who hates their job..vol i worked hard for this much

Feb 5, 2004
i figure i make a post for the people that hate their job.

i try to be appreciate that i do have a job, but there are those days when im ready to just drop everything and leave..i do distrubution for 7-11 so ibascially drive to the stores at night and drop off milk.. it would be easy if people would not chill in the parking lot in front of the store (go home!). Orwhen their an entourage of people in the store and only 1 person is buying
I read that you're trying to be appeciative about having a job, but if you're not happy then quit. Just not before you find a new job.
I'm trying every day to find a job and %!*++ not happening. Over 10% unemployment isnt whats up.
i love my job

i just spent the last hour playing with my co-worker with the fishing rods in here

not to mention, we just got a basketball hoop that was returned...but we cant find an opened basketball
cant hate my job, they thinking of making me a night time supervisor
, $1 raise

ofcourse that title might mean they have someone to blame :/
don't hate your jobs, milllions of people would do what you do.. better too, so just suck it up (pause) and keep it moving (pause).
i got laid off and called back to work 2 weeks later. i was suppose to get a $2 raise when all this happened. now they just did a pay cut on everybody.
##$! i just got fired, because i told my coworker to do something because i was busy
what sucks about it is that there is nothing that anyone can do. thedude that fired me is high up in the company, so people are scared to fight him
plus they not giving me dukes number. my bday is a week away, and i got tofind me a job asap. applied to like 6spots already just waiting on replies now.

be happy you still got a job
I hate my job in the winter bc i work outside and its mad cold, but it's good in the summer and theres alot more overtime. Being a construction worker(bricklayer) you always have to wake up mad early, but you usually get out pretty early. My last job I was on before my current one i used to start at 7 am buti was out by 1:40. Can't wait till I reach top pay and start making $47 an hour!!
Originally Posted by wanksta23

i love my job

i just spent the last hour playing with my co-worker with the fishing rods in here

not to mention, we just got a basketball hoop that was returned...but we cant find an opened basketball
Originally Posted by jordancraig1

i figure i make a post for the people that hate their job.

i try to be appreciate that i do have a job, but there are those days when im ready to just drop everything and leave..i do distrubution for 7-11 so i bascially drive to the stores at night and drop off milk.. it would be easy if people would not chill in the parking lot in front of the store (go home!). Or when their an entourage of people in the store and only 1 person is buying
How's the pay doing that?

I don't HATE my job but....
If you HATE your job, thats a pretty big issue.

I understand dislike at times but straight up hate it? look for something else, dont make that keep you down.

Some people make $22/hr and dont wanna continue their position.

Some take a pay cut from $16/hr to $12.50/hr for their safety and not have to climb poles and ladders to install cable boxes.
I like my job reasonably. I just sit at a computer all day until someone tells me they need help with something and I go install their hardware, fix theirMicrosoft outlook, map them to the share drive, set up their Exchange account, whatever. And I have a program that I can do all of that remotely so I just askthem for their computer name and I can do it from right at my desk. I bring my laptop to work and get on the internet thanx to Wifirouter since the NIPRNETblocks most sites I would want to go to anyways (like this one).

Pay is good to great, considering I live in Oklahoma. The same job in somewhee like DC pays about 3x as much, but then there's obviously the increased costof living. I'm trying to get down to Fort Bliss which is in El Paso as an I.T Specialist GS11.
I really want to go back to school, but I'm too old now and it'd cost too much and I don't want to go into tons of debt.
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