Why are you still up?

Jan 20, 2002
Bored and
I never sleep

might go to the grocery store, late night pickups
I just FINALLY got the new BEP album and I can't stop listening to it
. I heard that it drops tomorrow, today.
Just lost 100 dollars gambling in dominos.
Im !%!*$!% pissed right now and I cant sleep.
i've been anti-social as *%@@ this whole week. turned off my phone, pretty much just go out to lift and do a few other things. need a little time to justclear my head and think about some things.

i am not tired due to not doing $$!!, basically
Watching this Miami Vice movie on my computer. I should work out though, naw I'll do it later.
I'm eating some Brazilian food with an Arizona. Tri- tip , with rice, and some cilantro- garlic sauce. If anybody is in the bay area, you should hit up theBrazilian Cafe on University Ave. in Berkely, and holla at Pedro. Cilantro-garlic sauce is straight crack.
can't sleep. too much on my mind. i have feelings for this girl and she has feelings for me as well. but the crazy thing about that is she is the ex of oneof my closest buddies and she's really good friends with my ex so she's going through the same dilemma im going through
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