whats the stupidest thing u ever got pulled over for?

Got pulled over At 11 o'clock at night for a seatbelt violation. When I asked how he could tell I didn't have it on he said "the headlights fromon coming traffic". There was no on coming traffic, and I got the ticket.
A cracked windshield. It was initiated by me gettin' pulled over, a gun pointed at me, my gettin' patted down on the hood of a fed car, gettin' saton a curb and having them search my car. And this was in my neighborhood. So neighbors were drivin' past gettin' the wrong impression of me. And allthe time I was inocent. I left with my car damn near inside out.
In otherwords, they suspected that I had somethin' on me. F*** !@% cops.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

first time i ever drove with my parents right after i got my permit...

so we're driving around, my mom is sittin shotty (she's 5'0" btw)

i was under 5 feet tall at the time as well...

cop pulls me over cuz he thought we were two kids that stole a car


When I was 15 I'd take my dad's whip out sometimes. Taught myself how to drive doing that. One time I was with my bro and cousin that slept over.

I was BLASTING "Get Crunk" by lil jon

I turned off my headlights when I was taking the whip out of my block, just to make sure I'm not spotted. I forgot to turn em back on and ran a stop sign

So it's not in the context that the cop was an idiot for pullin me over, just that I did something stupid and got pulled over for it.
One time, me and my boy was comin from my crib on the way out. We was no further than 3 min. from my crib and weren't speeding at all and all the sudden wehear da sirens. We pull over and like 4 cops surround the car (mind you they all had on black tees and scully caps
). They ask to see my boy's license and all and then start asking him aboutthe knives in the car (while asking questions, they got the flashlights at ALL angles through the windows). He explains he works for Vector Marketing and sellsthem. The cops say alright, tell us to be safe and let us go. The thing is, they never even told us what they pulled us over for. Obviously meanin it was forbeing black on a friday nite.
1. making two left hand turns in a row - apparently i was trying to run from the cops...
2. accelerating to make a lane change - when i asked "isnt that what im supposed to do?" he was like "well we think your tint may be toodark"
making a right turn at a red light after fully stopping. the sign said no right turn from 2-6pm but it was still 1:30 when i did it. he pulls me over as soonas im on the freeway. i tell him its not even 2 yet, and after he looks at my license, he says "i know. have a nice day" and hands me my license.

irvine cops can be complete tools. probably because they have nothing else to do besides break up college parties.
I looked "suspicious" driving around a neighborhood...

translation..."You're a bald headed filipino/asian driving around a white neighborhood...are you lost? or are you trying to steal something?"

racists cops FTL.
got pulled over for bumper height on a monte carlo I used to have. Cop had out the ticket book and all, I tapped the switches and lifted the hydraulics and helaughed and said that was funny and then said he would let me off on the bumper height ticket, but then ended up giving me a ticket for unsafe suspension work.I beat that ticket though.

They pulled me over and started talking to me asking dumb questions.

Next thing I know I have 3 cops searching my car for 20 mins for no damn reason.

Allegedly going 61 in a 45, despite the fact I drove a Hyundai with misfirings on all 4 cylinders that wasn't even capable of going that fast at the time.That's the only ticket I ever got and I didn't know at the time you could go to court and fight tickets. I would have simply handed the judge the keysand been like, "make that car go 61."

The obvious "fit a description," "looked suspicious," "there's a suspect around," type lines I've gotten many a time.

I also have been pulled over jusst so they could $!*$ with me. I was sitting there for like an hour while they were literally conferencing trying to see ifthere's anything they can get me for. They were like, "are his windows tinted? Nah? His car looks kinda low, huh?" and taking out the tintingmeasuring tool, a ruler to measure the lowness of my car, ran my information like a million times like they didn't believe that it kept coming back clean,bunch of +%!%$%#$.
^i heard that..when i'm even wearing a fitted & shades (for driving under sunlight) i take them off REALL QUICK when i see the po po
shadiness is a crime in itself...
I got pulled over for being 'too close to the fog line', it was one of the few times in my life I actually used the
in real life
some of these stories aren't really stupid lol.

you broke the rules now face the consequences.

simple as that.
Military Police tried to pull me over on 'expired tags' which was stupid bc yes technically they were 'expired' but it was only because i waswaiting for my new ones to come in. He literally pulled me over 3 days after the registration expired. . . then he proceeded to give me shh saying my paymentdidn't show up in the system EVEN THOUGH i showed him a copy of my check that cleared 4 days prior.
I was goin 39 in a 25 .. but the cop was full of it tho man im tellin you .. Pig pulled up in my driveway and wrote me a ticket .. how foul is that
I was at a red light listening to some Jay-Z, 3rd car from the light when a WHITE cop driving from the opposite way did a U-Turn and pulled me over for callhim a B*&$h... well long story short he through my paper work in my face and kept calling me "boy"... Ended getting a few tickets for something inever said... Oh I just happen to be Dark Skin... (Dominican)
Time forObama to win...
I got pulled over for following too closely, and unsafe lane change. Won in court

I got lucky on Tuesday though as I decided to go WOT with a cop car parked and the cop standing outside it. He just looked at me but didn't go and chase.Longest 10 seconds at a stoplight ever.
Got pulled over for a rolling stop... damn $162 ticket.

And at the beach with a car full of liquor... had 6 ppl in the car... a kia mind u... and all of us were under 19... and got pulled over for not having theheadlights on. i still thank God that they aint search the car or smell the liquor that spilled in the back seat... or notice that one of my homeboys was drunkin the backseat
For having red light in my turn signals. Won in Court though. When they read my case Judge was like huh?
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