Where do you all rate your self confidence?


Apr 23, 2008
Whether it be based on your looks, your living situation, you accomplishment, your vehicle, whatever. How do you feel about yourself? Why? What do you do to improve the rating? Do you rely on confirmation from others (to a small extent or to a great degree)?
*edit opps shoulda read better...most of mine comes from my abilities to make money...not by how much i have b/c i dont see it (goes towards long term investments). ive discoved im a live to work type so of course my happiness/confidence is low when I'm in a dead end spot or not utilizing my full potential... 

honestly, right now. not high...

in the last few months, ive multiple interviews for jobs that i was def interested in. i don't take them personal for not picking me but i looked at it as it was my position to loose, and i did. I've hit the ceiling at my current spot, so I NEED to move on but its not like im getting replies for the current spots I'm applying to. i know i can do the work they want but its like damn, what do i have to do or say to make them give me a chance. 
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My confidence is very high.

I think it has more to do with how you feel in your own skin versus external factors such as wealth, appearance, etc. Of course, those don't hurt, but your baseline confidence level is solely based on how comfortable you are with what you do, and that can only happen if you are authentic and have a very strong sense of morals.

Also, having nice posture helps with confidence too. Just throw your shoulders back a bit, look straight, and see if that doesn't make you feel a bit better.
low confidence but my swag is through da roof

being comfortable in my own skin >>> leading or following
learning to accept myself for who i am and stop worrying about what others think >>>
I've greatly improved my financial status and health (physique) over the last 5 years, but I still lack self confidence.  I admittingly say that I rely on others confirmation and have no confidence in myself whatsoever.

I remember telling myself that as soon as I reach certain goals in my life that my self confidence would improve, but here I am, exceeded my goals and I still lack my confidence.  feels badman.
As far as my health goes, I'm about 95% into my recovery from my surgery.

I'm getting all my muscle mass back that I lost during my recovery time.

My confidence is pretty good. However, the number of job opportunity that is out there get me down a bit being that I'm currently unemployed.

Now that I'm healthy, getting a job is the only thing I need to focused on.
I'm fairly confident overall, but when it comes to daunting tasks I tend to over analyze and doubt myself.
After a fresh cut, working out, the whip washed n vaccummed, with a fresh fit,dc2 dom Kennedy young nation cd or any max b playing, money in the pocket, and moves for the night...confidence is very high
7 to 9 out of 10 depending on my mood and situation. Compliments and looks boosts it for extended periods of time though.
In simple terms, I'm a "YouTuber" I guess, but I've used it as a machine to do much more. This past year I went on a Stand Up Tour where I told stories of my childhood. Generally the Middle Eastern Population caught on.
Go to 9:00 of this Video to check out the crowd interaction from Sydney Australia this summer. It's the only way I feel alive and happy. In real life I'm very shy and mellow. It's bizarre. Doing shows like that and then going home for school really messes me up.
From my second channel.
that's amazing to me.  For somebody to have that much confidence to go on stage and make people laugh is beyond me
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11/10 all the time unless I'm sick. It's pretty much unshakable.

Pitying yourself doesn't do you any favors.

Doing shows like that and then going home for school really messes me up.

I can't even imagine how that feels bro.
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Solid 4/10, I' m just at a low point in my life. School, personal life, financial status have all made an impact. Sucks man.
7 to 9 out of 10 depending on my mood and situation. Compliments and looks boosts it for extended periods of time though.
This, its alright,could be higher.

Also when I meet goals,confidence on a hunna.

My current goals of buying a whip and finding a job are starting to wear on me
I used to be a 10. Really suave with the ladies. Everybody got along with me.

i think now im like a 7. I gained some weight, and have been in a relationship for the last year

- When I have a haircut: through the roof.
- When I don't have a haircut: worst self esteem on the face of this planet.
- Financially: can buy whatever I want whenever I want it so that makes me feel accomplished and successful.
- Still live with my parents and am trying to obtain my degree: makes me hate myself.
- I have many bum days that go to complete waste: depresses me.
- I have trouble getting anything important done on time because I have been content with being lazy aside from the gym: makes me feel worthless.
- When I'm on stage in front of thousands performing: I feel alive.


i know this too well way too well :smh:

where i rate myself on self confidence id say a 5-7/10 depending on the situation
could be higher if i wasnt content with being lazy and got my **** together though
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Out of a 10 im maybe at a 3 or a 4...Im not scared to talk to people..i can talk to em all i want, but its hard for me to keep eye contact and not look weird
Looks, Im beautiful, thats what my daddy told me ( although I still get shocked when a fine dude looks my way)

Accomplishments 4, I have no faith in myself, I still haven't applied for grad school :smh:
My new years resolution and my prayer request
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I get my confidence when my girl tells me i'm doin good. (havent really talked to her lately, cuz we're in india)
Its like this black magic she got on me :lol: all i care about is her opinion.

I get my confidence from hooping, if i'm balling out- huge confidence. if i'm not- debbie downer, won't shoot.

also my confidence depends on my weight.. in 2010 i was 180. now I'm 240 n feel like doodoo.(already lost 15 lbs i was 255 :x :smh:)
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