Why Can't Women Cook Anymore?


I and a gentlemen friend were having a discussion that revolved around this topic. I know one reason why a lot of chicks my age can't cook is because wewere raised usually by single mothers who worked long hours (at least I know mine did) She cooked but she didn't cook like she was runnin' a soul foodkitchen, ya know? I can do what I can so that me and mine won't starve but it is by no means make you wanna slap yo mama good. However, cooking by nomeans is HARD. With cookbooks, and recipes pretty much accesible, all you REALLY need to time and patience to dabble around with different ideas. Also, youneed money to buy groceries and time to go out and buy the groceries. I mean, if I'mma cook--I'mma COOK. I'm not finna serve up chicken everyother night so I know that would require more time, effort, and creativity. I'm [color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]willing[/color] & able to go there but honestly I'm the kinda person where Ineed someone to inspire me to do that kinda &%@!, cuz on the real--I'm good wit' meatless spaghetti

In all honesty, it's the same reason why inna's today don't even know how to fix they own dam leaky faucets, change the oil, assemble drapes, etc. Now, tell 'dat, TELL 'DAT!!!
Always blame the parents....................lol
Real talk. Blame society and the gov for giving us such a hard working life style
parents are so burdened with having to pay bills work all the time theres hardly anytime to teach how to cook
America lives on such a fast paced lifestyle theres hardly any time for ourselves.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Feminism FTL.

Women are on this self empowerment $#!*. They're more sexually promiscuous (a plus for us) (what they call sexual freedom/liberation
), but as a result they're oppose to $#!* like cooking cause they think that's some old school $#!*. It's dumb, but most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

my wife's (white chick) kitchen game is on point. She studied my mom's (blk lady) recipies. that was a deal breaker...truthspeak. Gotta love a wht grl that can cook dressing, greens, candied yams, gumbo, grits, etc WITH NO RECIPE PRESENT.

You are lookin in the wrong places.
So where'd you find this chick?

Northern Illinois University's collegiate athlete study tables...

It's all about how you communicate to this person your expectations in a significant other. Not demanding they cook for you, but expressing the importanceof certain traits this woman takes on. Cooking, cleaning, overall health, etc. My wife knows what matters to me and I brought her around my mom a bunch. Over the years she got more comfortable helping my mom in the kitchen.

SMH @ me I forgot her best dish Catfish..
Better than any hood southern catfish spot. Guaranteed.
i was actually thinking about this earlier today. im filipino and i love my filipino food, but i know of maybe only 1 or 2 girls that can cook some dishes.theres only a select few of girls i know my age that cook other stuff, let alone bake. that worries me. fortunately ive learned a bit of my mom's recipessince i dont live at home anymore and i learn because of this very issue. well so ive heard its a turn on for girls if a guy can cook, so thats always a plus.
Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

my wife's (white chick) kitchen game is on point. She studied my mom's (blk lady) recipies. that was a deal breaker...truthspeak. Gotta love a wht grl that can cook dressing, greens, candied yams, gumbo, grits, etc WITH NO RECIPE PRESENT.

You are lookin in the wrong places.
I feel you fam, but I don't know if I want a white woman making me soul food, just dont seem right. BTW how old is your wife?
In any event, thats an isolated situation, Im referring to the greater majority.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Feminism FTL.

Women are on this self empowerment $#!*. They're more sexually promiscuous (a plus for us) (what they call sexual freedom/liberation
), but as a result they're oppose to $#!* like cooking cause they think that's some old school $#!*. It's dumb, but most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…
Word dude, you struck it right on
depends where they come from... if they come from a poor family then most likely they were raised to cook for themselves. if they come from a rich family, theydon't know %@#% but to beg and ask for food.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Feminism FTL.

Women are on this self empowerment $#!*. They're more sexually promiscuous (a plus for us) (what they call sexual freedom/liberation
), but as a result they're oppose to $#!* like cooking cause they think that's some old school $#!*. It's dumb, but most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…
this guy
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Feminism FTL.

Women are on this self empowerment $#!*. They're more sexually promiscuous (a plus for us) (what they call sexual freedom/liberation
), but as a result they're oppose to $#!* like cooking cause they think that's some old school $#!*. It's dumb, but most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…
this guy

Please do explain to me how my humorous take on this problem plaguing society is wrong. I think when you get the bottom of this, this generation of women ingreat deal have been raised by women who were involved in the origins of feminism in the 1960-70s, who've passed on the ideal that women have a place insociety outside the kitchen to such a degree women have forgotten to pass on such domestic skills as cooking. What about that is wrong? or even stone faceworthy?

I'll give you I was blunt in my first response but other than my last comment suggesting the lack of intelligence in women there is absolutely nothingwrong with what I said and is in great deal an apt take on the contemporary feminism and how it's affecting society in a number of ways from domesticskills to sexual morals.

@ any woman who can't cook. I love empowered and intelligent women just as much as the next man and probably more. I just think they're too few andfar between… These girls today think they can just be cute and every !%@*%*# dude should drop everything to hand them the world.

Can I cook? Yes. It's not rocket science, but mines not all that good. Do I cook? Nope. I've never had to on a regular basis. Still don't. Heenjoys it. I loathe it. Of course he's been working nights now so I fend for myself but that's whatever. Not like I do a 3 course meal for my lonesome.

I clean though. And pay the bills. half !%+ domestic goddess
It's embarassing; I know how to cook, clean, do laundry, and bake, but can't find a girl who can do any of that
. I'm the perfect housewife.
this thread is APPRECIATED.

I've been able to wash my own damn clothes and make myself a meal since I was 10.

my previous girl always wanted to help around the kitchen when I was whipping
up breakfast/dinner/what have you and she always found a way to F things up.

like, "did you really leave a 2 eggs shells in the brownie mix like I wouldn't notice? the hell is wrong w/ you woman?"
Don't generalize.

When you don't live with moms/pops anymore it almost becomes imperative that you learn/know how to cook something (Ramen noodles don't count,though...). Once you're thrust out on your own you better acquire some skills. Probably half of these females that don't know how to cook still live athome. Also, eating out every night is too expensive.
Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Feminism FTL.

Women are on this self empowerment $#!*. They're more sexually promiscuous (a plus for us) (what they call sexual freedom/liberation
), but as a result they're oppose to $#!* like cooking cause they think that's some old school $#!*. It's dumb, but most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…
Word dude, you struck it right on
the hell?

I'm not cosigning this trash
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