I've been on NT since 2000. I'm on my third screenname

I love this place
Man I remember finding this site and lerking for years on my first computer, lol. Damn it has been a minute. Back then I never even thought I would be in the General forum all the time.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

"what was the most ghettoest things you have ever seen?

yeah i remember that post i made.

back then, it was a big accomplishment if your post had multiple pages. But not only did that post have like 50 pages.... it also went on for a month lol

post was very funny tho lol if only there was a way to recover that old post

Co-Sign. Anyone know how to do that ? I think there was a thread a few years back with a link to the old NT.
Originally Posted by novaflight

11 years in Aug.

I really don't remember much though, I think NT use to be all one forum though.

No mods.

Hardly any rules at all.

Quadruple post about Jordans, Dunks, Murder Inc, Roc-a-fella, 50. And this was all on one page.

Perhaps you're thinking of NikePark.  

We had multiple forums, rules, and administrators from the jump.
i wish i knew about NT 10 years ago... i dont think i even found out about NT until about 03 when i was trying to find info on Heineken dunks
Joined 12-30-99

I've been around for it all. I remember when asking for pics was unheard of. One thing that really sticks out to me
is when "Old Man Wearing Nikes" scammed a bunch of people. Someone made a post about him. He came into that thread
and clowned people before he got banned. He straight took a dump on them. 
3 years as a member. been lurking since they were giving out aol 7.0 disc
. crazy thing was back in 01 i didnt know a damn thing about forums and would take

everything I would hear on here and think it was coming right out of nike mouth
I think I was December 2001 on my original name. Been awhile since I've been around regularly. 
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

As a diehard Kings fan during the Cwebb and J-Will days that brings back memories...I remember that avatar and NobleKane from the Sports forum during all of those classic battles against the Lakers back in the day.
i admit i was a douche bag back then in those threads
 depending on who you ask now i still am

Originally Posted by ninjahood

I used to browse NT on my dreamcast browser...so u already know lolz.

oh +%#! you, me, and air andy both
 worldnet.att.net.  i use to think the dreamcast was the greatest invention back then
Originally Posted by rowenarrow

 Back then I never even thought I would be in the General forum all the time.

i remember never even stepping foot in general or the music forum for years, it was either nike retro or the jb forum

now i cant remember the last time i looked in the jb or nike retro forum 
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I think I was December 2001 on my original name. Been awhile since I've been around regularly. 

Thats an old name I haven't seen in a while. First name was in 02' for me
I remember when JJposted his new mink coat. And when JJ went to Philly to confront PhillysIllest or something. PhillysIllest was a no show and JJ documented the whole thing.
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