Whens the last time you were caught cheating on your significant other?

He's gonna pay some local broad to hold up a sign with the screename

Theres no real way to know :lol:
Always used to cheat bc I was a horny scumbag. Never got caught always told on myself either out of guilt or bc I just dgaf anymore. Most recent relationship I was solid never cheated but we ended up breaking up bc I was supposedly cheating. Guess it was karma :lol:
Always used to cheat bc I was a horny scumbag. Never got caught always told on myself either out of guilt or bc I just dgaf anymore. Most recent relationship I was solid never cheated but we ended up breaking up bc I was supposedly cheating. Guess it was karma :lol:

SN to post ratio :rofl:
Man do i got a story for y'all. 

Only happened to me once a couple years ago. 

I was pretty serious with my now ex girlfriend, and at the time i worked in retail at the mall. This chick i went to school with also worked at said mall and we were pretty cool. She knew i had a girl though.

One day I'm walking to the food court minding my own business and I see her and she asks me If i can give her a ride home since she had crashed her whip or some**** ( don't really remember what it was) I'm like sure why not whatever no pressure you live like down the street from me. 

So give shorty a ride home I didn't even **** she just made out with me and was just being a tease. After I left she even had the nerve to say "Tell (girlfriend name) I said Hi"  

Felt pretty bad about it and wanted to tell my girl but I knew I just had to take this one to the grave. No good would come out of me telling her at all. 

Fast forward 6 months, It's my boys birthday and we all going out I asked my girl to come with me and she just doesn't want to come/not having it. 

So i roll out solo and guess who's there? 

Girl from the mall lmao 

So we were just kicking it once again I didn't even do anything with her like that , We exchanged numbers blah blah. 

Next day I'm with my shorty and guess who's text message pops up in my phone? 

Girl from the mall again 

My girl bugs out on me saying she doesn't trust me we get into a huge fight I leave and go back to my respected house. 

Somehow my girl gets the other girls number, calls her and that chick told her about the whole me driving her home ********. Even the whole her telling me to tell her she said hi. 

I was like wow  

Moral of the story. Keep text notifications off. 
Pics of Jay Summer or is it confirmed it's the same dude on the other account perpetrating a fraud?
So he just made all that **** up?

I think dude might be off in the head, cuz now hes tryna redeem his e-cred or something.

We need proof your her and hes not playin himself.
He's not off in the head. I came on here for myself ,because I didn't like how I was being perceived. 
He's not off in the head. I came on here for myself ,because I didn't like how I was being perceived. 
Babe, I told you how NT was; they show no mercy and the NT detectives are some of the most grimey people on the net. Don't take this place serious.
Man this the way alot of soldiers get sniped. When I had one (no homo) I put a password on it and made the Screensaver my homeboy and his nephew. So if she ever saw it and said what's that I hit her with the o he left his phone at work and asked me to grab it for him.


Don't think I've ever seen a more impressive level of scumbaggery being attained. The sheer simplicity... The instant deflation of any potential tension... This is genius, fam. You all seriously need to rep this man.
Lol I thought I had it bad with my ex and her husband in her [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Apple will get you caught up. All the connectedness. But sometimes it also deters cheating

Ever been in the car with your girl and a chick might call and it pops up on the dash. After that mishap it was all radio from there on out
I'll do you one better.

I slipped up and let my ex use my computer once, and since everything's connected my text messages pop up on my computer as well as my phone. 

Put it all together and yep that's what happened smh
Man this the way alot of soldiers get sniped. When I had one (no homo) I put a password on it and made the Screensaver my homeboy and his nephew. So if she ever saw it and said what's that I hit her with the o he left his phone at work and asked me to grab it for him.


Man a lot of you guys have great ideas for cheating but seems like you go thru a lot to pull it off. Being from the DMV you could easily date a chick from each one and never get caught. Just stay in the area she's from and you should be Gucci.
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