What's the lowest thing you've done? Vol. You a bad mothaSHUT YO MOUTH

umm only thing that comes to mind is m ALMOST ALL THE TIME after deading my girls trying to @+@# there best friends.... (it works out for the most part) thecrazy storys i have... to long to tell...
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

I'm really high on revenge so...

My brother (not by blood) has secretly been going behind my back and trying to game like 4-5 of my jumpoffs. And he's not just trying to game them, he TRASHES me to them and tells them about all the other jumpoffs so he can get in. He flat out betrayed my trust because I keep him informed on everything I do. I've known him since we were six and this is the most un-loyal thing ever. I'm not necessarily trying to save the girls, it's just I don't want them messing with HIM cause dude does NOT strap up and gets burnt WAYYYY too much. Son had sex with 5 girls in 2 days and strapped up w/ only 2 of them like 3 weeks ago.

So...I have hardcore proof that one of his jumpoffs that he hasn't seen in a while has Herpes and Genital Warts. I have zero intention of telling him and he should be seeing her really soon. They've been talking on FaceBook.. Hopefully he'll catch it and give it to his girl which will create a huge mess hopefully resulting in him getting handled accordingly by her brothers/father...

that's beyond f'ed up...i actually hope you go through with that and he smashes one of your jumps before she smashes you and make that %%+# full circle

Yeah you need to slow down playa for reals.
Epidemik - I took that into consideration. That's honestly my only fear for real. However, something's gotta shake. I have been too goodto this bum. He will tell you I am his only REAL friend. He needs money, I got him covered. He gets caught up with his girl, I cover for him like no other. Heneeds rides, food, ANYTHING, I'm a phone call away. Then he TRASHES me to the females I deal with because he wants in? Absolutely ridiculous. Again, effthe females. It's his lack of loyalty. I don't trust him now. I get drunk around this dude. He'd probvably end up getting me robbede while I'mlit or something, ya know? So I don't give a crap. Hopefully his girls father and brother erase him for good...

"Keep your friends at a distance and your enemies close,
Cause the folks you call friends tend to envy the most,
Some cats will hang themselves if you give em' a rope,
Burn the bridge and don't give em' a boat, let em' sink,
Some times you gotta give them some time, let em' think,
But some times you gotta give em' the 9 and let em' stink,
You can't bring every horse to the pond and let em' drink,
I rather keep my eyes wide open instead of blink,
Cuz soon as your eyes shut, them n**** will ride up,
And the guys that you trust will be gettin you tied up" -Cassidy
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

my girl passed out early, and me and her friend had sex in the same room

I dunno, I thought that was pretty playa
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

I'm really high on revenge so...

My brother (not by blood) has secretly been going behind my back and trying to game like 4-5 of my jumpoffs. And he's not just trying to game them, he TRASHES me to them and tells them about all the other jumpoffs so he can get in. He flat out betrayed my trust because I keep him informed on everything I do. I've known him since we were six and this is the most un-loyal thing ever. I'm not necessarily trying to save the girls, it's just I don't want them messing with HIM cause dude does NOT strap up and gets burnt WAYYYY too much. Son had sex with 5 girls in 2 days and strapped up w/ only 2 of them like 3 weeks ago.

So...I have hardcore proof that one of his jumpoffs that he hasn't seen in a while has Herpes and Genital Warts. I have zero intention of telling him and he should be seeing her really soon. They've been talking on FaceBook.. Hopefully he'll catch it and give it to his girl which will create a huge mess hopefully resulting in him getting handled accordingly by her brothers/father...

that's beyond f'ed up...i actually hope you go through with that and he smashes one of your jumps before she smashes you and make that %%+# full circle

Yeah you need to slow down playa for reals.
Epidemik - I took that into consideration. That's honestly my only fear for real. However, something's gotta shake. I have been too good to this bum. He will tell you I am his only REAL friend. He needs money, I got him covered. He gets caught up with his girl, I cover for him like no other. He needs rides, food, ANYTHING, I'm a phone call away. Then he TRASHES me to the females I deal with because he wants in? Absolutely ridiculous. Again, eff the females. It's his lack of loyalty. I don't trust him now. I get drunk around this dude. He'd probvably end up getting me robbede while I'm lit or something, ya know? So I don't give a crap. Hopefully his girls father and brother erase him for good...

"Keep your friends at a distance and your enemies close,
Cause the folks you call friends tend to envy the most,
Some cats will hang themselves if you give em' a rope,
Burn the bridge and don't give em' a boat, let em' sink,
Some times you gotta give them some time, let em' think,
But some times you gotta give em' the 9 and let em' stink,
You can't bring every horse to the pond and let em' drink,
I rather keep my eyes wide open instead of blink,
Cuz soon as your eyes shut, them n**** will ride up,
And the guys that you trust will be gettin you tied up" -Cassidy
Originally Posted by Agent0024

I shouldn't be doing this....

I dated a girl for like a year, we had a miscarriage.

I crushed her sister, and got her pregnant.

Then I got my girl pregnant.

They both kept the kids.... born 4 months apart.

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by Agent0024

I shouldn't be doing this....

I dated a girl for like a year, we had a miscarriage.

I crushed her sister, and got her pregnant.

Then I got my girl pregnant.

They both kept the kids.... born 4 months apart.



I'm sorry but some of y'all are foul, grimey, and damn near low life scum...realtalk.

But LDJ...you take the cake man...the whole %*@$@*% cake. I only hope that your story about having an illegitimate son was ducktales, and merely concocted forthe sake of e-fame and lulz. Your blithe disregard for responsibility, at so many levels, as it relates to this specific matter, is quite honestly the saddestthing I've read in this entire thread. Maybe you fail to see this so let's count 'em down.

