*** Who is the best call of duty MW2 player on NT? *** Vol: Live Competition is better than PSN

Nov 7, 2008
I think I'm pretty damn good. The numbers may not say it all.

Accuracy= 25%

K.D Ratio=1.13 (eh, I don't camp)

Best game= 120-18

Live Gamertag: Maximus Alio 
Level 70 7th Prestige
Acc: ~19%, my worst stat
k/d: 1.84 (I don't camp)
W/L: 1.75
26 nukes, but it's rarely on. I actually struggle to get nukes when I have it on.

18 days played.


And there are a lot of NT guys on the PSN who are better than me.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by LTMS206

I think I'm pretty damn good. The numbers may not say it all.

Accuracy= 25%

K.D Ratio=1.13 (eh, I don't camp)

Best game= 120-18

Live Gamertag: Maximus Alio 
25% accuracy, you don't camp, and your KD is only 1.13

you must do a lot of back shooting and shooting AFKs
K/D is skewed a bit, i let friends play on my account. 

Play me... 
Originally Posted by LTMS206

I think I'm pretty damn good. The numbers may not say it all.

Accuracy= 25%

K.D Ratio=1.13 (eh, I don't camp)

Best game= 120-18

Live Gamertag: Maximus Alio 
25% accuracy, you don't camp, and your KD is only 1.13

you must do a lot of back shooting and shooting AFKs
Idk what prestige im on, 4th or 5th?

2.2 k/d
43k kills
40+ Nukes, never have this equipped anymore.
Dont camp, its boring.
Dont care about accuracy, I shoot plants and boxes and windows out for the hell of it sometimes.

I think im pretty good. I average 40+/10- a game, 4/5 games. When im on a slump, im really on a slump though.
Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

How the hell you guys getting so many nukes?

Once you got an AC130 its pretty much a wrap.

Most of my nukes were from playing bums who didnt know how to shoot down a Chopper Gunner though.

Once people caught on to actually shooting those down, it became a little harder but a combo of the right map and how the other team plays can give you alot of Nukes easy.
1.15 k/d and dropping

48k kills

like 14 nukes (stopped pretty much after getting the spinning emblem)

stopped a good 50 of them (chasing down the green cross on the map)

I'm nice in every mode except HCS&D
I'm decent enough, easily the most i've ever played a video game. since Xmas i've brought my K/D ratio up from .75 - 1.17. I don't camp per se but I do snipe sometimes, got FAL cameo w/ the Barett. 50 Cal, ACR, and M14A. I only play Team Death Match and Hardcore Team Death Match.

Level: 70 2nd Prestige
Acc: 22%
k/d: 1.17
W/L: not sure off tops
No nukes

5 days played

Level: 59 7th prestige
Acc: About 25%
K/D: 2.23
W/L: 3.06
40+ Nukes, haven't really turned it on since the 3rd prestige...

K/D is slowly going down depending on what weapon I start using. Trying to unlock all attachments for each gun. It doesn't help with my shooting percentage either...
Originally Posted by DUB 253

Henz when he's drunk


The best people i've seen are Shotsrangout ( but that was like months ago ) so IDK if that was because I was just starting or what
.. And Labrev.. I'm only basing this off Team Deathmatch tho. Because I've seen bum @%@ dudes playing other objectives and not even trying to win just running around boosting their K/D so IMO that !+%% doesnt tell the whole story
Probably me
K/D: 1.18
Best game: 88-8
I don't know my accuracy
12 nukes
My GT is Super Hieuman, and yes I do camp on some maps.
I was better when it first came out.....lost interest.....to many glitches that people were exploiting
k/d: 1.78
best game: 93-10
w/l: 4.36 (means nothing, good teams)
ACC 28%

sometimes I camp to catch stupid people running the same way EVERY TIME, sometimes its a silenced sub machine gun and me running around........depends on my team and the board we are playing....
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

1.58 k/d
W/L: 1.53 (52 streak
Best game: 39-2 (TDM)
Acc: 18.44% (shooting around after S&D)

son, you got dumped on 1v1, don't post here.

I used to be good...then I lost interest in trying to be the best after everyone started boosting and all that other random non sense...

Now I just play to play...if I die...F it....

Don't get it twisted though...when it is time to play for real, I go in....
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