What's good with Nike Elite Basketbal Crew socks? (SOCKS FTW!)

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

This is all coming from the dude with some busted picture of playoff VIII's as his avy? Son, go sit back down. Your thoughts are IRRELEVANT. Who calls people hypebeasts anymore? I guess the same people who get butthurt about people buying socks

"japinese cottons"? LMAO, go back to grade school


Originally Posted by pootaing

So you argue that we overpay and hypebeast over socks but true religion is your argument?

Sure i purchase luxury denim, but true religion is the most overpriced garbage in the denim field. True religion jeans are the definition of hypebeast..

The irony.

I'm glad someone called him out on that.  No wonder he thinks Hanes socks are equivalent to Nike socks.  And for the record, I've had Hanes socks that didn't even last a couple months before getting holes, but I'm wearing Nike socks that haven't lost elasticity after being washed 100+ times...

Originally Posted by DonTito

who the fk is trolling? im stating facts. Dont get upset when i point out flaws in  a product. You think u a swag monsta cuz you got nike elite socks? rofl. dude you only wear shorts with fresh socks. You get laughed at otherwise lol. Let me guess you wash a white t and wear more then 3 times? lol i only wear a white t once then its my under shirt.

Don't tell me you wear white tees outside of your house or the gym
.  You come on here criticizing us for buying overpriced socks, but you're walking around in True Religions and Foot Locker white tees?...

Heads Up! NTLV has Pink/Wht Breast Cancer Elites, to do a phone order call (702)650-8888  
lmao dude just clearly trolling to get his post count up -___-
thats why we have the ignore button, let him beieve that because we wear basketball specific socks to PLAY basketball that we're beasts, glad people can't have a preference on what they wear and buy -___-

i really like the football ones, simple and fit real well
Originally Posted by Bryscooplaygrifhold

Originally Posted by DonTito

those that can afford them player. lol. its a forum to discuss products. Let me guess because i state facts about a particular product that you perceive  as a swag booster hurts your feelings? Let me guess your going to put me on a e-gas chamber or kill me off  like stalin did to the ukraine? oo.  truth is these socks are what you can get from an average store in the mall and even more pairs. I guess hypebeast are going to be  hypebeast.
I am cool with you "discussing" the product.  Obviously they didn't work for you- you don't like them- you feel they are a ripoff- whatever the case is, we're clear on where you stand and you are perfectly entitled to that opinion.  You don't seem content on discussing- but rather making other people feel badly for liking them or buying them- what do you care- they aren't for you - move on.

Are my feelings hurt? No- why would they be?  That would imply that I care what you think or vice versa.  I wouldn't begin to think you care what I think.

As for whatever that mess is about e-gas and Stalin- no clue- are you trying to be cute or funny?  I can't tell.

We're all hypebeasts- all of us- except you- are you happy ?  You got a minimal rise- go bask in the sunset and be on your merry way with your Hanes and other socks from every other store.

If you did not care why even respond to my post? So if a person has a differential view then the majority he isnt allowed to post here? lol  E thugs are bountiful these days. Big boy game know your place.
Would you rather i use citizens of humanity instead? fact is if you purchased a real pair of true religions or any other higher end denim, it is a known fact the blues get nicer after wash. And no nig@ Ed hardy is not high end denim

Whats wrong with my av? Niga you mad cuz you can only buy jordans on tax day? OoOo hahahah

notice i said real jeans not from the dude in a hoodie at your local gasoline statio. Get at me Dog.
Got two pairs of the football nike elites from NT Chicago. Love em even better than the basketball ones, but be warned cause they really are football socks when it comes to length
Originally Posted by DonTito

Originally Posted by Bryscooplaygrifhold

Originally Posted by DonTito

those that can afford them player. lol. its a forum to discuss products. Let me guess because i state facts about a particular product that you perceive  as a swag booster hurts your feelings? Let me guess your going to put me on a e-gas chamber or kill me off  like stalin did to the ukraine? oo.  truth is these socks are what you can get from an average store in the mall and even more pairs. I guess hypebeast are going to be  hypebeast.
I am cool with you "discussing" the product.  Obviously they didn't work for you- you don't like them- you feel they are a ripoff- whatever the case is, we're clear on where you stand and you are perfectly entitled to that opinion.  You don't seem content on discussing- but rather making other people feel badly for liking them or buying them- what do you care- they aren't for you - move on.

Are my feelings hurt? No- why would they be?  That would imply that I care what you think or vice versa.  I wouldn't begin to think you care what I think.

As for whatever that mess is about e-gas and Stalin- no clue- are you trying to be cute or funny?  I can't tell.

We're all hypebeasts- all of us- except you- are you happy ?  You got a minimal rise- go bask in the sunset and be on your merry way with your Hanes and other socks from every other store.

