Who else gets bored with girls REALLY REALLY quickly?


Jul 13, 2004
Long story short:

I've known this girl for the last 6 years (4 of which I was away in the military) and we used to kick it regularly, but she put me in the friend zone, which hurt because I had strong feelings. She comes from a good family, has a degree, no negative reputation/sexual history. I just started talking to her again, and she is all over me and wants us to pursue a relationship...and now I find myself searching for all the miscellaneous yambs

other situation:

My ex was one of those "local twitter celebrity" type chicks with a bangin body that every dude was always thirsting over. I tried not to be one of those guys (althought I was beasting heavy) and she let me come kick it with her once, after which she started telling everybody I was her boyfriend. I got alot of jealous/threatening phone calls/tweets, but I didnt care bc the yambs were outstanding, and I felt like I had a 10 on my arm....but I got bored with her so fast, and wasnt just searching for new yambs, I found myself searching for a new relationship

no pics, my ex is an NT'er and I dont need those problems
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How old are you? Thats normal if you're under 30.

That instinct to want to acquire as many yambs as possible before its too late lol
How old are you? Thats normal if you're under 30.

That instinct to want to acquire as many yambs as possible before its too late lol

im 26, and I've had plenty yambs, I've posted about it on here, and I'm not even proud of it anymore. I want to WANT to settle down though
Chicks your age wanna a husband and or baby. You aren't ready to settle down yet, hence your problems.. Honestly chicks that age are so thirsty.. Easyyyyyy as hell to bag. strap up and have fun for a couple years
Chicks your age wanna a husband and or baby. You aren't ready to settle down yet, hence your problems.. Honestly chicks that age are so thirsty.. Easyyyyyy as hell to bag. strap up and have fun for a couple years

thats my point, I've been doing that since I was like 16. And I feel like if I let a good one slip away now, then when Im ACTUALLY ready to settle down, I'll be stuck weeding through girls with 8 kids, no jobs and no education
thats my point, I've been doing that since I was like 16. And I feel like if I let a good one slip away now, then when Im ACTUALLY ready to settle down, I'll be stuck weeding through girls with 8 kids, no jobs and no education

it'll get old after a while.. If it doesnt it doesnt. But for most guys they wanna family life and the stability that comes with it by like late 20s early 30s. Until you feel that pressure take advantage of these thirsty 20-somethings.
No pics no thread thou.... But I get bored with chicks fast to, now I be straight stevie j'ing chicks....
Man, you just gotta find a girl that you actually like on a personal level. Common interests, congruent personalities, just an overall good fit.

If you only care about looks, chicks are going to get old fast. But if you want that cool chick that is ryde or die with you, then it won't get boring.
It just depends on the girl. If you're feeling that way, then it probably really is time to move on.
Aint nothinf wrong with that its normal. You havent found the right chick OP. Keep doing you until you find that girl worthwhile. Believe me you wont get tired of her until ur an old fart.
I feel you. I get bored and wife girls up I have no future with just because I'm bored and dump them a few months later. I can never meet anyone I'd see myself with seriously. I'm not looking but if that girl showed up I'd actually try longer than a month before I'm bored.
if you get bored with a chick fast it just means she's not good enough and/or you aint ready to settle down.

You may think you want to settle down but you may not be truly ready

Men are naturally polygamous so it should take an extraordinary female (in your eyes) to stop you from being bored.

I've spoken to my married friends about this and it's not something you should be searching for hyperactively or stressing over. It kinda just happens. As long as you're talking to/meeting new girls somewhat regularly it will happen when it's meant to happen
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