**Where the Wild Things Are** movie clip...Fall 2009

Aug 27, 2007
Might be late but post anyway...help with the embed?



This is some supposed test footage from the Spike Jonze direceted film "Where the Wild Things Are" based on the famous children's book by MauriceSendak. There may be a possible reshoot because early screenings and surveys showed that the film may be too scary for kids

Forest Whitaker to be lead Narrator and Spike Jonze does great work. Anyway, loved this book as a kid and can't wait to see what this film looks like.

I read the title, like "nah, that's not what I'm thinkin of"

sure enough....damn, you took me back
There was an embed code on the page, I sure hope you did not see it, or I will be making fun of you.
Man I use to read this book all the time as a kid. I loved it so much I had to get it for my daughter and now it's one of her fave books. We'll beseeing this. Thanks!!
i did see it but for some reason i tried it and hit preview andnothing showed up. Does it just embed when posted?

Do you think thats cgi for the face or just a giant mechanized suit?
Looks great. Unfortunately, they probably will reshoot it.

One of my favorite books as a child.
As I understand it, that's not "actual" footage from the film, but some test footage for the look they intend to use. But if the film looks thatgood we're in for something special.
Book was crack back in 89 in Kindergarten... movie looks pretty dope too. im grown and ill go see it
Naw the day they make a Captain Underpants movie, that will go down as the most Epic Movie ever created.
My favorite book as a kid...

I just hope they keep Spike Jonze's version and not reshoot it

- im going to see this for sure! i havent been to the movies in years. i told myself to go see Transformers, Cloverfield, I Am Legend, and countless others,but this one i have to go see. looks good.

- when i was in Kindergarten my school had a life size mural of this near the gym. that thing was gigantic, even as a shortie.
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