What's the lowest thing you've done? Vol. You a bad mothaSHUT YO MOUTH

this thread had me LMFAO, when judgement day comes hell surely have a lot of members, dudes who are soposed to be homies sleeping with theirs girls andex's you see thats why i dont play that friend friend #$% when it comes to my girl, my friends know to just keep it as just saying a hello when they see mygirl cause friend or not ill scarface yuh for my gina. But on another note the only grime i did was i had bought a fake dmp pack off ebay and didnt know till irecieved it and i sold it back on ebay for $500 and i guess when the person found out they were fake they tried to file a claim with paypal that they didntrecieve them but i had the tracking info and everyting which proved it was delivered to them lol.
Originally Posted by air234ever

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

I'm really high on revenge so...

My brother (not by blood) has secretly been going behind my back and trying to game like 4-5 of my jumpoffs. And he's not just trying to game them, he TRASHES me to them and tells them about all the other jumpoffs so he can get in. He flat out betrayed my trust because I keep him informed on everything I do. I've known him since we were six and this is the most un-loyal thing ever. I'm not necessarily trying to save the girls, it's just I don't want them messing with HIM cause dude does NOT strap up and gets burnt WAYYYY too much. Son had sex with 5 girls in 2 days and strapped up w/ only 2 of them like 3 weeks ago.

So...I have hardcore proof that one of his jumpoffs that he hasn't seen in a while has Herpes and Genital Warts. I have zero intention of telling him and he should be seeing her really soon. They've been talking on FaceBook.. Hopefully he'll catch it and give it to his girl which will create a huge mess hopefully resulting in him getting handled accordingly by her brothers/father...

that's beyond f'ed up...i actually hope you go through with that and he smashes one of your jumps before she smashes you and make that %%+# full circle

Yeah you need to slow down playa for reals.
Epidemik - I took that into consideration. That's honestly my only fear for real. However, something's gotta shake. I have been too good to this bum. He will tell you I am his only REAL friend. He needs money, I got him covered. He gets caught up with his girl, I cover for him like no other. He needs rides, food, ANYTHING, I'm a phone call away. Then he TRASHES me to the females I deal with because he wants in? Absolutely ridiculous. Again, eff the females. It's his lack of loyalty. I don't trust him now. I get drunk around this dude. He'd probvably end up getting me robbede while I'm lit or something, ya know? So I don't give a crap. Hopefully his girls father and brother erase him for good...

"Keep your friends at a distance and your enemies close,
Cause the folks you call friends tend to envy the most,
Some cats will hang themselves if you give em' a rope,
Burn the bridge and don't give em' a boat, let em' sink,
Some times you gotta give them some time, let em' think,
But some times you gotta give em' the 9 and let em' stink,
You can't bring every horse to the pond and let em' drink,
I rather keep my eyes wide open instead of blink,
Cuz soon as your eyes shut, them n**** will ride up,
And the guys that you trust will be gettin you tied up" -Cassidy
^How so? All I'm doing is simply keeping my mouth shut and hoping for the best. It's not like I'm setting him up with the chick...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I'm sorry but some of y'all are foul, grimey, and damn near low life scum...realtalk.

But LDJ...you take the cake man...the whole %*@$@*% cake. I only hope that your story about having an illegitimate son was ducktales, and merely concocted for the sake of e-fame and lulz. Your blithe disregard for responsibility, at so many levels, as it relates to this specific matter, is quite honestly the saddest thing I've read in this entire thread. Maybe you fail to see this so let's count 'em down.

