What's your view on Capital Punishment?

So do we execute his parents as well?

What if they're old and feeble, in a nursing home?

What if they're dead?

If execution is given to him as a consequence for what he did to his sister's baby, what consequence can he know will be handed down to the 3 people thatdestroyed his life so early on?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So you learn that a grown man raped a child.

You're pissed, you want him to die, etc., etc, etc.

You learn about him through the media while he's on death row. You learn that when he was a kid, he was locked in a basement, naked, and forced to sexually pleasure both his mom, his dad, and a friend of the family. All three of them knew about it, and sometimes, the 3 of them would have sex together, forcing him to participate.

He was rewarded for doing good sexually (extra food), and punished for doing things wrong.

He was told that what he was doing was perfectly natural, and the only kids that did this kind of stuff with their parents were kids that really, REALLY loved their parents. He was also told that if he ever told anyone, then his parents, who he really, REALLY loves (or so he's bee told)would be taken away to prison. Of course, no child who really, REALLY loves their parents wants them to be taken away to prison, so he never tells anyone.

He goes through high school as a shy kid, picked on and bullied and what not, gets into drugs and everything.

Graduates high school, hires on at a factory after that, and learns the wonderful news that his sister is pregnant

Fast forward to a couple years later, and we are all watching this news story about him being on death row for molesting his sister's baby.

I ask you: what would be fair to him at this point?

Answering my question with a question doesn't answer my question. "What are you saying, ska? He should just be let free?"

I'm asking you: knowing all this about his life, what would be fair in your eyes?
man I don't care about that story. Molesting a baby is WRONG.Lock em up.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

its dumb, and it wastes more money than just locking someone away for life
I'd do it for free using a .22 shell...that's like 5 cents a person cost to me.
man I don't care about that story. Molesting a baby is WRONG.Lock em up.
Oh, I completely agree. But the question is not on locking him up; the question is on killing him.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

man I don't care about that story. Molesting a baby is WRONG.Lock em up.
Oh, I completely agree. But the question is not on locking him up; the question is on killing him.
Well, I already said that spending life in solitary confinement would be a better punishment imo. Killing them seems like the easy way out.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So do we execute his parents as well?

What if they're old and feeble, in a nursing home?

What if they're dead?

If execution is given to him as a consequence for what he did to his sister's baby, what consequence can he know will be handed down to the 3 people that destroyed his life so early on?
If they're still alive kill 'em. Don't care how old, don't care how feeble. Kill 'em.

edit: spelling sucks.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So do we execute his parents as well?

What if they're old and feeble, in a nursing home?

What if they're dead?

If execution is given to him as a consequence for what he did to his sister's baby, what consequence can he know will be handed down to the 3 people that destroyed his life so early on?
Good Argument.

I think he should be sent to jail but get some type on counseling to let all those prior experiences out.
Hitler didn't mean to kill
Granted, but you're talking about a guy responsible for the torture, murder, and torturous murders of MILLIONS. I'm just talking aboutguys responsible for crimes against many, MANY fewer people.
man I don't care about that story. Molesting a baby is WRONG.Lock em up.
Oh, I completely agree. But the question is not on locking him up; the question is on killing him.
Well, I already said that spending life in solitary confinement would be a better punishment imo. Killing them seems like the easy way out.
Seems like you and I are on the same page, because I agree with you.
Idefinetly do not agree...I don't see how its wrong for me to kill somebody but its ok for the government to kill somebody. I don't believe in killinganybody under any cicrumstances.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Idefinetly do not agree...I don't see how its wrong for me to kill somebody but its ok for the government to kill somebody. I don't believe in killing anybody under any cicrumstances.
I'm totally against it. What does it say to kill someone because he or she killed someone?

You also punish the criminal's family, even though they had nothing to do with the crime. Some of you might say, "But the criminal made someoneelse's family suffer." Does it make it any better to have two families suffering, though?

Capital punishment doesn't scare people from not committing murder or rape. I think it may even catalyze the actions, since criminals know that if they getconvicted, they'll just be killed and not have to serve a life sentence.

Does killing the criminal really solve anything?

There are far worse things than death.
it's letting a criminal off easy imo. if anything, it's punishing a criminal's family for his mistakes because THEY have to live without someone. it proves nothing. you're supposed to pay for your own mistakes.
I'm against it..I just don't feel comfortable with that alternative. Even personally, when I think of the dude that killed my father I couldn't seethat as an option for his punishment..
it's not my right to take someone elses life. i'm against it.

murder is murder, doesn't matter who's in charge, or who makes the rules. it's the same thing.
against it.

numerous studies have shown 3 disturbing trends with CP

1. It does NOT deter crime. people are going to do what they want to do regardless of the punishment.

2. It is not used uniformly. Minorities are much more likely to be charged with CP than violent white felons.

3. Too much room for error. We've seen numerous cases where people have been on death row for years and are then exonerated.
This is really tough because you have to decide on somebody's life...I, personally, think it should be a choice that the victim's families should makeand they should be educated by it, counselling and all of that... because I think if something happens to any of my family member and the murderer, rapist orwhatever was caught I would want him dead, period.

Writting our opinions about it and living a life knowing that person who killed or raped your child is a very disturbing thought, eventhough I have never metor wish on meeting anybody in this state of mind.

Solidary confinement is also a good idea but for some reason I still feel that the suspect should be killed, sometime in my lifetime..even if it doesn'tsolve anything. Again, it's tough choice that I think family members should decide...
Killing people for killing people is a hard to justify....and for the person who posted the long story...everyone has a long story,

the poor do not have as many opportunities as other people in this country, which lead them to criminal activities....should we treat them differently????

What we need to do is have less compassion for people in jail/prison.....and treat them like it is mid evil times, a room that you never leave!!!!

When the quality of life (or at least stability) is the same or better in prison what is to detour people from punishment???

my answer is less focus on rehabilitation and more focus on correctly flaws in the system and sentencing....
Love it.

Wish we'd do it more.

Taxpayers' money shouldn't be used to house, clothe, and feed murderers, rapists, and other assorted scum for the rest of their lives.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Love it.

Wish we'd do it more.

Taxpayers' money shouldn't be used to house, clothe, and feed murderers, rapists, and other assorted scum for the rest of their lives.
You do know it costs more to kill them than to keep them alive right......
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by youngJEDIFRESH

one of the best damn albums of hip hop history period.....
If your "Best of" list is 100 albums deep, then yes...

its actually on my top 15 of hip hop albums.

but i'm pretty much pro-death
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Love it.

Wish we'd do it more.

Taxpayers' money shouldn't be used to house, clothe, and feed murderers, rapists, and other assorted scum for the rest of their lives.


Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Love it.

Wish we'd do it more.

Taxpayers' money shouldn't be used to house, clothe, and feed murderers, rapists, and other assorted scum for the rest of their lives.
You do know it costs more to kill them than to keep them alive right......
Only because of appeals.

The "cocktail" used to kill someone by lethal injection costs less than $80.

In open-and-shut, life-in-jail-with-no-chance-in-hell-of-parole cases where the individual is clearly guilty of committing one, or several, heinous crimes,explain to me why it makes sense to spend over $30,000 a year keeping that individual alive.
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