What's the grimiest thing you've ever done?

there was this christmas converse sale and it was crazy, people lining up, shoes scattered everywhere. so as expected, the line's so long and all i got is a pair that the length of the line's discouraging me to buy it. people on the line, they all buzzing about their stuff so me and my friend walked up to the start of the line and there's this guard in control of the people who could get to the cashiers' area (3-5 heads per cashier at a time i guess). to cut the story short, we were looking for someone in front of the line who's willing to pay it for me together with his/her goods. the guard asked us where are we going then my friend told the guard "we have someone waiting at the cahiers' area and we'll just add this pair" and there we go, we saved time and we left unnoticed for not fallin in line.
there was this christmas converse sale and it was crazy, people lining up, shoes scattered everywhere. so as expected, the line's so long and all i got is a pair that the length of the line's discouraging me to buy it. people on the line, they all buzzing about their stuff so me and my friend walked up to the start of the line and there's this guard in control of the people who could get to the cashiers' area (3-5 heads per cashier at a time i guess). to cut the story short, we were looking for someone in front of the line who's willing to pay it for me together with his/her goods. the guard asked us where are we going then my friend told the guard "we have someone waiting at the cahiers' area and we'll just add this pair" and there we go, we saved time and we left unnoticed for not fallin in line.
this one time....in bandcamp..lol nah,for real though,we we're like 13,15 years old and i had an argument with this girl over some stupid $$$$,cant remember,but i remember her like using the song No Scrubs from TLC,and she'd be so gullable to believe all that,and then No Pigeon came out. Anyways,im on the phone with this girl @ the time,she was amping me up,telling me she a bird,give her some bird seeds so she can shut the #$!+ up. i go hmmm...@ the time she was arguing with me in front of our friends outside the window mind you. so i run to the kitchen an grab a hand full of rice,straight out the bag,dry,hard rice. run to the window and continue to hear her talk junk. so then i say "shut up,you *** pigeon!"and throw the rice down to her. All meanwhile im still on the phone with this other girl,shes crackin up,histerical on the phone. Some of my friends were down there,an they saw the rice pour down on her,and were dying with laughter. It was funny as hell,but more embaressing for her. I win
 or so i thought....i go downstairs with the phone,(cordless) to prove to my friend on the phone that shes a complete kook,an that she really was a pigeon. Im laughing as well, as soon as i open the door,shes standing there with her arms crossed,half a second later she smacks the $$$$ outta me   !lmao!  i go "Ohhh" SMACK  right back to her,an it became a slapfest after that. She was pissed an embaressed,i did my job,but got slapped while i was on the phone with the otha girl...funny thing is she heard the slap,an was like what was that? lol lol
this one time....in bandcamp..lol nah,for real though,we we're like 13,15 years old and i had an argument with this girl over some stupid $$$$,cant remember,but i remember her like using the song No Scrubs from TLC,and she'd be so gullable to believe all that,and then No Pigeon came out. Anyways,im on the phone with this girl @ the time,she was amping me up,telling me she a bird,give her some bird seeds so she can shut the #$!+ up. i go hmmm...@ the time she was arguing with me in front of our friends outside the window mind you. so i run to the kitchen an grab a hand full of rice,straight out the bag,dry,hard rice. run to the window and continue to hear her talk junk. so then i say "shut up,you *** pigeon!"and throw the rice down to her. All meanwhile im still on the phone with this other girl,shes crackin up,histerical on the phone. Some of my friends were down there,an they saw the rice pour down on her,and were dying with laughter. It was funny as hell,but more embaressing for her. I win
 or so i thought....i go downstairs with the phone,(cordless) to prove to my friend on the phone that shes a complete kook,an that she really was a pigeon. Im laughing as well, as soon as i open the door,shes standing there with her arms crossed,half a second later she smacks the $$$$ outta me   !lmao!  i go "Ohhh" SMACK  right back to her,an it became a slapfest after that. She was pissed an embaressed,i did my job,but got slapped while i was on the phone with the otha girl...funny thing is she heard the slap,an was like what was that? lol lol
Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

