What's the lowest thing you've done? Vol. You a bad mothaSHUT YO MOUTH

Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Mitsui

I remember a while ago when I was trying to get at this girl who has been having problems with her boyfriend, and they were at the point of breaking up. I was texting her a lot, but I knew she couldn't break up with her boyfriend for good.

And I can't believe I did this, but I created a fake female Facebook account and started to flirt with her boyfriend to break them up even more. This went on for a good whole week. This boyfriend did not suspect a thing. During this period of time, I was also texting the girl mad crazy.

In a way, I was flirting with both her and her boyfriend at the same time.

Then one day she texted me saying she broke up with him for GOOD this time, and sent me like a thousand
's. I call her, and she said she went on her boyfriend's MSN and found a HUGE convo between him and this 'girl'. And she was crying like crazy on the phone, and I felt mad guilty, but bittersweet because they broke up for good and my plan worked.

Lowest thing I've ever done.

now thats just lame
Now thats what you call a %%*#$$$ hater.

HATER, noun.: see definition of Mitsui
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