Which is worse? vol. Murder vs. Rape

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

How about throwing torture in the mix, being stabbed to death perhaps, im just sayin
Thats called murder, though
I'm sorry but that response + ", though" had me

I'd probably say murder although I couldn't really disagree with an argument for rape. It's just that when you're gone...you're gone.
I dunno, kinda depends on how you look at it, IMO. From a victim/family or friend of victim standpoint, I'd assume most people would rather getraped, yet STILL LIVE.

With that said, I think I despise a rapist WAY more than someone who has killed someone. But, as with almost everything, it totally depends on the surroundingcircumstances.

...like what if someone murders someone who raped his daughter...? Tough argument.
I personally feel rape is worse. I despise rapist and child rapists/molesters with a passion. The mind of a rapist is way more messed up than that of amurderer. Anyone can be pushed to the point where they would kill someone but not just anyone will go out and rape someone.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

living > not living

pretty simple

Rape is horrible..messes you up emotionally..but a lot of victims learn how to move forward....perseverance.

this. rape can mess you up bad but there are ways to overcome it. but they're both horrible.
"life is an overrated phenomenon" Dr. Manhattan Watchmen

but i do think rape is worse because the victim has to live with it forever and it can make their life miserable.
When you're dead, you're dead (not to mention you could've been raped before you were killed. Not too uncommon these days)

You may be wrecked after rape and it could affect you for the rest of your life, but you're still alive. The dead person doesn't get to keep anything.
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

When you're dead, you're dead (not to mention you could've been raped before you were killed. Not too uncommon these days)

You may be wrecked after rape and it could affect you for the rest of your life, but you're still alive. The dead person doesn't get to keep anything.
what if the rapist had aids or something, then your still alive just waiting to die.
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

When you're dead, you're dead (not to mention you could've been raped before you were killed. Not too uncommon these days)

You may be wrecked after rape and it could affect you for the rest of your life, but you're still alive. The dead person doesn't get to keep anything.
You can also be raped after you were killed

Rape. I don't believe in the death penalty but I'd make an exception for rapists and child-abusers.

Personally I think it goes in this order.

1. Rape. (Absolutely zero tolerance, there is no forgiveness in my heart for these people. Only hate).

2. Child Abuse (ANY FORM, I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR THIS. I'd beat ANY parent bloody if I ever witnessed a parent lift an unwarranted hand over theirchild). Coming from a broken home I have no empathy for parents who can't cope with life's hardships without resorting to violence. NO CHILD deservesto be beaten senselessly by their guardians.

3. Murder. (I can empathize with certain cases of murder in regards to the murderer. Not every murder is senseless, some murders are necessary for the greatergood. Though a vast majority are senseless. Maybe less than 1% fit my definition of "necessary".)
Sometimes rape can be so bad mentally that the person would rather be dead. Anyone remember the woman who got beat up by the chimpanzee? Sure she's livingbut I don't think a lot of people would want to be living in that state. Same with rape
Originally Posted by cocolicious

They are both bad but with rape the person has to live with that forever.
And when your dead you don't live at all...There is PLENTY of rape victims who bounced back and make something out of themselves, I'm notsaying they get over it, but they live normal lives after.
if i were to be murdered i would want to not be in pain, so i think being raped is worse. i would have to live with the physcological problems or that momentof life forever.
Murder i would hopefully not suffer through my death so i think Rape would be worse
Rape. There is NO situation that calls for raping someone, tie that into what that does to someone mentally and you have my view.
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