who still says: "sup"...?

top of the day sir
It depends who I'm talking too. Proper english, I'll hit em with the how do you do or greetings. When I'm with my dudes (pause) I'll just say what's good or sup or what's poppin'
Only to friends and family. Anyone else I'll just say "how are you" or "how you doing"
i find my self saying "sup wit it" a lot lately to people that i don't know

my boys and people i haven't seen in a minute get a "what's good"
Originally Posted by proper english

filipino NTers.. whats good with: "oh putangina kumusta ka na ha?!"  i swear that's how every 30+yo filipino greets 

man! that type of language is not allowed here on NT!!!

the 2nd word, in english, is son of a b****...

while were at it, i say "what up" and "yo"
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