  • You cheated on your wife when she was out of town and in doing so, completely disregarded those responsibilities that come with being in a faithful partner in a committed relationship.
  • You impregnated another man's wife-- the female you cheated on your wife with-- and completely disregarded their marriage and whatever they had going on, just as you did yours.
  • You let another man suffer for your irresponsibility, literally and figuratively speaking, and felt compelled enough to justify your irresponsibility by casually placing the "real blame" on the man who has had to pay for your inactions--unbeknownst to him, of course.
  • You avoided the responsibilities that come with fatherhood, for one child in particular, because you were afraid of ruining what you had established with your main--you know, that woman you cheated on when she was out of town....
  • Even worse, is the fact that you're actively lying to a child and helping to create what essentially amounts to a fabricated environment in which this child will grow up in. And somehow, you're under the impression that a note that declares the truth--delivered only after you're dead, when you're free from ever owning up to any responsibility yet again, as pertaining to the matter at hand--will magically make all things right again...pfffff...
I seriously don't even have anything more to say man.... I just pray that you will have the balls to own up to all the responsibilities you've avoided...either that or I hope this all blows up in your face.

There's an innocent kid involved in all this deceit yo...that's not cool...


1st she is my wife now. She wasnt at the time.

2nd i didnt intend or do it on purpose, we dated back in the day, and several yrs later in the heat of the moment had sex 1 time. You act like ppl(maybe not u)but ppl never cheated on they significant other. Only difference is she ended up pregnant. Also he disrespected the marriage by degrading,emotionally/financially and physically.

Um iuno if you know this but he made it his responsibility when he married her. Ok example if you meet a girl(this isnt every state but majority are) And shehas kids(previous marriage..etc) And you guys divorce. Regardless if you had them or not, you will be paying child support. Also they already had a kid so evenif i didnt get her pregnant he still was being neglective, not paying child support for his OWN kid. He also wasnt taking care of them even when he had a jobmaking 60,000 a yr. He was too busy trying 2 be 2fast 2furious. And making sure he had the latest video games, computer software, and other nerdy techie stuff.

She asked me not to say anything. Also i cannot say anything, even from a legal standpoint. She coulda did a dna. And not just that as much as he abused her,and constantly accused us of sleeping together, why didnt he ever pay for a dna. She asked me not to say anything. He is the oldest so it wouldnt have been asbad for me to say anything. I wasnt married yet. And my other kid was so young she wouldnt have understood anyhow.

So i wouldnt have been ruining my marriage etc family cause i didnt have one yet. And it wouldnt so called ruined hers. It was bound to end anyway. I mean howlong you think a woman gonna take being verbally and physically abused. Constantly degraded and neglected. And cheated on after they 1st child because shegained weight and wasnt slim like she once was, and comparing her to all the new lil asian groupies he got for having the hot lil rice burner.

As far as karma, to be honest by your standards it is him who its reaping over. He constantly accused her of cheating, skip tracing calls, hiring ppl to followwatch our every move, tapping phone calls. Iuno if you have an old man or not. But mines always told me, "hell if you give a blind man enough rounds, atsome point he bound to hit the target". Whatever ye seek, ye shall find. Its all karma to me.

He neglected his obligations for his kid, and wife was balling, and spent all his time/money on impressing lil asian/white chicks. Hanging out at drag racesetc. Now his wie(ex) has the great career, and now he wanna be apart of they life and do right for the kids. And lost his job have no money. So know i dontfeel sorry for someone who iuno bout now, but at the time never spent a dime on his kids. His money was bills, and all his personal hobbies. Her money was kidsetc. She made like 12 13 bucks and hr. He made 60,000 or so a yr. I mean as far as i know of. He has never and i mean never spent one red cent on the kidsever. Just um yr before last bday party. He came late and didnt even get his own kid a gift, or pay for the party. He hasnt ever even bought them anything forthey bday/xmas ever. He says thats what her money is for, and his money was for rent,power,water,cable etc.

He even moved uprouted they family so he could be closer to his street team, and spots where they hang/do racing. He wouldnt spend money to fix her like 88honda accord, but would make sure he had nos/ or a new body kit. Or pay his momma bills who do dope, and sometimes come short on bills(oh i didnt get paid allmy money this week) but really it is damn i spent part of my rent copping a fix. How you gonna drive an audi, and have a toyota supra, your wife cant driveneither, and force her to take a car that leaks water inside,constantly breaks down etc. I can see if no kids, but this is the car she is transporting yourkids in.

i got her a newer car. I by both of the kids clothes/toys etc. I do everything he suppose to do and i do with the kids in my home. Only difference is i haventtold him i might be his father.

