Where can I get a custom jersey for a league?

Oct 26, 2003
I'm from the Bay Area (California) and I have hooped in some leagues and some squads have custom jerseys looking like NBA replicas and custom ones and they tell me they get them from the PI. I was wondering if you can give me some spots I can order online and about how much they cost because I heard theyre cheap like than in the U.S.

hi sf savage, which league did you join, my cousin got some jerseys made here in the phils which he used on some bball leagues there in SF. its definitely cheaper compared to made to order jerseys over there in the US. We got them from Pque. there are several custom jersey tailors here. if you are visiting phil soon then you should go to Sucat Pque near lopez and check out the diff tailors...my cousin got some good feedbacks from his teamates on the quality and craftsmanship of the jerseys plus it was so cheap. one of the jerseys he got made was a team named Tropics, dont know if you have seen them...
op, there are some shops in kamuning st in quezon city that does a good job with jerseys. im not too sure 'bout us orders though. the shops are Castor and Botak. theyre really good.
i wana correct myself, it isnt castor, its caster haha heres the multiply site castersports.multiply.com/
Thanks for all the help I was looking for ones that do U.S. online orders because my family won't probably be out in the P.I. til the fall.
don't go with gameville...had a nightmare with them with te NT jerseys...jeeeez....

try caster instead...
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