What's wrong with Gay Marriage?

since I have this extra spot to express my feelings... i could care less what they do
Originally Posted by CasperJr

What's right about it

If "gay marriage" was the norm, would you want them to enforce their standards upon you and make you marry gay? You wouldn't -- so why are we doing it to them?

Show me where any gay people was forced to marry straight

What the hell are you talking about? Srly.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

What's right about it

If "gay marriage" was the norm, would you want them to enforce their standards upon you and make you marry gay? You wouldn't -- so why are we doing it to them?

Show me where any gay people was forced to marry straight

What the hell are you talking about? Srly.
Religion. It weaves its way into the way we govern ourselves, ironic with the "separation of church and state" that is touted.
Religion. It weaves its way into the way we govern ourselves, ironic with the "separation of church and state" that is touted.
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

religious people why do you care?

Does the government go to hell for allowing gays to be married?
 Wont they already be going for their excessive greed?

Its not like not letting gay people be married is going to stop them from being gay. Let it go.

This is exactly what im talkin about. It's not like they are going to turn straight becuase of this.
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

religious people why do you care?

Does the government go to hell for allowing gays to be married?
 Wont they already be going for their excessive greed?

Its not like not letting gay people be married is going to stop them from being gay. Let it go.

This is exactly what im talkin about. It's not like they are going to turn straight becuase of this.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by kedabowl

Because its wrong. The Bible says its wrong, therefore its wrong. Its not my opinion, its Gods opinion. Take it up with him.

Show me anywhere in the Bible where it states gay marriage is wrong.


If the Bible states homosexuality is wrong then why would homosexual marriage be given the green light?Anywho, I don't agree with the lifestyle but I wouldn't vote for or against it. God gave everyone free will so if they choose to do it, fine. They have to answer for themselves in Tue end. Basically I don't agree but live and let live. Let God handle it and be the best human you can._
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by kedabowl

Because its wrong. The Bible says its wrong, therefore its wrong. Its not my opinion, its Gods opinion. Take it up with him.

Show me anywhere in the Bible where it states gay marriage is wrong.


If the Bible states homosexuality is wrong then why would homosexual marriage be given the green light?Anywho, I don't agree with the lifestyle but I wouldn't vote for or against it. God gave everyone free will so if they choose to do it, fine. They have to answer for themselves in Tue end. Basically I don't agree but live and let live. Let God handle it and be the best human you can._
I do not agree with the life style but who am i so with that being said let them get married there not hurting anyone
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by kedabowl

Because its wrong. The Bible says its wrong, therefore its wrong. Its not my opinion, its Gods opinion. Take it up with him.

Show me anywhere in the Bible where it states gay marriage is wrong.


If the Bible states homosexuality is wrong then why would homosexual marriage be given the green light?Anywho, I don't agree with the lifestyle but I wouldn't vote for or against it. God gave everyone free will so if they choose to do it, fine. They have to answer for themselves in Tue end. Basically I don't agree but live and let live. Let God handle it and be the best human you can._
Ah, again with you and the 'choice' stance.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by kedabowl

Because its wrong. The Bible says its wrong, therefore its wrong. Its not my opinion, its Gods opinion. Take it up with him.

Show me anywhere in the Bible where it states gay marriage is wrong.


If the Bible states homosexuality is wrong then why would homosexual marriage be given the green light?Anywho, I don't agree with the lifestyle but I wouldn't vote for or against it. God gave everyone free will so if they choose to do it, fine. They have to answer for themselves in Tue end. Basically I don't agree but live and let live. Let God handle it and be the best human you can._
Ah, again with you and the 'choice' stance.
I do not agree with the life style but who am i so with that being said let them get married there not hurting anyone
Originally Posted by CasperJr

What's right about it

If "gay marriage" was the norm, would you want them to enforce their standards upon you and make you marry gay? You wouldn't -- so why are we doing it to them?

Show me where any gay people was forced to marry straight

no, seriously... what?
It takes a special kind of $*+$$%+ to want to inhibit the happiness of someone else. If there was hell, I would hope that it would be reserved for them.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

What's right about it

If "gay marriage" was the norm, would you want them to enforce their standards upon you and make you marry gay? You wouldn't -- so why are we doing it to them?

Show me where any gay people was forced to marry straight

no, seriously... what?
It takes a special kind of $*+$$%+ to want to inhibit the happiness of someone else. If there was hell, I would hope that it would be reserved for them.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

It takes a special kind of $*+$$%+ to want to inhibit the happiness of someone else. If there was hell, I would hope that it would be reserved for them.

You're better than that. What's wrong with my choice stance though? How are you BTW? Long time no argue.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

It takes a special kind of $*+$$%+ to want to inhibit the happiness of someone else. If there was hell, I would hope that it would be reserved for them.

You're better than that. What's wrong with my choice stance though? How are you BTW? Long time no argue.
There's nothing wrong with gay marriage in the political sense but I think most individuals view it as unnatural and threatening to the status quo.
There's nothing wrong with gay marriage in the political sense but I think most individuals view it as unnatural and threatening to the status quo.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

It takes a special kind of $*+$$%+ to want to inhibit the happiness of someone else. If there was hell, I would hope that it would be reserved for them.

You're better than that. What's wrong with my choice stance though? How are you BTW? Long time no argue.
Better than what? I thought Christianity was about loving your neighbor, etc. WWJD? Please find me a quote where he talks about homosexuality. Or maybe he was just too busy hanging out with prostitutes and tax collectors and such.

Actually, the disregard the quote thing. I view the bible as a work of fiction. Jesus did seem like a cool dude, but his followers... notsomuch.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

It takes a special kind of $*+$$%+ to want to inhibit the happiness of someone else. If there was hell, I would hope that it would be reserved for them.

You're better than that. What's wrong with my choice stance though? How are you BTW? Long time no argue.
Better than what? I thought Christianity was about loving your neighbor, etc. WWJD? Please find me a quote where he talks about homosexuality. Or maybe he was just too busy hanging out with prostitutes and tax collectors and such.

Actually, the disregard the quote thing. I view the bible as a work of fiction. Jesus did seem like a cool dude, but his followers... notsomuch.
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