Who hates their middle name

Originally Posted by Swag Surfer


You serious mom?

come on man my first name is Marvin....i dont like it but still lol...but my middle name is Darnell. not too bad IMO.
mine's cool named after my pop-pop (on my moms side) whom i never met since he died when I before I was born. Older people black n white spoke highly ofhim back in the 60s

Hylon (pronounced Ha-Lun)
How bout us Philippino's who have their mother's maiden name as their middle name? Me and my bro's middle name is Pagsuyuin. My friends are like,"What the hell?"
i hate when people refuse to say what theyre middle name is, gets me annoyed, over something so little too

mines uniquely danish... hartnack, dont even bother tryin to sound it out, because Ive had so many people who dont know danish tell me im saying it wrong, andyou prob wont know any better
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