Whats wrong with brown liqour?

Apr 10, 2009
So I'm in Paterson, walk into liqour store and get some henny to set off the night.

one dude walks into the store sees what me and my lil man are buying and we start talkin and all that

and dude says i dont +*++ with brown liqour anymore

i've never heard that before, does it do extra damage to your liver?
i drink alot of water so i don't get hangovers most of the time, and i don't throw up, or maybe i needa drink more
Dark liquor messes me up quicker.. and my chances of throwing up usually double for me
Only dark liq i enjoy now is jd

I usually mess with either vodka or patron silver for the most part though
he probably can't handle brown stuff anymore because he drank too much and now he doesn't like the taste. 80 proof dark or 80 proof light damages yourliver the same.
some ppl say dark liquor be having them $%%!$# up worse....it be the same for me either way

Im been on dark liquors lately and they treat me just fine
I think I remember them saying in my DUI class that brown takes your body longer to process than white, so that's why it gives you more hangovers.
But that was years ago, so I could be wrong
That brown gonna keep you down. Different qualities can keep you more level than the clear's
Henny is my drink, makes me more prone to getting angry though...but dam, its like liquid viagra son!! Start the night with a shot of patron silver w/ aclamato chaser and its on to the henny n' cokes...
I love henny...8 shots of henn and I'm good for the night. That stuff makes me feel angry
clear liq, ie vodka and gin make me so sick/violent, tequilla clear or dark work for me, and Captain Morgan is my fav liq. so bump that dude, he just can'thang
i dont drink clear liquor anymore..it makes me a violent angry drunk

never had a prob with the brown though
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