You make it seem like i dont care, neglect him. Thats what he does with both kids. I watched both of them sometimes after school. I take them out to places,trips etc. I do everything a father should do for not just the kid that could be mines, but the other as well. So only thing issue is he doesnt know i could behis father.

Like i said i see it like adoption. Is it wrong if the parents wait to tell the kid, they are adopted? And again it isnt that im scared, its other ppl involvedin the situation, if anything me saying something, would come across like im doing it to make my conscious clear, and be riddin of guilt. Ppl do this all thetime, come clean etc, not because they care about the others feelings, but because they own personal guilt.

He is happy content with how things are, despite what his dad has done, including b slappin his mother, never gettin him anything, he steal loves him. How doyou think telling him oh btw, the guy who degraded your mom, beat her, and never did a damn thing for you in your entire life isnt your dad helpful? How isthat a positive, good look? How would that be a good thing for him?
In my office its two accountants, with one bathroom. The guy I share an office with is muslim, so at 12 and at 4pm dude goes into the bathroom to perform Salator Ablutions.
Washing hands, feet, face and everything.

When dude pisses me off I make sure to take a huge dump right before he has to enter there.

My little sister has a friend that I don't like, shes a brat.
One day she knocks over the trash bin next to the computer full of tissues with "Snot" in them.
I made her clean it up, anyone else I would have done it myself.
the most awful part about this thread is that most of you who have done terrible things have no shame and no lesson learned.

the cheating and stealing is being discussed here as an acceptable thing, and lets not get into the even worse stories... so bad that i can't even believethey are true.

wow NT, wow.
Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

My aunt married a preacher who cheated on her constantly and treated her like a dog. I took matters into my own hands and smashed his 17 year old daughter and took pics of the encounter. He's seen pictures of his daughter with my meat in her mouth, butt, cooch, and one where she's using my kids as a milk mustache.

Pics for conformation?
no h-o-m-o
Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

My aunt married a preacher who cheated on her constantly and treated her like a dog. I took matters into my own hands and smashed his 17 year old daughter and took pics of the encounter. He's seen pictures of his daughter with my meat in her mouth, butt, cooch, and one where she's using my kids as a milk mustache.

Pics for conformation?
no h-o-m-o

I need pics to believe this.
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

For anybody who believes this LDJ dude, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. I mean c'mon guys...don't be so gullible


like i said before dude is corny and makes his stories up
when i was 9, me and my friend put some type of nail under the tires to almost all the cars parked in the apartment parking lot, bam they all got flats andcalled the police.

they nver knw who did it lol..

also broke in a store with some dudes and robbed so many goodys in less then 3min.. i remember dippen and feds showing up a min. later!
Originally Posted by Hugo

when i was 9, me and my friend put some type of nail under the tires to almost all the cars parked in the apartment parking lot, bam they all got flats and called the police.

they nver knw who did it lol..

also broke in a store with some dudes and robbed so many goodys in less then 3min.. i remember dippen and feds showing up a min. later!

What did you get at the store?
Originally Posted by Hugo

when i was 9, me and my friend put some type of nail under the tires to almost all the cars parked in the apartment parking lot, bam they all got flats and called the police.

they nver knw who did it lol..

also broke in a store with some dudes and robbed so many goodys in less then 3min.. i remember dippen and feds showing up a min. later!

What did you get at the store?
Originally Posted by Hugo

when i was 9, me and my friend put some type of nail under the tires to almost all the cars parked in the apartment parking lot, bam they all got flats and called the police.

they nver knw who did it lol..

also broke in a store with some dudes and robbed so many goodys in less then 3min.. i remember dippen and feds showing up a min. later!

