What would you think if your GF had sex in random places with her ex?

according to dirty, guys like you don't exist.
oh please.
where did I say that?...
...do quote me.

I said nothing of the sort.....don't try to pull that nonsense logic in an attempt to validate your opinion.
the way i see it, we weren't together at the time, so it's none of my business. Real talk, i don't even WANT to know.
I give my girl props because before we met, i used to mess with one of our friends, who we still hang out with to this day. She never asked any questions and iNever talk about it, it's in the past.
at the risk of not seeing where this thread went im gonna avoid the headache thats sure to come if i went back and read the whole thing=

but is the argument that my gf/fiance/wife shouldnt have sex with me in random places for fear that she will have to disclose these actions if and when he timecomes in a future relationship?
eN lying

Tre yea thats where the argument began
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

according to dirty, guys like you don't exist.
oh please.
where did I say that?...
...do quote me.

I said nothing of the sort.....don't try to pull that nonsense logic in an attempt to validate your opinion.
what nonsense logic?
your attack on my position was that i am talking about the wrong situation, a "jumpoff" type of guy, etc.
whereas, dude proves my point,

your position was that a girl does not respect herself.

and here are were my relevant replies.

it's funny that you interpret having sex in a spot that's not the norm as the girl not having respect for herself.

but you're mixing up things now.

you're talking about your random skanks, whom the guy does not care about...
....but one could be in a committed and caring relationship and still have sex in unusual places

Like I said... you're thinking of two different concepts
random skanks(which could possibly be a GF to some guys) vs someone you truly care about...
edit..and you could have sex in random places with BOTH types of girls.

in NONE of my replies did I indicate that there were NOT any guys that were jerks that would try to manipulate women.
Yes, they exist.. but that does not negate my original point... that women who have sex in non normal places have any less respect for themselves.

....so..yes... that is nonsense logic for you to state I claim that guys like that poster dont' exist.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

at the risk of not seeing where this thread went im gonna avoid the headache thats sure to come if i went back and read the whole thing=

but is the argument that my gf/fiance/wife shouldnt have sex with me in random places for fear that she will have to disclose these actions if and when he time comes in a future relationship?
Dude.. how come I was thinkin the same thing..
then I readEnphan's comments and I imagine a slight tear rollin out of his left Cornia as he represents the right of people who have Sex with loved involved all overthe world..


And these are the days of our lives... Seriously bruh.. It all depends on the dude. Me.. I am pretty freaky dude.. so I might ask a chick what shes donebefore...(in the past) with my wife.. I may ask about some stuff and may not others... If Im stupid to believe everything she's done with me is the firsttime.. I dont deserve to even have sex. If YOU as a man want to think in the back of your mind if your girl domed another dude up before you or had a onenight stand or had drunk sex with an ex.. YOU have insecurity issues.

To the question.. should you ask what your girls done before you. The Answer: Dont ask what you don't want to know the answer to. Girls spare feelingsbut if you press the issue, you may find out your wife was into gang bangs or something...
Then you will be the fool for not being able to handle the truth... if youcan.. you are more of a man then the guy who couldn't..

If you love your girl.. what does it matter what shes done before you? if you want a Virgin.. just know this: Shes ALWAYS going to think in the back of hermind.. Whats other D like...and one day see it on TV and YOU my friend are in trubba..lol

If your girl is a freak and you accidentally find out shes done stuff in the past she hasn't with you... PERFECT.. now you can find out all the other stuffshe SHOUDL be doin with you AND MORE.....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Kingtre

no, at this point the argument is the value of sex

is it more, or is it just a nut?

i argue that it's more...

and it's funny how i'm like....1 of 3 that agree....vs....like 20....
hmm- so my stance would be yes its more IF its a girl that you respect and are planning to be with -

but does that mean that certain adventurous type freak activities shouldn't commence because she is your GF...maybe this whole argument missed me-
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Kingtre

no, at this point the argument is the value of sex

is it more, or is it just a nut?

i argue that it's more...

and it's funny how i'm like....1 of 3 that agree....vs....like 20....
hmm- so my stance would be yes its more IF its a girl that you respect and are planning to be with -

but does that mean that certain adventurous type freak activities shouldn't commence because she is your GF...maybe this whole argument missed me-

Lemme break it down

eN has this warped thought that if I wanna bone my GIRL and cant wait till i get home and set up a candle lit event in my bedroom then I have no respect forher...And even worse is that if shes down for it then he feels she has no respect for herself.
To be honest I would rather not know any of her past... It reaks my pores when I think of it so I try to kno as least as possible. I cross my fingers and hopeshe wasn't a jump off but chances are she is.. reason being

1) she prolly did watever/ however for some dude (being somebody toy basically; dumb)
2) prolly cried over/ let somebody play her (meaning she a sucker for love will do anything to please him/ get him back)
3) 1 night stands
(never good to know)
4) Has been a side line chick and knew it

5) She prolly lie abt somethings that she not proud of doing (being a bird/ easy kill)

Thus gives me my reason not to wanna kno
Yea this thread looks like it took a serious turn and im not going to catch up on it. The original question ill go ahead and answer though.

