Why do people like snow?

Jul 18, 2012
Snow unappreciation.

If your about that ski/snowboard/snow mobile life, cool, but snow should stay up in the mountains.

Here in Murrland, we get that melt, freeze, melt, freeze, melt, freeze garbage, making these already crazy drivers, drive crazier.

Oh I prefer da cold just hate this crap that comes with it. 35 degrees and sunny is heaven to me. Where does it get cold, without the accumulation?
^ Also in MD and totally agree. Absolutely hate snow. First day back to work and it wants to snow the second I hit the beltway
ive never been in snow...

i live in socal..

i live in the desert and we have a tram that takes you up to a mountain and theres some up there, but ive never had the time to go..

would be nice..
People like the snow when it's falling. When it accumulates and freezes over, the reality sets in. **** sucks.
I love the snow. Growing up around it and then moving away from it gives me a greater appreciation for the snow. I loved shoveling driveways as a kid. It was a great way to make some money. Plus it's a good exercise. Having no school because of snowdays :smokin
i live in canada eh. every year hating the snow more and more.

i didnt mind it when i was young. but getting a car ticked me off exponentially. its such a waste of time and resources.

its like your training for a fight but have to.schedule your **** around mother nature.
im sure a fighter with less distractions would be more focused and ready. its living with a monkey on your back and accepting it.

i hate winter and too much heat. so one of my biggest goals is to move out to australia, or sf.
i think it stems from the hope that we had as kids...wishing it would snow and school would get canceled. i think it somewhat stays in some people's minds, but you also have the people that can realize that it's actually a burden when it snows.
Snow just makes everything you need to do on a daily basis that much more difficult because you have to shovel, the roads are icy, less parking spots, etc.
I like snow, but I can see why people hate it. I like snow when I don't have to leave my house, or when it isn't a blizzard and manageable to drive in.
When I was a kid I loved the snow. Playing football and running around in it, and the possibility of no school :smokin . Now that I'm older I realize what a pain snow is. No love or it now
People like the snow when it's falling. When it accumulates and freezes over, the reality sets in. **** sucks.

This. I like the snow when it's falling and then cancels school. But then it starts to get slushy, sandy, and disgusting everywhere you go. People tracking in salt, sand, and forming puddles in stores and businesses :smh:

I grew up snowboarding though, so as a kid I loved the snow. As an adult, I wouldn't mind living in a warmer climate and going on 2 or 3 snowboarding trips a year. Maybe live in CA but go to Big Bear or CO every now and then.
I'm bout that snowboarding life, so to speak, so I appreciate snow. Sure it's better in the mountains but I don't mind it in the city either. Nice to be able to take the shred stick to the park after school just for the hell of it.
the only time snow was ever 
 was when we had snowmageddon 2010 years ago and i was living in Foggy Bottom. the only fun time since i was able to still walk around and the massive snow ball fight was awesome. but as people have mentioned, that was when i was child in a different time, and didnt have classes for like 2 weeks. 

oh found where it gets cold but hardly snows... Verkhoyansk, Russia!

"Average monthly temperatures range from −45.8 °C  (−50.4 °F)  in January to +16.0 °C  (60.80 °F)  in July. Mean monthly temperatures are below freezing from October through April and exceed +10 °C  (50 °F)  from June through August, with the intervening months of May and September constituting very short transitional seasons." 

Snow unappreciation.

If your about that ski/snowboard/snow mobile life, cool, but snow should stay up in the mountains.

Here in Murrland, we get that melt, freeze, melt, freeze, melt, freeze garbage, making these already crazy drivers, drive crazier.
ey yo, beleeeeee dat famb.  ****** crazy people on these streets in bmore.
I have never been around it that much to hate it, but I know I could never like it. I'll take my 60 degree weather all year.
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