Who has been kicked out at 18..?

Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

im mexican, most mexican or latino parents never want you to "fly the nest". Most of my friends have moved out on their own..... I dont know anybody thats ever been kicked out at 18.

Strong difference between being "kicked out" with assistance and being kicked out without assistance.
Do you guys think it's worse for a parent to

  • kick their kids out at 18 with or without assistance (financially),
  • make them feel so uncomfortable at home that they feel like they need to leave and get out, almost like they want them gone and that they're an unneeded presence?
Originally Posted by spizike231

Do you guys think it's worse for a parent to

  • kick their kids out at 18 with or without assistance (financially),
  • make them feel so uncomfortable at home that they feel like they need to leave and get out, almost like they want them gone and that they're an unneeded presence?

It'd be worse for her to kick you out without any financial assistance, at least in the other option you have a place to stay.  If you weren't going to school then I'd say join the air force.  I don't understand how parents can be like this, they brought you into this world and once you turn 18 they just wash their hands over the situation?  No offense, but that's disgusting.  Hope everything works out, where in Sac do you stay?
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by spizike231

Do you guys think it's worse for a parent to

  • kick their kids out at 18 with or without assistance (financially),
  • make them feel so uncomfortable at home that they feel like they need to leave and get out, almost like they want them gone and that they're an unneeded presence?

It'd be worse for her to kick you out without any financial assistance, at least in the other option you have a place to stay.  If you weren't going to school then I'd say join the air force.  I don't understand how parents can be like this, they brought you into this world and once you turn 18 they just wash their hands over the situation?  No offense, but that's disgusting.  Hope everything works out, where in Sac do you stay?


I'm the second situation.. it's a horrible feeling especially because my Dad don't even live out here so I can't go stay w/ him. The closest family is over an hour away and I have two jobs and a girlfriend so I can't just get up and leave.

Everything will work out once I move out I know that for sure, but idk how long it'll be before that actually happens. My mom apparently only needs her boyfriend.. she hasn't talked to my grandma in months now (I don't even think she called her for mother's day) and I guess I'm next on the chopping block of people she wants out of her life. SMH 18 years of raising me and I guess she's just done with it. I don't blame her because she has every right to be that way raising me by herself.. I just didn't think it would be this easy for her to treat me like this. I wasn't home for days when she kicked me out and she didn't even bother to call.. she can see my bank account and I had .45 cents in my account for the days I was gone. Couldn't even eat.

Either I move out or I just get so damn fed up w/ the way I'm treated here that i leave and don't even consider coming back as an option. I get treated like a freeloader, not a son and I'm only 18.. I know dudes who are 21 and their parents never even kicked them out before. Bums with no job and just smoke tree all day, then they complain to me about their situation at home. Makes me wanna beat the !@#$ out of someone.

man i'm glad I had supportive parents but when I lifet, I knew I wasn't ever coming back. I feel bad for dudes workign hard who still get kicked out. When you land on your own two feet, you know you made it.
it sucks when you grow up with parents or a parent that aren't always financially stable, or mentally.
the irony is when youre a kid all you THINK about is how mature you are and constantly day dream of being sligthly old and happy with a wife and kids.. were so quick to grow up but never imagined how hard it would be to actually live and run through these streets. for those who are ungrateful about their parents that are still together and don't have to care about a damn thing when theyre thinking of or being at home, i wish i could give you this feeling of home not feeling like a home.. 

i know spizike can feel me on this, and soon i might experience his life in my point of view.. so someone tell me, how are you supposed to go to a local college and work a full time job or 2 part times and still be mentally and physically stable?! i guess, the ideal plan would be to go to the army and turn into a robot and collect mad benefits but what if that life isnt for them.. 

for some odd reason i feel like everything will turn out okay.. im in a situation where i should be far from optimistic but i still am.. "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" .. and i'm still here, breathing wondering what spontaneous event will happen next.. 
you can't choose your parents so I know its hard to hear stories. but fortunately my parents realize that they were young once and the time for things like this have to be taken delicately.

Plus the fact that my dad left Mexico for America at 17 means he can't say shiii about when I'm leaving
Moved out the night of my 18th birthday, had to head to school early to report to football camp.
I moved out in the fall after I graduated high school. Then I moved back the next summer until college started again. Been on my own since then, I'm grown up now (26)
I have a somewhat different story about being kicked out. My aunt on my mom's side took me in when I was 8 b/c my mom and dad (who were divorced since I was 5) were struggling individually so I moved from Cali to Texas and basically grew up with my aunt from age 8 to 17 when she abruptly kicked me out middle of my senior year of HS 

My aunt had always been a headcase; constantly trying to pick arguments with her husband and daughter (who's 3 years older than me) and I was part of the vicious cycle too

I got kicked out by her but I wasn't totally on my own. Had happened to reconnect w/ my dad for first time in almost 4 years the summer prior to senior year so I told him what happened and I packed my bags and moved to Arizona. While I would spend next 5+ years living at "home" with my dad and his GF, I wasn't mooching or being a bum; I chipped in with rent (not b/c my dad charged me but b/c he needed help to make ends meet) all the while paying my own way through school at ASU and working full time.  

Pops has since moved to South Carolina w/ his GF to look for a job since he'd been unemployed for a few years now so now I'm truly on my own here but 6 years after getting kicked out in Texas; I'd say I'm doing pretty decent: working a career that while takes up lot of energy and time; I truly enjoy doing it, have my own place and car, live a healthy lifestyle. 
Originally Posted by spizike231

Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

Originally Posted by Boi

Share, please

how about you enlighten us, why you decided to create this thread?

For a parent to kick there child out at 18 is just wrong.
My mom kicked me out a few days after I turned 18. Told me that I was ungrateful and disrespectful while her boyfriend told me that I have no responsibilities. I was let back in a few days later because I just flat out couldn't survive.. I came home starving and unshowered.

All claims of me being disrespectful / ungrateful were completely wrong but I can't help but feel like they want me out as soon as possible. Even with two jobs I don't have enough money to get out and live comfortably while going to school.

I already know she counts down the days that it's gonna take me to be strong enough to leave. Feelsbatman, but hey I'm 18 now and she has no legal obligation to keep me in her house anymore if she doesn't want to.

Anybody who's parents don't want them to leave, must be nice. And y'all complaining.
Damn this sounds like how Baby Boy would've turned out if Jody's mom was more strict.
i remember when i was like 17/18 my mom tried to kick me out cause i was wild as hell. no regard for anything, i always worked in clubs and lived that lifestyle. i was just about to go down to fl and live with my family down there instead but she figured that'd be even worse.
she didn't want me to leave after that because she knew i was just gonna dip to fl.
My parents are Afghani, so they keep telling me that they want me to stay with them as long as possible. My older bro's 18, and he's kind've been a "richard" to them, so they keep telling him that he needs to seek a life his own. I can't wait to leave and be on my own.
Didn't get kicked out but my senior year in HS, second month actually, my parents moved from San Jose to Atlanta. I stayed and have been on my own since. Sorta lol.
Originally Posted by babylonzion

I moved out at 18, had my own place for 2 years, moved back in after to save some cash

this, moving back was the worst, had even more rules and questions than when i was in HS
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