What would you think if your GF had sex in random places with her ex?

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

that's cool dirt, after 6 years, you can discriminate and be prejudice all you want, pal.


at tOSU, I wholeheartedly agree, bruh....


LOL at "discriminate and be prejudice" because you can't type. Oh but you've been doing it for 6 years, you can't possibly changenow...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

another dude said something recently in here to the effect of "I would want to one up her" and don't take it personally dude, but I took that as him trynna one up the dude rather than the chick...

I know it's not personal or anything but you've mentioned that twice so I have to address it. I didn't mean it as that's what I'm going todo (it's internet so of course you can't know what I mean) it was a silly response for a silly topic. If I was in the situation as the op, sure I wouldthink on it for a second, but for it to bother me to the point where I have to re-think how I feel about her means I shouldn't have been with her in thefirst place. If my girl had a gangbang at 18, and I meet her at 21 and want to marry her by 25, why would her having a gangbang at 18 effect the way I love hernow? Or if she thought she was in love at 18 and did everything to please the guy she thought she would marry, should I think I'm not special to heranymore because of that?

There's nothing wrong with knowing about her past but at the same time it's not something to grill her about. I'm not gonna go to my girl and saybefore I marry you I need to know your entire history before I met you, those are just things you learn as you go along in a relationship. I learn new thingsabout my girl all the time, sure some surprise me but it doesn't make me question my relationship or love her less. Your girl should have no problemtelling you everything shes done, but it's not something you should need to know in order to stay with her.

And if two people who are just very sexual are together and doing things in public/weird places is what turns them on, who am I to tell them theredisrespecting each other and don't love each other properly? If it's what their into then they can do them. Now what your comparing that to is a girlwho'll sleep with anyone who looks at her, obviously she has no respect for herself and the dudes smashing don't respect her either.
i dread the day i'll actually care enough when i'm finding a wife or someone to settle down with....

honestly....i dont care till then. i'm out for mines. i can like a chick but if she's a ho, she's a ho.and %%%# have shelf life.

"Better safe than sorry, 'fore the lovebirds get moved to the suburbs/Gotta double check your story to make sure you one of a kind...." i see thelogic of both sides...and i'm working on not thinking the negative...but chicks gotta get theirs....and @ the same time, you dont wanna be thecuckold....but these chicks be f'n more than we do lol
Where the hell are you meeting such high caliber women?
20 plus men, gang bangs. Damn. Actions speak louder than words, I'm sure in the process ofgetting to know a chick (who does/have done this kind of stuff) you can kind of tell what kind of girl she is/what her background may be. Just like it'spretty easy to spot a manwhore

Stop messing around with #$#%#$ and you won't have to worry so much about their background.
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