What's Your Dream Job/Company?

Feb 22, 2007
i'm talking realistically.

no nba/nfl/pro sports, no rappers, no actors, no drug dealers or pimps, porn stars,nothing ridiculous. i'm talking like a professional career, where wouldyou work at n why?

no, you cant be hugh hefner or his intern.
Realistically? Working at UCSF as an RT.

Why? Because it's one of the best hospitals in the U.S. It's in the top 10 hospitals in the US according to USNews.com.
Well, since you killed all the possible good choices.

I'm going to have to say fry cook at McDonald's.

Was gynacologist an option?
FBI Agent
I still don't know what I want to do so this is a hard question for me. Where I'm leaning now would be either Doctor, I don't know what hospital orwhat specialty, or something in Biotech
Accountant with my CPA for one of the Big 4 or better yet UPS depending on how much they pay being that I already am working there...
be a recording artist {not in it for the money btw} REALISTICALLY, i dont have any other plans for anything else otherwise...
architect working for myself.

will end up being an engineer working for the government
Let me run Berkshire Hathaway after Warren's successor retires/dies.

Short of that, let me head up Risk Management for a global company. That, or let me run one of the reinsurers in Bermuda.
Originally Posted by corporateJP

Well, since you killed all the possible good choices.

I'm going to have to say fry cook at McDonald's.

Was gynacologist an option?

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