What did you get at the store?
Originally Posted by Hugo

when i was 9, me and my friend put some type of nail under the tires to almost all the cars parked in the apartment parking lot, bam they all got flats and called the police.

they nver knw who did it lol..

also broke in a store with some dudes and robbed so many goodys in less then 3min.. i remember dippen and feds showing up a min. later!

What did you get at the store?
took a dudes girl out on valentines day
when he called she told him who she was with and where we were at (out at a resturaunt)

smashed again
One night i broke into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No. I go for the chandelier; it's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning the cops and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I love the cold. Thirty years later I get a postcard. I have a son. And he's the Chief of Police. This is where the story gets interesting: I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I'm sorry but some of y'all are foul, grimey, and damn near low life scum...realtalk.

But LDJ...you take the cake man...the whole %*@$@*% cake. I only hope that your story about having an illegitimate son was ducktales, and merely concocted for the sake of e-fame and lulz. Your blithe disregard for responsibility, at so many levels, as it relates to this specific matter, is quite honestly the saddest thing I've read in this entire thread. Maybe you fail to see this so let's count 'em down.

  • You cheated on your wife when she was out of town and in doing so, completely disregarded those responsibilities that come with being in a faithful partner in a committed relationship.
  • You impregnated another man's wife-- the female you cheated on your wife with-- and completely disregarded their marriage and whatever they had going on, just as you did yours.
  • You let another man suffer for your irresponsibility, literally and figuratively speaking, and felt compelled enough to justify your irresponsibility by casually placing the "real blame" on the man who has had to pay for your inactions--unbeknownst to him, of course.
  • You avoided the responsibilities that come with fatherhood, for one child in particular, because you were afraid of ruining what you had established with your main--you know, that woman you cheated on when she was out of town....
  • Even worse, is the fact that you're actively lying to a child and helping to create what essentially amounts to a fabricated environment in which this child will grow up in. And somehow, you're under the impression that a note that declares the truth--delivered only after you're dead, when you're free from ever owning up to any responsibility yet again, as pertaining to the matter at hand--will magically make all things right again...pfffff...
I seriously don't even have anything more to say man.... I just pray that you will have the balls to own up to all the responsibilities you've avoided...either that or I hope this all blows up in your face.

There's an innocent kid involved in all this deceit yo...that's not cool...


1st she is my wife now. She wasnt at the time.

2nd i didnt intend or do it on purpose, we dated back in the day, and several yrs later in the heat of the moment had sex 1 time. You act like ppl(maybe not u)but ppl never cheated on they significant other. Only difference is she ended up pregnant. Also he disrespected the marriage by degrading,emotionally/financially and physically.

Um iuno if you know this but he made it his responsibility when he married her. Ok example if you meet a girl(this isnt every state but majority are) And shehas kids(previous marriage..etc) And you guys divorce. Regardless if you had them or not, you will be paying child support. Also they already had a kid so evenif i didnt get her pregnant he still was being neglective, not paying child support for his OWN kid. He also wasnt taking care of them even when he had a jobmaking 60,000 a yr. He was too busy trying 2 be 2fast 2furious. And making sure he had the latest video games, computer software, and other nerdy techie stuff.

She asked me not to say anything. Also i cannot say anything, even from a legal standpoint. She coulda did a dna. And not just that as much as he abused her,and constantly accused us of sleeping together, why didnt he ever pay for a dna. She asked me not to say anything. He is the oldest so it wouldnt have been asbad for me to say anything. I wasnt married yet. And my other kid was so young she wouldnt have understood anyhow.

So i wouldnt have been ruining my marriage etc family cause i didnt have one yet. And it wouldnt so called ruined hers. It was bound to end anyway. I mean howlong you think a woman gonna take being verbally and physically abused. Constantly degraded and neglected. And cheated on after they 1st child because shegained weight and wasnt slim like she once was, and comparing her to all the new lil asian groupies he got for having the hot lil rice burner.

As far as karma, to be honest by your standards it is him who its reaping over. He constantly accused her of cheating, skip tracing calls, hiring ppl to followwatch our every move, tapping phone calls. Iuno if you have an old man or not. But mines always told me, "hell if you give a blind man enough rounds, atsome point he bound to hit the target". Whatever ye seek, ye shall find. Its all karma to me.

