Who is your favorite guitarist?

tical 30

Sep 24, 2005
Don't come in here pulling a Premo55 and listing every damn guitarist you can think of. Pick ONE. As for me...


For me it doesn't get any better than Jimi Hendrix. A lot of people criticize him for not being technically sound and whatnot, but everytime he played hissoul was amplified through his guitar. He made you feel what he was feeling through his music and that's a beautiful thing that only a select few canaccomplish.

Post yours.

- Tical.
One of my faves is Stevie Ray Vaughan, he played awesome and I feel he perfected some of Hendrix's work whenever he would play it.
Marcus Sunesson, former lead guitarist of the classic Swedish Death/Thrash metal band The Crown.

pretty much the reason why I listen to the music I do.
jimi hendrix all the way.SWAG

if you would have asked me in 5th grade i would have said tom delonge
I like the Stevie Ray Vaughan answer up there.
But I'm going with a wild card.
yeah I said it. he should get more credit.

which one of yall posted a myspace link to your page with the guitar beat on it in the show your talent thread in the summer? Anyway, that beat was crazy, Ihad on repeat. Post it again, if you're in here.
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