When Michael Jordan dies, will he get the same treatment as MJ?

Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by eye see soles

He's arguably the second biggest (if not first) pop icon of all time.

Barack Obama's funeral won't be as big as Michael Jacksons

Agreed x10
basketball doesn't touch people and as many people like music does
especially MJ's music and performing
will be a very tragic day though
Honestly... it all depends on the person... I know for me personally, the day Stevie Wonder goes will be a lot more difficult than when Michael passed...

But Jordan will hit many people hard... like the entire generation I come up in that still has his basketball cards, wanted to wear 23 no matter the cost, andwould rock Jordans with their basketball uniforms not matter if it matched...
I'm sure ESPN will do some type of dedication if not during a whole week of broadcast def during the ESPYS, the # 23 might be on every court in the NBA aswell, and everyone signed w/ Nike/JB should rock Air Jordans (No team shoes) for all their games during that week
MJs death won't be as big as Michael Jackson of course.

but it will definitely hit me HARD.. probably harder than any other celebrity's passing that i can think of.

i loved Michael Jackson's music and dancing, but i would literally spend days upon end downloading Michael Jordan highlight videos and practicing all themoves in my driveway.. and i was always begging for Jordan shoes... looking up all his stats, etc. and i know i've seen Space Jam way more than Moonwalker

for people like me who love basketball so much, Michael Jordan's death would be monumental. i just hope it is timely and not sudden like Michael Jackson...
hell nah

For sports fans like me, yes.
For sports fans that grew up on MJ, yes.

But for the world, not really. He's popular, but MJ hasn't had an impact like Jackson.
For all sports fans.. it will be a HUGE lose. ESPN and NBA will go crazy.

But Jordan only had an impact on those who payed attention to sports... Jackson was in the ears of almost everybody in the world.
hey chill out on that Micheal Jordan comment man let him live! cant you see the world is morning Micheal Jackson right now shhh
no chance at being even close to as big. just no presence outside of basketball. When I watched the ceremony today, I swear I heard about his humanitarianefforts just as much, maybe even more, than his music and artistry. I don't anything about Jordan apart from his basketball achievements and corporatesuccess. That's it. Dude spent his whole life conjuring up this image of the corporate athlete that we never got to know him on any other level than hiscompetitiveness and drive for the business $$$. and that's coming from a lifelong bulls and jordan fan.
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