If you did not care why even respond to my post? So if a person has a differential view then the majority he isnt allowed to post here? lol  E thugs are bountiful these days. Big boy game know your place.
1.  Where did I say that?  You want to "discuss".  Then you proceed to attempt to bash or make those who like the socks feel ignorant or stupid whilst providing little to no actual concrete evidence to support your claims.  That would be the problem with your thinking.  You THINK you are discussing when all you are really doing is trying to cause a stir and make anyone reading your viewpoint feel inferior because their opinion differs from yours.  Irony of the whole thing is you seem to have a serious inferiority complex.  It's not that you aren't "allowed to" or discouraged from posting, but when your tone is so condescending and arrogant, it rubs people the wrong way.  You don't get it, you probably haven't in the past, and you probably never will. That is fine.  As I said, just let it be and move on- you made your point, or lack thereof and you got the attention you apparently so desperately are in need of.

2. As for this "big boy game", as you call it, its the internet and a forum- not a game- take it for what it is and don't try and get all philosophical.  A MAJORITY of the people on here respect one another and comment remarkably well without issue in spite of their differences in opinions and or viewpoints.  If you choose not to do that or follow fairly simple etiquette that is your choice.

3. As far as knowing one's place,  I think its pretty clear to anyone reading the last few pages that you may be overestimating yours.  Seriously.  I'm done.  If you have anything of value to say moving forward great.  If not, I am sure there are plenty of venues where you can get all the attention you crave.  As for the socks, which is what this thread is about- I get that you are NOT on BOARD, and do not feel these are worth the price.  I get that you feel others, including myself, are wrongfully under the impression that these are a good thing and or superior to any other like product from another manufacturer.  I am not upset nor am I offended by that.  Have your opinion all day long.  Just cut the act and keep on the topic.  Maybe take a happy pill or two as well
Lol this guy as soft as Mr. Rogers lol ROFLROFL

1. I discussed the quality of the product. Hypebeast and lemmings made absurd and subliminal remarks. Therefore, i took vindicated measures to ensure the quality of the product is rightfuly and truthfuly stated.

2. grow a spine words can not hurt you. Stop tryng to act like big brother on a forum you look like a pole jocker and saying retarted remarks. Maybe take a happy pill or two? Really? If you read my post on other discussions you will see i contribute to discussions is a positive, relevant, and topical manner.

3. Get at me dog.
Originally Posted by DonTito

Would you rather i use citizens of humanity instead? fact is if you purchased a real pair of true religions or any other higher end denim, it is a known fact the blues get nicer after wash. And no nig@ Ed hardy is not high end denim

Whats wrong with my av? Niga you mad cuz you can only buy jordans on tax day? OoOo hahahah

notice i said real jeans not from the dude in a hoodie at your local gasoline statio. Get at me Dog.

Originally Posted by DonTito

Lol this guy as soft as Mr. Rogers lol ROFLROFL

1. I discussed the quality of the product. Hypebeast and lemmings made absurd and subliminal remarks. Therefore, i took vindicated measures to ensure the quality of the product is rightfuly and truthfuly stated.

2. grow a spine words can not hurt you. Stop tryng to act like big brother on a forum you look like a pole jocker and saying retarted remarks. Maybe take a happy pill or two? Really? If you read my post on other discussions you will see i contribute to discussions is a positive, relevant, and topical manner.

3. Get at me dog.


No need to get at you "dog".  You do perfectly fine getting at yourself.  I don't think even you can explain exactly what you mean here, but I am sure you'll try. 
Blame the public educational system and not me for you'r failure of basic English comprehension. (jadakiss laugh). Much less time should be spent on Niketalk and more time studing the English language. If i can be of any assistance, by all means, let me know. I believe you will enjoy Don Quixote. Miguel Cervantes paints a vivid portrayal of an outdated chilvary code. Maybe after reading Don Quixote you will understands the fundamentals of satyre.
Originally Posted by DonTito

Blame the public educational system and not me for you'r failure of basic English comprehension. (jadakiss laugh). Much less time should be spent on Niketalk and more time studing the English language. If i can be of any assistance, by all means, let me know. I believe you will enjoy Don Quixote. Miguel Cervantes paints a vivid portrayal of an outdated chilvary code. Maybe after reading Don Quixote you will understands the fundamentals of satyre.

LOL says the guy that says "japinese cottons"
I studied and mastered the Art of War to the best of my abilities. i even wen't so far as memorize the Price. Simple bait and switch tactic and the sheep fail for it.
Originally Posted by DonTito

I studied and mastered the Art of War to the best of my abilities. i even wen't so far as memorize the Price. Simple bait and switch tactic and the sheep fail for it.

Think you mean...fall
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