  • You cheated on your wife when she was out of town and in doing so, completely disregarded those responsibilities that come with being in a faithful partner in a committed relationship.
  • You impregnated another man's wife-- the female you cheated on your wife with-- and completely disregarded their marriage and whatever they had going on, just as you did yours.
  • You let another man suffer for your irresponsibility, literally and figuratively speaking, and felt compelled enough to justify your irresponsibility by casually placing the "real blame" on the man who has had to pay for your inactions--unbeknownst to him, of course.
  • You avoided the responsibilities that come with fatherhood, for one child in particular, because you were afraid of ruining what you had established with your main--you know, that woman you cheated on when she was out of town....
  • Even worse, is the fact that you're actively lying to a child and helping to create what essentially amounts to a fabricated environment in which this child will grow up in. And somehow, you're under the impression that a note that declares the truth--delivered only after you're dead, when you're free from ever owning up to any responsibility yet again, as pertaining to the matter at hand--will magically make all things right again...pfffff...
I seriously don't even have anything more to say man.... I just pray that you will have the balls to own up to all the responsibilities you'veavoided...either that or I hope this all blows up in your face.

There's an innocent kid involved in all this deceit yo...that's not cool...

Given this post alone, I've lost all faith in humanity. I honestly hope some of you are lying.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I'm sorry but some of y'all are foul, grimey, and damn near low life scum...realtalk.

But LDJ...you take the cake man...the whole %*@$@*% cake. I only hope that your story about having an illegitimate son was ducktales, and merely concocted for the sake of e-fame and lulz. Your blithe disregard for responsibility, at so many levels, as it relates to this specific matter, is quite honestly the saddest thing I've read in this entire thread. Maybe you fail to see this so let's count 'em down.

  • You cheated on your wife when she was out of town and in doing so, completely disregarded those responsibilities that come with being in a faithful partner in a committed relationship.
  • You impregnated another man's wife-- the female you cheated on your wife with-- and completely disregarded their marriage and whatever they had going on, just as you did yours.
  • You let another man suffer for your irresponsibility, literally and figuratively speaking, and felt compelled enough to justify your irresponsibility by casually placing the "real blame" on the man who has had to pay for your inactions--unbeknownst to him, of course.
  • You avoided the responsibilities that come with fatherhood, for one child in particular, because you were afraid of ruining what you had established with your main--you know, that woman you cheated on when she was out of town....
  • Even worse, is the fact that you're actively lying to a child and helping to create what essentially amounts to a fabricated environment in which this child will grow up in. And somehow, you're under the impression that a note that declares the truth--delivered only after you're dead, when you're free from ever owning up to any responsibility yet again, as pertaining to the matter at hand--will magically make all things right again...pfffff...
I seriously don't even have anything more to say man.... I just pray that you will have the balls to own up to all the responsibilities you've avoided...either that or I hope this all blows up in your face.

There's an innocent kid involved in all this deceit yo...that's not cool...


Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

my girl passed out early, and me and her friend had sex in the same room

I dunno, I thought that was pretty playa
That is unbelievably f'd up. If I EVER caught my dude doing that, I would castrate him with a shotgun. Dead serious. And my 'bestfriend' would catch the worst beatdown of her life. I'm the least violent person of all time, I don't believe in fighting, but DAMN would I everbeat the piss out of both of you. That's SO disrespectful.

I sincerely hope she finds out and goes all crazy-ex on you and destroys your Xbox, sneakers, and anything else youown. If not, Karma's a b.
My aunt married a preacher who cheated on her constantly and treated her like a dog. I took matters into my own hands and smashed his 17 year old daughter andtook pics of the encounter. He's seen pictures of his daughter with my meat in her mouth, butt, cooch, and one where she's using my kids as a milkmustache.
Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

My aunt married a preacher who cheated on her constantly and treated her like a dog. I took matters into my own hands and smashed his 17 year old daughter and took pics of the encounter. He's seen pictures of his daughter with my meat in her mouth, butt, cooch, and one where she's using my kids as a milk mustache.

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

My aunt married a preacher who cheated on her constantly and treated her like a dog. I took matters into my own hands and smashed his 17 year old daughter and took pics of the encounter. He's seen pictures of his daughter with my meat in her mouth, butt, cooch, and one where she's using my kids as a milk mustache.

Pics for conformation?
no h-o-m-o
Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

My aunt married a preacher who cheated on her constantly and treated her like a dog. I took matters into my own hands and smashed his 17 year old daughter and took pics of the encounter. He's seen pictures of his daughter with my meat in her mouth, butt, cooch, and one where she's using my kids as a milk mustache.
I mean smashing his daughters fine and all..but was taking the pics the best way too deal with this?
I'd just find him and beat the +**% out of him..and leave him an inch from death or something
Doing that to his daughter is *$%++@ up...
I received a fake pair of 7s and I traded this dude for his new Nike Shox a couple years ago. He was all happy and stuff but then later found out they werefake. Then he wanted to trade back but I wouldn't so he decided to give me a fresh pair of low top AF1s for the Shox. Now I feel like $@!$ because he wasactually a good dude.

Can't think of anything else...
i sold something on ebay, 2 days later i get banned for not paying for crap (all of it was people tryin to to sell me fake shoes) i posted it them on nt theyconfirmed they were fake they filed complaints on me i get banned 2 days after i sell a game, i had it packaged up and ready to go when i got banned but ifigured why rush when im already banned i keep holding it off and later i reilze i never sent it

thats probably the worst thing ive ever done
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