Who else is watching The Real World.

I know it's been posted, but I can't find it now so someone please post up the gif of Gred taunting Will by mouthing off with his hand.
how much wok did Joey miss while he was in rehab? why isnt he gone

and btw %@+@ him i wouldnt change the way i live in my own house cause he cant have a drink
man i think im done with this season i get so annoyed watchin it they all irritate me
YO! I wouldn't change my lifestyle but I think it's insensitive for them to hit the club and bring people back that night. DF!!!
at this symp Will

any girl give him a look and he fall head over heels
If i was Joey i would take myself back to rehab, if he can't take the roommates then he should just leave.
YO! Yeah, homie need to bounce to the crib.

And with Greg meeting those fashion dudes... man,
. Reminds me of my experience in retail. DF!!!
I dont watch this show but my ex said suttin bout someone beating someone elses girl in confessions room???
SMH @ William and this "kindergarten crush" BS.. grow ya punkass up. Janelle has lost 21 cool points with me after this episode. She is no longer onmy "radar".
ohhh snap

anyone see niko bellick pass by in the ferrari

and this MF and his kindergarden crush

dude likes penis...we all know this
SMH at Greg he refuses to stop Being an %#$ somebody need to hit him with two dummies real quick to bring order back.
I love these MTV commercials.

The guy who brought us the Sixth Sense and Signs brings us his FIRST R RATED FILM


We know Will will be checking this out next weekend
Joey thinks everyone should just stop everything to accomidate him? Nawww he's not back home. He's living w/ all these mid twenty year old partiersthat wake up and can't wait to have fun that night, he's trippin if he actually thought they were going to stop what they were doing for him. AtleastBri is being real w/ him.

and it's about to go down with greg....I feel a "To be continued" coming at the end of this show.
I forgot how good janelle looked, I wish she come my way. It was a a surprise seeing her, I think she just wanted to be on t.v. again.
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