Who'd win in a fight You this year, or You last year?

last year would knock me out, Ive been so lazy this year I grew a gut
Young Rilla w/ the dreads don't wanna see Young Rilla with the taper.
. I've calmed down since being w/ my girl. I've matured A LOT. Plus, theold me had that mossberg. The new me doesn't.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Young Rilla w/ the dreads don't wanna see Young Rilla with the taper.
. I've calmed down since being w/ my girl. I've matured A LOT. Plus, the old me had that mossberg. The new me doesn't.

I would put my money on young rilla with the dreads will body young rilla with the taper
i think it would be a close fight. this year im smarter and have more sense, last year i was in better shape but less rational. if it was toe to toe lastyear's me would win. if it was more like a boxing match i think me now would win due to strategy and knowing my weaknesses from last year. would be closeeither way tho.
last year. i was going to the gym 3 times a week and working while going to school. this year, not so much. lotta junk food eating and ps3 playing.
I was more athletic last year, because that was before the ACL and MCL injury. This year I started to lifted so I'm noticibly bigger in my upper body. Ihave no idea which one would win.
last year would whoop me, been gettin lazy as a supervisor..the more you get paid , the less you do.
Last years me would win. I am in horrible shape compared to what I was last year. Life has been throwing me a few 1-2 punches this past year that have made mechange some thing...get at me next year, I'll be back on.
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