He neglected his obligations for his kid, and wife was balling, and spent all his time/money on impressing lil asian/white chicks. Hanging out at drag racesetc. Now his wie(ex) has the great career, and now he wanna be apart of they life and do right for the kids. And lost his job have no money. So know i dontfeel sorry for someone who iuno bout now, but at the time never spent a dime on his kids. His money was bills, and all his personal hobbies. Her money was kidsetc. She made like 12 13 bucks and hr. He made 60,000 or so a yr. I mean as far as i know of. He has never and i mean never spent one red cent on the kidsever. Just um yr before last bday party. He came late and didnt even get his own kid a gift, or pay for the party. He hasnt ever even bought them anything forthey bday/xmas ever. He says thats what her money is for, and his money was for rent,power,water,cable etc.

He even moved uprouted they family so he could be closer to his street team, and spots where they hang/do racing. He wouldnt spend money to fix her like 88honda accord, but would make sure he had nos/ or a new body kit. Or pay his momma bills who do dope, and sometimes come short on bills(oh i didnt get paid allmy money this week) but really it is damn i spent part of my rent copping a fix. How you gonna drive an audi, and have a toyota supra, your wife cant driveneither, and force her to take a car that leaks water inside,constantly breaks down etc. I can see if no kids, but this is the car she is transporting yourkids in.

i got her a newer car. I by both of the kids clothes/toys etc. I do everything he suppose to do and i do with the kids in my home. Only difference is i haventtold him i might be his father.

You make it seem like i dont care, neglect him. Thats what he does with both kids. I watched both of them sometimes after school. I take them out to places,trips etc. I do everything a father should do for not just the kid that could be mines, but the other as well. So only thing issue is he doesnt know i could behis father.

Like i said i see it like adoption. Is it wrong if the parents wait to tell the kid, they are adopted? And again it isnt that im scared, its other ppl involvedin the situation, if anything me saying something, would come across like im doing it to make my conscious clear, and be riddin of guilt. Ppl do this all thetime, come clean etc, not because they care about the others feelings, but because they own personal guilt.

He is happy content with how things are, despite what his dad has done, including b slappin his mother, never gettin him anything, he steal loves him. How doyou think telling him oh btw, the guy who degraded your mom, beat her, and never did a damn thing for you in your entire life isnt your dad helpful? How isthat a positive, good look? How would that be a good thing for him?

I didnt even read what you said, just what other people have been saying in this thread and other threads, you sir deserve a
umm ima go small then large

okay first, i left for a college tour my junior year in highschool & didnt call my girl for 2 weeks before hand, and we were supposed to go to prom
, my way of breaking up with her

Second, this girl was getting on nerves in my crib after i had bought her something to eat, i heard gun shots going on outside and i thought my cousin was out there, i told ole girl wait in the house but she wanted to follow me like a jackA__ so, i made a swift turn when we got outside, went back in my house and closed and locked the door on her it was
at the time but she was
, then she went on to tell my friends that i was broke because i didn't want to take her home, so i leaked footage of a Pron we made on Facebook and YOUtube (this was before they got super popular like 07)

Third, In college when i was a freshy i had a friend who was a junior with a campus apartment, he wanted to throw some parties with some freshy girls, so i invited a couple and got them to do E and get it poppin with each other and us, we also recorded this and my friend used the footage to join a FRAT, the Frat in turn leaked the footage online and these girls were known as the campus J/O's but they really weren't they just were extra gullible first week of school. No i dont have the footage so dont ask. Go to JSU campus and ask around

i have other things im not proud of but , i put things behind me ya dig
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

One night i broke into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No. I go for the chandelier; it's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning the cops and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I love the cold. Thirty years later I get a postcard. I have a son. And he's the Chief of Police. This is where the story gets interesting: I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.

I released a short, audible burst of mirth at that yarn.
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