Who is the BEST CALL OF DUTY player (all Consoles) ?

Dec 9, 2004
Basically tell us you
K:D ratio
Total Kills
Wins ratio
Total wins
Longest kill streak

What kind of match do you play

.57 ( played free for all to much)

GT supremesole23 (xboxlive)
Call of Duty is so easy...I now know why everyone likes this....i played my first game ever online and went +9
K/D is 1.81 i think
27 kill streak
28,000 kills or something like that

the rest of it i dont know cause my xbox is being fixed, i do know that my K/D has been steadily going up for a while now.
W/L ratio was like 1.23 or something last i remember though...

Stargalaqtic was the only NTer i knew of with a higher K/D than me

I passed HAZE not long ago and i think oquidokie was highest after that...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

prolly someone who uses 3 random frags juggernaut and a p90 all day

i use to use 3 frags alot, and p90 but i stopped
i find it more effective to use the first Assualt rifle and deep impact

also I find the game easy especially in the beginning of a match, cause people always do the same thing the start of each match SMH.
Within 20sec of the start of the match i got a uav up.
its still very enjoyable especially when your teammates suck and you have to carry the team on your back

+9 is alright
last night the most death i had in a match was 5 and killed on average 25 people
had a good night
when you start out you play with bums ... once you prestige up ive noticed im playing with better players and not beasting like i used to ... i still beast butby now even the casual gamer knows the spots to camp and pick people off
I mess with an m40a3 with acog , g36 with a red dot, smoke for my special, 2 claymores, overkill, and deep impact, or red dotted g36, gold DE, stun, 2claymores, uav jammer, and last stand.

I almost only play hc tdm and I am not near my xbox so no stats for you, but I will say they are totally unimpressive anyhow.
Very true, Kids are Camping a ton now a days

and they camp in spots that you would think not many people go

I find myself using UAV alot now.

Im going to start playing hardcore again but i played it once before and it just seems strange
is easy once you get a grasp of it.

On my first and Reg. name I have a 1.35 K/D ratio. On my other name, my K/D is 2.21.
Not in order, jus some names

1. RoMo to OwEns aka "No Ho-mo"
2. Uzi B Anthony aka "Silent Killer"
3. OkieDokie aka "The Singer"
4. ChiCago BuLLy aka "Do Work"
5. PoTato Salad aka "The Unknown"

I don't wanna hear the PS3 fanboys come in here and talk like ya MLG Heavyweights....Especially any of ya Kliq fools
27,557 KILLS
19,896 deaths
1.40 k/d ratio
22 streak
4559 wins 1.20 ratio
I am the greatest

if you wanna see just add me up


I am about to play right now

41,500 kills
31,100 Kills
1.32 d/k ratio

something along those lines

Nearly broke 25,000 out of about 4,000,000 users

thinking of south park warcraft episode "this man, HAS NO LIFE"
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

prolly someone who uses 3 random frags juggernaut and a p90 all day

Marley's still salty over Nikeshoewearuh....

JohnR.... he used to post, but haven't sen him in a while. Dude had like a 2.93 K/D ratio.... was unreal at Headquarters and Sabotage.

Right now, my money is on Nikeshoewearuh, Disgaea, or TheBayArea...

I am decent, better than average, I think.

1.75 K/D Ratio
32-34000 Kills (can't remember exact)
1.29 Win/Loss Ratio
2432 Wins
27 Kill Streak
9th Prestige
I saw some guy online (PS3) with a 72 kill death ratio. He had over a million kills and under 30,000 deaths I believe.

He has to be cheating right?
i think dude found out how to change the code like people did with the colored names and what not ...
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

I saw some guy online (PS3) with a 72 kill death ratio. He had over a million kills and under 30,000 deaths I believe.

He has to be cheating right?
Hahaha yea. If you look, his longest kill streak is like 17.... which impossible if his K/D is 72. And he is over a million kills ahead of the nestperson...
Originally Posted by JoRdaN DoN

Not in order, jus some names

1. RoMo to OwEns aka "No Ho-mo"
2. Uzi B Anthony aka "Silent Killer"
3. OkieDokie aka "The Singer"
4. ChiCago BuLLy aka "Do Work"
5. PoTato Salad aka "The Unknown"

I don't wanna hear the PS3 fanboys come in here and talk like ya MLG Heavyweights....Especially any of ya Kliq fools
360 users know this list is accurate
when im done with prestige mode im always gonna be at the top(unless i snipe
you also left off bee got game, hes top 3 or 4
my stats...
score 635,000....prestige 5 lvl 37(i stayed on 55 for months i should be 10th)
5009 wins 5024 loses, streak 16
kills 38,000(alot of search n destroy so it could be higher) 1.43 ratio streak 30
22.64 accuracy
Who has over 2,000 headshots with the sniper like yours truly? My stats suck cuz all my friends play on my !%%# and i dont care.. but try sniping with me andsee whats up
Originally Posted by EastCoast09

Who has over 2,000 headshots with the sniper like yours truly? My stats suck cuz all my friends play on my !%%# and i dont care.. but try sniping with me and see whats up
Of my 3600 headshots, I would say 2500+ are sniper headshots. I should have the gold Drugonov, if not for Prestige...

I have more head shots than assists...
sniping is for losers ... or maybe thats cuz i just cant sit down all game and scratch my balls until a person runs out of their respawn spot ... i respectsnipers cuz god knows if im playin a sniper ill go 1-100 just to get that 1 slash across their punk camping %!+
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