Who in here gets an annual flu shot or has had one?

Jul 8, 2007
I have never had one nor would I get one or give one to my kids. I've heard too many horror story's about people getting them.
I've heard too many horror story's about people getting them.

I used to get it every year. But, just kinda stopped.
I got one 3 years ago, and got REAL sick after I got it. I haven't gotten a flu shot since.
i work near a pharmacy that offers free flu shots and most everyone is 50+ lined up.
i got one for the first time last november. my doctor and mom were pushing me to get it because i have asthma and VERY bad case of tonsillitis (im sick with itat least 5 times a year).

worst decision i ever made. the 4 months following the shot, i was the sickest i have ever been in my whole life. i was on antibiotics at least once a monthbecause my tonsillitis got way out of control. i was supposed to have surgery in february to get them out, but the day of my surgery i was in the emergencyroom with a 105 degree fever and some of the worst pain ive ever experienced. the other times i was sick my fever would go up to at least 103.

i am NEVER getting a flu shot again
a funny story.

like 3 weeks ago, my employer was offering flu shots. 2 weeks ago, one of my co-workers gets the flu. he didnt get the shots.

i would hate it if i got the flu this year.
I just got mine two days ago. I get mine annually. There are usually side-effects like soreness where the needle was inserted and a slight cold or fever (foronly a couple of days). I haven't had anything out of the ordinary happen to me from the shot.
I had one about a month ago because I need one for my school. We're about to work in the hospitals so flu shots are mandatory.
I'm thinking about getting one. I'm sick now, so when I go to the doctor for this I'll talk to her about it. I get sick every year, and would loveto avoid the flu this year.
I don't think I've ever had one before.
I got one last year and I asked my doctor if I could get another when I saw him this past week but they were out of the vaccine.
Never had one. Never will.
That's what my immune system is for.
Anyways, why would you want to put something in your body that has a significant amount of mercury in it.
Bet that they don't tell you that.
got one about 2 weeks ago because my parents just had a baby and wanted me to get one for when i'm home
i'll probably start getting it when i'm old and my immune system is not as strong, but there's no point in getting it at the ripe age of 21.
I never had gotten one before...but this past Feb. I got the flu...
I though it was no big deal...so I stayed home from work on a Thursday...on Friday I felt worse...I had a fever and just felt like crap...so I stayed homeagain. That Friday night I was having a very difficult time breathing (I have asthma). I took my inhaler multiple times and it didn't help much...so onSaturday morning I decided to go to urgent care.
They did a breathing treatment and gave me some medicines and said that if I get worse I need to go to the E.R. because that was all they could do for me.

So...I go home and about an hour later I can hardly breathe at all...I go to the E.R. and they give me some breathing treatments and give me the machine to dothe treatments at home. They also do a test for influenza and it came back positive. At this point I started to feel better so they released me.
I was home for about an hour again and this time my breathing is so bad that I thought I was going to die. I did a breathing treatment from the machine...itdidn't help. I did another one...it didn't help.
My wife was pregnant at the time and I told her (I don't remember saying this) "I'm going to die, tell the baby I love it."
She made me get in the car and took me back to the hospital.
This time, they decided to admit me (My blood oxygen was only 88...it's supposed to be 98-100).
I ended up in the hospital for a week on IV antibiotics and steriods...the flu had also developed into pneumonia.
While I was in the hospital my wife was visiting me and went into labor...so she had to go to the labor & delivery floor of the hospital alone because theywouldn't let me in there. I had to call her mom and tell her to get to the hospital so someone would be with my wife when she was having the baby.

9 months later, I still have some breathing difficulties...my ashtma is way worse that it was before this episode. I am on expensive medications I have to takeevery day to keep my asthma in check and I still have to do the breathing treatments occasionaly.

All because I didn't think a flu shot was important.

I'm never avoiding that damn shot again.
i'm not going to inject myself with a virus when im perfectly healthy. let my immune system do its job.
I've gotten one every year for as long as i can remember, my college gives them away free, you don't even have to be a student.

Never had a problem with the flu, just allergies.
You're not supposed to get it when you're sick (even the slightest bit). Then it just makes things really bad.

I used to get it when I was a kid, but I don't get sick very often (knocks on wood), so I kinda just stopped.
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