heres another one
back in like 04-05, during my sophomore year, me and my homies used to sell bud. well there was this one cat who we used to get high but he would never inhale, so one time we forced him to take a huge man hit of some pipe tobacco and some of my cousins hair then made him 'zero' the hit. he did and proceeded to cough his lungs up. he told us it was the best !@#$ hed ever smoked and he was higher than ever (HAHAHA) this led to even worse things. we used to sell him stress for dodi prices. but even worse was we sold him some 'black widow' which was basically stress with the homies butt hairs in it (crackin up while im typin this oh man !@#$ is funny) and he would always come back for more. he was loyal too bad we wasnt. also me and my cousin began tellin !@#$%^& he was gay. ruined him for high school. HAHAHA oh well
*kanye shrug*
After reading all of your stories, I'm convined the devil has set out a VIP section in hell just for you.
Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

heres another one
back in like 04-05, during my sophomore year, me and my homies used to sell bud. well there was this one cat who we used to get high but he would never inhale, so one time we forced him to take a huge man hit of some pipe tobacco and some of my cousins hair then made him 'zero' the hit. he did and proceeded to cough his lungs up. he told us it was the best !@#$ hed ever smoked and he was higher than ever (HAHAHA) this led to even worse things. we used to sell him stress for dodi prices. but even worse was we sold him some 'black widow' which was basically stress with the homies butt hairs in it (crackin up while im typin this oh man !@#$ is funny) and he would always come back for more. he was loyal too bad we wasnt. also me and my cousin began tellin !@#$%^& he was gay. ruined him for high school. HAHAHA oh well
*kanye shrug*
After reading all of your stories, I'm convined the devil has set out a VIP section in hell just for you.
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

heres another one
back in like 04-05, during my sophomore year, me and my homies used to sell bud. well there was this one cat who we used to get high but he would never inhale, so one time we forced him to take a huge man hit of some pipe tobacco and some of my cousins hair then made him 'zero' the hit. he did and proceeded to cough his lungs up. he told us it was the best !@#$ hed ever smoked and he was higher than ever (HAHAHA) this led to even worse things. we used to sell him stress for dodi prices. but even worse was we sold him some 'black widow' which was basically stress with the homies butt hairs in it (crackin up while im typin this oh man !@#$ is funny) and he would always come back for more. he was loyal too bad we wasnt. also me and my cousin began tellin !@#$%^& he was gay. ruined him for high school. HAHAHA oh well
*kanye shrug*
After reading all of your stories, I'm convined the devil has set out a VIP section in hell just for you.
another reason i never cop weed of a lot of people LACING SMH
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

heres another one
back in like 04-05, during my sophomore year, me and my homies used to sell bud. well there was this one cat who we used to get high but he would never inhale, so one time we forced him to take a huge man hit of some pipe tobacco and some of my cousins hair then made him 'zero' the hit. he did and proceeded to cough his lungs up. he told us it was the best !@#$ hed ever smoked and he was higher than ever (HAHAHA) this led to even worse things. we used to sell him stress for dodi prices. but even worse was we sold him some 'black widow' which was basically stress with the homies butt hairs in it (crackin up while im typin this oh man !@#$ is funny) and he would always come back for more. he was loyal too bad we wasnt. also me and my cousin began tellin !@#$%^& he was gay. ruined him for high school. HAHAHA oh well
*kanye shrug*
After reading all of your stories, I'm convined the devil has set out a VIP section in hell just for you.
another reason i never cop weed of a lot of people LACING SMH
Originally Posted by Florshine

