Who loves Happy Endings? Cancelled (sad face)

big j 33

May 31, 2006
Season premiere tonight, I know there's a few fans on NT.




The premise is nothing revolutionary, friends hanging out in the city, but it's one of the funniest shows on TV. Rapid fire jokes, great and likable cast, pop culture filled writing, clever and witty, and just plain entertaining.

If you've never seen it, give it a shot. You can probably jump in and enjoy the show, but it's certainly better if you start from the beginning. I was hesitant at first but once I started I was hooked.
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Yo this show is hilarious...Damon Wayans Jr is gold on this show...The first clip is the first show I saw last year & I was dying...
Ha. I wanted to make this post, but didn't think enough people would know about it. I cant wait for the premiere tonight..this is like 1 of 3 shows i actually try to catch when it airs on tv. i also really enjoy Don't Trust the B in Apt 23., very funny underrated. the pairing could not be more perfect. abc is killin it with these two shows right now
Yeah Damon Wayans Jr. is brilliant. At first I rolled my eyes and figured he just got the job because of his name but he's hilarious.

The whole cast is great. 

Yo Jane just said Chris Bosh looks like one of Omar's (from the Wire) b******...:rofl:
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Damon Wayans Jr sounds JUST like his dad :lol: :loI feel like I'm watching a bunch of Damon's old shows watching him. This would only be the 3rd episode I've seen, but each one has been hilarious.
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this show was underrated last season when it comes to funny.
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LOL'd so many times, like I always do. I loved it, I loved how tan everyone was too 

this is such a talented group of ppl working together.
This premiere was so damn perfect.

The ragging on Penny to start was Happy Endings at its finest.

I love Jane's sexual aggression.. when she called Brad "mr wife... girl.. little b.."... she wants to play Loch Ness monster in the tub.. she's "coming so hard home"

Alex's bizarre sense of humor is always great, she ruined that run of movie puns at the end

"Ain't no fun if the homies can't have none"
Sinbrad > *

"coming so hard home".

Wonder if she was actually naked in that scene?

That slander about Bosh being one of Omar's ****.

Absolutely love this show.
Love this show. Instant hit to me. Funnier/better than Modern Family imo (still like that though.

I'll catch this ep later today hopefully.
I swear, you can find almost everything on YouTube...Wish the audio was better...
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