When you're getting smashed on a sports game do you disconnect the system?

Oct 28, 2007
I was playing Fifa right now on the ps3.. and I had a 4 game winning streak
.. so im playing this dude and he is crazy good 4-2 at the half i was down..now the 2nd half starts and he goes off.. its 6-2 and i quit couldn't take it
what do you guys do? You guys take the beating?
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Sometimes if I'm playing the CPU

but never online. always take my +*% whoopin


at least OP is honest about it though .. ive played a lot of people that just quit halfway
Nope I take my L like a man...When and if I am getting worked I try to practice plays and see what they are doing that is so effective against my game.

If I take a L, I am going to learn something from it.

I never quit. I may concede defeat in madden if it gets out of hand but disconnecting is for simps/cowards.
CPU if it happens to be somethng terrible i would ..online take the L itll only make you better in the end anyway
I never quit online, unless its way too laggy. And if I'm destroying someone online and they quit, that's even better than a win on my record because Iknow I got them mad...
I'll take the L. But sometimes I'll do some dumb stuff like play "punt block man" D on Madden if I'm getting smashed, but I finish thegame.
I only quit when I'm playing the CPU. I hate when I'm playing them in 2K and they start to hold the ball for no reason.
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