this one time....in bandcamp..lol nah,for real though,we we're like 13,15 years old and i had an argument with this girl over some stupid $$$$,cant remember,but i remember her like using the song No Scrubs from TLC,and she'd be so gullable to believe all that,and then No Pigeon came out. Anyways,im on the phone with this girl @ the time,she was amping me up,telling me she a bird,give her some bird seeds so she can shut the #$!+ up. i go hmmm...@ the time she was arguing with me in front of our friends outside the window mind you. so i run to the kitchen an grab a hand full of rice,straight out the bag,dry,hard rice. run to the window and continue to hear her talk junk. so then i say "shut up,you *** pigeon!"and throw the rice down to her. All meanwhile im still on the phone with this other girl,shes crackin up,histerical on the phone. Some of my friends were down there,an they saw the rice pour down on her,and were dying with laughter. It was funny as hell,but more embaressing for her. I win
 or so i thought....i go downstairs with the phone,(cordless) to prove to my friend on the phone that shes a complete kook,an that she really was a pigeon. Im laughing as well, as soon as i open the door,shes standing there with her arms crossed,half a second later she smacks the $$$$ outta me   !lmao!  i go "Ohhh" SMACK  right back to her,an it became a slapfest after that. She was pissed an embaressed,i did my job,but got slapped while i was on the phone with the otha girl...funny thing is she heard the slap,an was like what was that? lol lol

funny because I heard someone get slapped over the phone before too.

I haven't done much, worse I can think of is getting with this girl when her and her long time bf was on a break.

jakes on me though because they got back together and I actually liked her....a lot
Originally Posted by Florshine

this one time....in bandcamp..lol nah,for real though,we we're like 13,15 years old and i had an argument with this girl over some stupid $$$$,cant remember,but i remember her like using the song No Scrubs from TLC,and she'd be so gullable to believe all that,and then No Pigeon came out. Anyways,im on the phone with this girl @ the time,she was amping me up,telling me she a bird,give her some bird seeds so she can shut the #$!+ up. i go hmmm...@ the time she was arguing with me in front of our friends outside the window mind you. so i run to the kitchen an grab a hand full of rice,straight out the bag,dry,hard rice. run to the window and continue to hear her talk junk. so then i say "shut up,you *** pigeon!"and throw the rice down to her. All meanwhile im still on the phone with this other girl,shes crackin up,histerical on the phone. Some of my friends were down there,an they saw the rice pour down on her,and were dying with laughter. It was funny as hell,but more embaressing for her. I win
 or so i thought....i go downstairs with the phone,(cordless) to prove to my friend on the phone that shes a complete kook,an that she really was a pigeon. Im laughing as well, as soon as i open the door,shes standing there with her arms crossed,half a second later she smacks the $$$$ outta me   !lmao!  i go "Ohhh" SMACK  right back to her,an it became a slapfest after that. She was pissed an embaressed,i did my job,but got slapped while i was on the phone with the otha girl...funny thing is she heard the slap,an was like what was that? lol lol

funny because I heard someone get slapped over the phone before too.

I haven't done much, worse I can think of is getting with this girl when her and her long time bf was on a break.

jakes on me though because they got back together and I actually liked her....a lot
Originally Posted by The Gold Standard

My first job was McDonalds...they wasnt paying a man enough obviously. I was working drive-thru like majority of the time. When I realized the cameras wasnt working, I thought of a master plan to earn more money than im already earning. To do this, I had to involve whoever was working the 2nd window, since i was working first window and the people making the food. What I did was ring the customers orders so they can see their order on the screen. When they pulled up to the window, I changed their order to like 10 cent cheese or some bbq sauce. This is where your cell phone calculator came into play, u had to remember their total and they amount of money they give u to give them back their change. So what I did was have my own "seperate cash" on top of the register and gave them their change so they can see their money actually going into the register but in reality, the only thing going into the register was the 10 cent cheese or 27 cent bbq sauce. Once that was done, ran to the the grill and told whoever was working there to make whatever burger the customer ordered. What stopped the operation was when customers asks for their receipt...then im like !%* lol. I would have to remember their whole order and remember the cash they give me. That was the hardest part but that only happened like 10% of the time. So by doing this, I earned like a good $200-300 a day. But of course I had to give a small amount to the worker in the second window and the grill workers. Of course word spreads to other workers and they wanted in lol. Had this one dude begging me to get into this operation lol. Even taught this young prodigy how to do it, made $30 his first try lol. I ran this operation for about a good 6 months until management found out there was more food going outside and less cash coming inside. They questioned me, of course I denied it. The very next day, I came to work, ready to make some money. The manager gets a phone call from the higher management or whatever and asked if I was there and basically said u no longer work there lol. I lost that business alot of money lol. oh well.
I did something similar to this when i worked @ geek squad

