught me that there is so much more to life than money. 

I don't plan on going to graduate school although they say it's a must for psych majors, and i know i won't be making decent money for a while and I'm honestly okay with that. I had a lot of fun my senior year of college and have never been more content with life. Heck, I even have one more semester left to receive my degree as switched majors late. Old me would have hated that, and sometimes i look back and regret the decisions the old me made in tarnishing a lot of relationships - but that is life and you live and you learn and I am grateful for that as it showed me what is truly important to me. 

Anyways I apologize for the really long post, but a perfect life to me is working and working hard at a job i love, making a decent salary, building and establishing a beautiful family, being in solid shape, and having a great group of friends with whom i can create lifelong memories with. I have also learned that  everyone has their own definition of happiness, so if you aspire to make an insane amount of money then by all means, as long as it is what you truly want to do with your life and limited time here on Earth. 
My perfect life would be a world with no prejudices, racism, people with integrity, little to no violence, real freedom to be free and not be taxed every step of the way, and everyone could experience the world.

Ok I'll get off my soapbox :lol:
150K (the magic number), a good career with good friends, experiences worth talking about and no beer belly.
One full of purpose, free to become whomever I want to be, and die peacefully with a smile on my face.

All I want.
few cars
decent home in a decent neighborhood around LA
a badddddddddieeeeeeeeeeeeee thats a freak
idgaf bout no new friends

im a simple man fam :pimp:
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My brother not being sick
Making over 100k
Being able to travel out the us whenever I want
Stress free

Sounds pretty attainable
financially independent

i few close friends who challenge me/ support me and vice versa. a few girlfriends. i dont think i want marriage and kids

have free time to pray, learn and lift all day

looking at what i typed it looks like i want to unemployed
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