Being the guy i am, and the places i have had sex with girls at really nothing could surprise me, none the less, if i found out she had outdone me then i wouldmore then likely try to come up with a plan to outdo whatever it was she told me. Im competitive in nature and freaky sexcapades are no different.

I might tease her a bit too, like "damn weren't we the little +!#+ back in the day"
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

The funny thing is, when youre with your girl and you do crazy stuff with her, it's not a big deal. Cause it's you. But as soon as she tells you she did the same things in the past with someone else, then it's a problem, she's a ho
Some guys think like that, that's why you dont need to know.
what did I miss? I had a date with a speculum

yes - some girls do not be convinced to have sex in broad daylight. outdoors. on a park bench in the middle of nowhere. many, many moons ago.

My fiance can make the most common gesture special to me. Doesm't matter if someone else has done it before. The important thing is he's doing it forme and I love him to death for all that he does.

I need to save something for my husband? I did. I'm willing to share MY life with this man both spiritually and legally. I do not take marriage lightly, itis an extreme committment.

I am also willing to give up Depo for him. I am going to menstruate again
Now THAT is special damnit. I love not getting the rag.
Ok just because you think that is disrespecting her, doesnt mean it is actually disrespecting her. I mean, I don't feel disrespected. I liked it. I was awilling particpant in the whole matter, dude wasnt some guy I had just met.

Aside from the legalities, I'm not seeing a problem. Thats cool if you think its direspectful though, I can just think of worse

And thats on them for freaking a girl right away. And whoopie, she sucked balls, atleast think of a nastaaaaay example.
I know for a fact he treated other girls equally well and did many of the same actions and gestures. He is a nice guy. Thats not saying he doesn't dospecial things just for me, but I know how he's acted in the past. I'm not deluded enough to think that I am the one and only when it comes to !#%@.

I wish he was into bondage. No snuff, I asked.

Thats all on them though for calling it a relationship so quickly. Not everyone acts that way.

And edit, how is sex going to be "special" if its a power/dominance thing? Thats the reason behind rape
Or does it magically become special when its 'the one' or a seriouggf? or can you switch the reasons or meaning behind the sex? from person to person? I suppose one could argue thats the difference between sex w a jump offand sex w wifey but, I don't know.

I just mean, we all know some guys use girls for sex. is it selfish? yeah. and most will agree using people is wrong, girls use guys too. but the sex part ofit i still see as value neutral. and sex with a loved one is a good thing
But dominating/over powering someone in a negative way is kind of.. wrong in my book. And lets be honest, only guys can do that. women cant dominatein such a way. so i see that kind of sex as negative.
or something,it makes sense in my head haha

i'm not trying to say you're a rapist or anything cuz you like to dominate women.
wow - this thread blew up over night, holy %+%....

eNPHAN - You're da man...I agree whole heartedly with about 90% of your logic...

Seems as if dudes are really content with not knowing nothing about the chicks they wife up, all they care about is a pretty face....Thats about it...

Dudes lack morals and standards now a days, running around with these scallywags...

Females think they can get smashed by 20 million dudes and now because of dudes like (really about 70 percent of NTs male populace) these, they are less likelyto preserve themselves.....

Females now think like men, they approach relationships like males both sexually and mentally....

I'm not saying that men being promisuous is all good, but its not as bad as a female being promiscuous....

I'm not even going to explain that though, yall dudes whom will probably even try to argue with me know damn well theres a difference, so don't even gothere....

if yall cats wifed a former porn star, yall wouldn't want to know? like if you met a chick that did low key porn and u never knew and you caught feelingsfor her, you wouldn't want to know?

or lets tone it down and say you married a former college jump off cross country. what u gone do if say yall go back to her school townand...iono...there's an alumni party or (insert whatever random occurence) and there's dudes there that have literally ran frat house style locomotiveson your wife. and you overhear some dudes on some "bro i wonder if she still get down. i remember she would swallow EVERY SINGLE one of ourseeds"...but you just gone be like "leave my baby alone, shes a good woman"?

I want to know...sure you'll never be 100% if a person is lying bout they past...even a lie detector aint 100% but thats another issue dealing with trust.

thats why this issue comes up before you catch feelings. pasts are not irrelevant
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

That's why you do not ask about details of her past, all you ask is if she's clean.

..has ruined chicks for me
, oh well
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