Before i did any work, i would ring them up for something small, hand them my card and tell them i'd fix the issue on my personal time for half off. They thought it was a deal even tho they were still being ripped off
Originally Posted by The Gold Standard

My first job was McDonalds...they wasnt paying a man enough obviously. I was working drive-thru like majority of the time. When I realized the cameras wasnt working, I thought of a master plan to earn more money than im already earning. To do this, I had to involve whoever was working the 2nd window, since i was working first window and the people making the food. What I did was ring the customers orders so they can see their order on the screen. When they pulled up to the window, I changed their order to like 10 cent cheese or some bbq sauce. This is where your cell phone calculator came into play, u had to remember their total and they amount of money they give u to give them back their change. So what I did was have my own "seperate cash" on top of the register and gave them their change so they can see their money actually going into the register but in reality, the only thing going into the register was the 10 cent cheese or 27 cent bbq sauce. Once that was done, ran to the the grill and told whoever was working there to make whatever burger the customer ordered. What stopped the operation was when customers asks for their receipt...then im like !%* lol. I would have to remember their whole order and remember the cash they give me. That was the hardest part but that only happened like 10% of the time. So by doing this, I earned like a good $200-300 a day. But of course I had to give a small amount to the worker in the second window and the grill workers. Of course word spreads to other workers and they wanted in lol. Had this one dude begging me to get into this operation lol. Even taught this young prodigy how to do it, made $30 his first try lol. I ran this operation for about a good 6 months until management found out there was more food going outside and less cash coming inside. They questioned me, of course I denied it. The very next day, I came to work, ready to make some money. The manager gets a phone call from the higher management or whatever and asked if I was there and basically said u no longer work there lol. I lost that business alot of money lol. oh well.
I did something similar to this when i worked @ geek squad

Before i did any work, i would ring them up for something small, hand them my card and tell them i'd fix the issue on my personal time for half off. They thought it was a deal even tho they were still being ripped off
Originally Posted by dhart48

Had this chick on my jock hard.
After a rough breakup I call her up, she takes me to the movies, an expensive restaurant, and to santa cruz all on her dime, even had her pick me up a quarter ounce. On the way back from santa cruz she stops for gas(lol she pumped) while im sitting in her car she left her purse out, open it up find about $500 in 20's in there take $300, im sure she noticed  but was like whatever because she wanted to be my chick BAD. I even kicked it wit her after that and she never brought it up. She was one of those hardcore naive broads, easy to take advantage of, this all happened 5 years ago, saw her with my current girl at the movies about 3 months ago she was with her fiance, we didnt speak but she just gave me
(like why did you use me like that, when i was there for you)
 I've never felt so guilty or so low in my life
Damn that's pretty cold
Originally Posted by dhart48

Had this chick on my jock hard.
After a rough breakup I call her up, she takes me to the movies, an expensive restaurant, and to santa cruz all on her dime, even had her pick me up a quarter ounce. On the way back from santa cruz she stops for gas(lol she pumped) while im sitting in her car she left her purse out, open it up find about $500 in 20's in there take $300, im sure she noticed  but was like whatever because she wanted to be my chick BAD. I even kicked it wit her after that and she never brought it up. She was one of those hardcore naive broads, easy to take advantage of, this all happened 5 years ago, saw her with my current girl at the movies about 3 months ago she was with her fiance, we didnt speak but she just gave me
(like why did you use me like that, when i was there for you)
 I've never felt so guilty or so low in my life
Damn that's pretty cold
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

