Why do people from other countries hate Americans so much?


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
So I was watching this video:

And I was reading the comment sections and basically everyone from every country comes in bashing America 

There was this one Irish kid that replied to an American who wrote "check" and replied with
Actually "cheque" is the correct way, guess it must've been too difficult for you 'Muricans to spell it that way so you all had to dumb it down hence, thru, color, check, ton, center, spelled etc. We speak English, you know from England. Speak properly and spell properly!

Even if the restaurant is busy you can still make tonnes more money working in Ireland on minimum wage than you can in American, also free healthcare in Ireland too, no "ObamaCare" here!

And basically everyone saying how Americans are rude and none of them will help foreigners when it comes to directions.

They just mad that we #1?
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I used to think it's jealousy but now I KNOW it's jealousy, our country gets the most amount of attention out of any country in the world (good or bad) we are the world's lone super power and the greatest country in the world, everyone copies off of us in some ways. I know I'm going to get thumbs downed for this but whatever I think this is the truth, it's like how the Yankees (the greatest sports franchise in the world) are the most hated team also. Greatest breeds contempt sorry if this offends anyone but I think it's true.


"They just mad we #1? "

Bro, that question is as ignorant as the people quoted.

The Irish dude should know that there is a difference between British and American english. Although, mutually intelligible, they are different dialects.

And its funny because cheque comes from a french pronunciation. Its literally an English word derived from French spelling and definition.

Don't steep down there man. Just make sure that you aren't rude, not due to being American, but in general. You will gain respect from those who deserve it and will dish the respect back out to those deserving.
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Because americans always say they live in the greatest country in the world and everything else is bs
Wait are they getting at the people or establishment? I can understand the latter but not the former. We all aren't the stereotypical the arrogant american...
It's cuz of what the American gov't does when it comes to foreign affairs in the name of freedom and democracy and the American ppl are largely ignorant or apathetic about it.

Keep in mind these ppl aren't any better.

As if there isn't corruption and nationalism on a widespread scale in other nations besides the United States. While most of you on NT hold Europe as the world's utopia, it's easily one of the more xenophobic places on the planet. The United States is light years ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to race relations and religious expression.
As bad as America may seem, plenty of countries are much worse. This is from someone who moved to this country as a 7 year old kid from a third world nation.

Americans are disliked because of the arrogance. Of course this is speaking in general.
Because you only hear from the people who are displeased with their own situation. If your life was so good, why does this need to be asked? If I had something better to do on a friday night, why am I in here writing this? You can't take general criticism serious because it only come from those who have time and/or just have it out for you.

We're all working hard, we're all paying bills and we all hate being discredited while doing so. And that's the majority of people in every country. Don't take pride or shame by things a few people in power do or people in history have done for us. No need to take pride or defend in who's copying who, most likey, you didn't contribute, and if you did it doesn't mean jack in the grand scheme.

We're all gonna try to work, eat, sleep and repeat. None of these criticisms and pride comments are gonna change a damn thing when monday (or whatever day your work starts) comes along.

We all have something better to worry about, and we like to be distracted. Don't get distracted.
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Well...one of our countries beat the Brits...Ireland holla.

America does need to get back on track though.
Honestly I think its because a lot of people see America as a corporation/business in a way. A lot of other countries are more family oriented and value a more simple lifestyle. They see Americans as arrogant and flamboyant.

I have family all over the world and when I visit them and I come back I can see what they mean about Americans. Its nothing really bad just different.
Firm believer in were all created and are equal... Tho some have better living standards but u can not say Americans as people r better... Cause not all Americans are good ppl same with rest of the world but there are a lot of good people left out there don't let all the d bags make u think otherwise
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