Which basketball players do kids try to imitate nowadays?

Aug 8, 2005
Growing up, kids wanted to be like Mike, Penny, Kobe, etc. These players were looked up to. You know, yall copied their moves, their style, their ceartain quirks and chracteristics...

Who are those athletes today? Are there any?

Maybe Durant...if that? Do kids even look up to LeBron, Wade...anyone?
they can't really imitate lebron :lol:

i think kobe still gets imitated a lot

i see the kevin durant knee pad/high sock combo a lot more at games too
whoever cries the most to the refs. i swear kids stay complaining and talking **** back to refs during games more than ever :smh:
I used to like to model my game after Kobe, now it's about the young guys. Uncle Drew ftw.
My game is a lot like late 90s Anthony Mason
I'm forcing my cousin to play like a Chris Paul/Steve Nash hybrid....

He's not gonna be taller than 6'3 or 6'4 so he's gonna need a jumper and excellent passing ability, which he has.
Most likely Gary Forbes if you had to consider

Bada goushi
I think kids are more worried about dressing like them off the court.

A damn shame if u ask me

I'm sure the old guys said the same exact thing when you were a kid. :smh:

Nothing has changed. Kids try and imitate the stars. Lebron, Kobe (big time), Durant, Chris Paul, Rondo. I'm not sure why you guys think something has changed? These guys are too athletic to be copied and MJ wasn't? Penny in his prime wasn't? What are you guys talking about? :rolleyes
They all wanna be shoot first dribble all day PGs.  John Wall, Westbrook, Brandon Jennings, Tyreke, Kyrie, Deron Williams.....

Young cats don't like Kobe and don't have the physical abilities to imitate Lebron or Durant. 

Its real weird because most kids don't follow or like players similar to their body/talent/skill set
Iverson is the reason that we have so many god damn score first PG's now. Iverson literally ruined a generation of ballers. Haha
I've seen kids argue about who gets to wear number 24,then if they don't get it they pick a number close to 24

First dude I ever seriously tried to copy was Tim Duncan. I was trying to shoot everything off the backboard, even threes :lol:. Good times
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these days i see Durant. Even down to them doing the shoulder shake at the free throw line.
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