My junior year of high school, there was this gay Mexican dude who thought it was funny to get really close to dudes and grab their posteriors. It pissed everybody off but nothing could be done to him because every girl liked him and the school admins protected him like he was a foreign dignitary. This continued for about a month. One day in gym class we were changing in the locker room and he dry humps my buddy from behind while he was taking a whizz in a urinal. After a whole lot of yelling the gym teacher refused to believe what happened and warned us about doing anything. Well we decided enough was enough. So after school we drive to his house and wait for him to get home. He and another ayo friend of his get off the school bus and we proceed to beat the &%$@ out of both of them. I mean it was 6 on 2 and we were ruthless. His mom came out of the house and started screaming but we continued to beat them down. After a while we ran off. The next day at school the police come and arrest 3 of my buddies because they were the only ones the kid recognized. I got off clean but I still cringe when I think about how bad we messed him up. His face was almost unrecognizable

Damn. Lucky you ain't catch that good ol hate crime brody
whatever happened to good ol wedgies?

You didn't have to beat him up that bad
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

My junior year of high school, there was this gay Mexican dude who thought it was funny to get really close to dudes and grab their posteriors. It pissed everybody off but nothing could be done to him because every girl liked him and the school admins protected him like he was a foreign dignitary. This continued for about a month. One day in gym class we were changing in the locker room and he dry humps my buddy from behind while he was taking a whizz in a urinal. After a whole lot of yelling the gym teacher refused to believe what happened and warned us about doing anything. Well we decided enough was enough. So after school we drive to his house and wait for him to get home. He and another ayo friend of his get off the school bus and we proceed to beat the &%$@ out of both of them. I mean it was 6 on 2 and we were ruthless. His mom came out of the house and started screaming but we continued to beat them down. After a while we ran off. The next day at school the police come and arrest 3 of my buddies because they were the only ones the kid recognized. I got off clean but I still cringe when I think about how bad we messed him up. His face was almost unrecognizable

Damn. Lucky you ain't catch that good ol hate crime brody
whatever happened to good ol wedgies?

You didn't have to beat him up that bad
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by The Gold Standard

My first job was McDonalds...they wasnt paying a man enough obviously. I was working drive-thru like majority of the time. When I realized the cameras wasnt working, I thought of a master plan to earn more money than im already earning. To do this, I had to involve whoever was working the 2nd window, since i was working first window and the people making the food. What I did was ring the customers orders so they can see their order on the screen. When they pulled up to the window, I changed their order to like 10 cent cheese or some bbq sauce. This is where your cell phone calculator came into play, u had to remember their total and they amount of money they give u to give them back their change. So what I did was have my own "seperate cash" on top of the register and gave them their change so they can see their money actually going into the register but in reality, the only thing going into the register was the 10 cent cheese or 27 cent bbq sauce. Once that was done, ran to the the grill and told whoever was working there to make whatever burger the customer ordered. What stopped the operation was when customers asks for their receipt...then im like !%* lol. I would have to remember their whole order and remember the cash they give me. That was the hardest part but that only happened like 10% of the time. So by doing this, I earned like a good $200-300 a day. But of course I had to give a small amount to the worker in the second window and the grill workers. Of course word spreads to other workers and they wanted in lol. Had this one dude begging me to get into this operation lol. Even taught this young prodigy how to do it, made $30 his first try lol. I ran this operation for about a good 6 months until management found out there was more food going outside and less cash coming inside. They questioned me, of course I denied it. The very next day, I came to work, ready to make some money. The manager gets a phone call from the higher management or whatever and asked if I was there and basically said u no longer work there lol. I lost that business alot of money lol. oh well.
I did something similar to this when i worked @ geek squad

Before i did any work, i would ring them up for something small, hand them my card and tell them i'd fix the issue on my personal time for half off. They thought it was a deal even tho they were still being ripped off
ahhhhhhhh, so YOU can help me with my pc problem. 
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by The Gold Standard

