Why are conservatives always angry?

Nike Jordan

Jun 27, 2002
Even when George W. Bush was office, conservatives were always pissed off.

Since Obama took office, their anger went 8 to 8,000.

I'd also like to point out that I don't consider myself to be a Democrat for various reasons.
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Old, white men constitute a large chunk of the Conservative base. Old, white men have been those in charge of most institutions in our American society.

As we've progressed as a society and started moving away from the way they've done things, they've become more vocal in their disdain for all who oppose their view of how America should be.

Basically things are changing and they have no way to completely stop it. I'd probably be angry too.
eh, religious conservatives are the happiest people I know.

liberals, specifically the environmental left, are always on that gloom and doom tip. we need to ride bicycles everywhere or we'll mmurder the earth.

they're all for big government in some form though, so f em.
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Liberals are just as angry

**** a political identity, I'd rather have a real identity.
I find it to be the opposite considering conservatives tend to have more money than liberals
Old white men who hate.that a president thinks of the country first instead of.making a quick buck and waging wars with couintries cause we want their oil.

Theyre afraid of.change

Hence Obeezy's campaign slogan


They hate minorities, so they make.obtaining a green card a damn near life long struggle
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Old white men who hate.that a president thinks of the country first instead of.making a quick buck and waging wars with couintries cause we want their oil.

Theyre afraid of.change

Hence Obeezy's campaign slogan


They hate minorities, so they make.obtaining a green card a damn near life long struggle

nonsense, obama is responsible for hundreds of deaths of innocent civilians in the middle east.
Meh....it's true though so if someone takes offense, oh well.  I'm sure someone will say that's racist but America's history is America's history.    

This country was "founded" by white men and thus guided by white men.  Those white men passed their ideologies down to their wives and their children.  And it continues to be that way.

All that said, that's the way things work around the world.  Those in power mold society and do their best to preserve their way of doing things.  When things start changing, they don't like it.  

You liberals cry all day about stereotypes, generalizations and political correctness and the more responses this thread gets the more I see how truly ignorant and hypocritical some of you people are.

You liberals cry all day about stereotypes, generalizations and political correctness and the more responses this thread gets the more I see how truly ignorant and hypocritical some of you people are.

Please explain.

You liberals cry all day about stereotypes, generalizations and political correctness and the more responses this thread gets the more I see how truly ignorant and hypocritical some of you people are.
Lol you people? please tell us how being a consertive makes you holier than thou? Theres no point taking a side, it wont keep you from dying like the rest of "us people".
Our Gov is run by Old White People! They only represent 0% of what is relevant!

Thats why Politics is bullcrap, it hold no value in the "Real World"!

I will never vote again, because a vote = nothing!

You liberals cry all day about stereotypes, generalizations and political correctness and the more responses this thread gets the more I see how truly ignorant and hypocritical some of you people are.
Lol you people? please tell us how being a consertive makes you holier than thou? Theres no point taking a side, it wont keep you from dying like the rest of "us people".

Your response just proved my point.

I never said, nor do I think, being a conservative makes anyone "holier than thou" and I think everybody has the right to their own opinion.

But for people to sit around and call ALL conservatives angry, rant about "old white people", etc. then get offended when someone mentions the term "you people" (which by the way, if you read the context in which the words were used, I am referring to SOME liberals and SOME NTers) is the very ignorance and hypocrisy I am talking about.

Also, I'm a "minority" if that matters :rolleyes

Please explain.

See above.
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