My first job was McDonalds...they wasnt paying a man enough obviously. I was working drive-thru like majority of the time. When I realized the cameras wasnt working, I thought of a master plan to earn more money than im already earning. To do this, I had to involve whoever was working the 2nd window, since i was working first window and the people making the food. What I did was ring the customers orders so they can see their order on the screen. When they pulled up to the window, I changed their order to like 10 cent cheese or some bbq sauce. This is where your cell phone calculator came into play, u had to remember their total and they amount of money they give u to give them back their change. So what I did was have my own "seperate cash" on top of the register and gave them their change so they can see their money actually going into the register but in reality, the only thing going into the register was the 10 cent cheese or 27 cent bbq sauce. Once that was done, ran to the the grill and told whoever was working there to make whatever burger the customer ordered. What stopped the operation was when customers asks for their receipt...then im like !%* lol. I would have to remember their whole order and remember the cash they give me. That was the hardest part but that only happened like 10% of the time. So by doing this, I earned like a good $200-300 a day. But of course I had to give a small amount to the worker in the second window and the grill workers. Of course word spreads to other workers and they wanted in lol. Had this one dude begging me to get into this operation lol. Even taught this young prodigy how to do it, made $30 his first try lol. I ran this operation for about a good 6 months until management found out there was more food going outside and less cash coming inside. They questioned me, of course I denied it. The very next day, I came to work, ready to make some money. The manager gets a phone call from the higher management or whatever and asked if I was there and basically said u no longer work there lol. I lost that business alot of money lol. oh well.
I did something similar to this when i worked @ geek squad

Before i did any work, i would ring them up for something small, hand them my card and tell them i'd fix the issue on my personal time for half off. They thought it was a deal even tho they were still being ripped off
ahhhhhhhh, so YOU can help me with my pc problem. 
Was at this party and my boy was hooking up with this sloppy drunk chick. I was in the garage (majority of people in the basement, couple of people needed to drive home so they didn't wanna get super drunk) playing beer pong, we got bored so we decided to mess with someone. My friend peed in a beer can, and we were thinking of who to give it to. We decided to give it to the girl that my boy was hooking up with. She was so drunk she drank it, and said it tasted good. Then proceeded to hook up with my boy again.
We eventually told them, and surprisingly they didn't care much.

Probably the grimiest thing I did.
Was at this party and my boy was hooking up with this sloppy drunk chick. I was in the garage (majority of people in the basement, couple of people needed to drive home so they didn't wanna get super drunk) playing beer pong, we got bored so we decided to mess with someone. My friend peed in a beer can, and we were thinking of who to give it to. We decided to give it to the girl that my boy was hooking up with. She was so drunk she drank it, and said it tasted good. Then proceeded to hook up with my boy again.
We eventually told them, and surprisingly they didn't care much.

Probably the grimiest thing I did.
senior year in high school me and my boy decided to prank our teammate on the basketball team, so one night we call him and use our serious grown man voices acting like 2 college coaches. one of us was the head coach and the other was the assistant. basically we used all the info we knew about him from playing with him (his height, stats, tendencies) and tell him we r really serious about giving him a scholarship. So the next day at practice he comes in happy as !$!% bragging about how he got this scholarship and called all his family members to tell them that he "made it out the hood"
we ended up telling him it was us and he didnt even get too mad, we all laughed about it cuz dude bought it 100%
senior year in high school me and my boy decided to prank our teammate on the basketball team, so one night we call him and use our serious grown man voices acting like 2 college coaches. one of us was the head coach and the other was the assistant. basically we used all the info we knew about him from playing with him (his height, stats, tendencies) and tell him we r really serious about giving him a scholarship. So the next day at practice he comes in happy as !$!% bragging about how he got this scholarship and called all his family members to tell them that he "made it out the hood"
we ended up telling him it was us and he didnt even get too mad, we all laughed about it cuz dude bought it 100%
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