Why do people like snow?

Lived in CT my whole life and I hate the snow more and more with each passing winter.  I'm a systems engineer so I can work remotely/from home for most of my job if needed.  My first two jobs out of college were great when it came to snow, my bosses were always precautious and generous when it came to the weather.  Leave early, work from home, etc.

My newest job isn't that way, today was a perfect example.  This storm started around 4:30, I usually work until 6-7p (I have to be in the office until 5:30).  Instead of letting the office go an hour early, we all had to stay and the snow started - now a 20 minute commute home turned into over an hour, and a stressful hour at that.  One car 180'd in the middle of 95.  I started to slide out while breaking twice.  Eff that.  Our company policy is also that if our office or a client's office is open and we can't get to work we have to take a vacation day.  Just ridiculous, especially since some of our clients are two hours away.  In the snow it'll take twice as long as that, I'm really not driving 8 hours round trip to NY/MA unless it's a super emergency.  

Shoveling snow isn't fun but it's tolerable.  Driving is the worst though, I'm not trying to die or eff up my car getting to/from work.  
I do not like snow now, when I was younger it was cool. Now I gotta drive in it, plus I hate being cold dosent make it any better.
I used to like snow...until I went to school in Buffalo. I started snowing in October! I was like hell naw. It got really real for me when I had to borrow my roommates ski goggles to walk to the damn library. Then that same year, a snowstorm shut down the city Thanksgiving week and nearly stranded me there for the holiday. No deliveries to the cafeteria and for two days it was nothing but cappuccino and stale bagels :smh:. Then later that year, it snowed for the entire first week of April. I wasn't used to that. So yeah, that's my snow appreciation story.
Lived in CT my whole life and I hate the snow more and more with each passing winter.  I'm a systems engineer so I can work remotely/from home for most of my job if needed.  My first two jobs out of college were great when it came to snow, my bosses were always precautious and generous when it came to the weather.  Leave early, work from home, etc.

My newest job isn't that way, today was a perfect example.  This storm started around 4:30, I usually work until 6-7p (I have to be in the office until 5:30).  Instead of letting the office go an hour early, we all had to stay and the snow started - now a 20 minute commute home turned into over an hour, and a stressful hour at that.  One car 180'd in the middle of 95.  I started to slide out while breaking twice.  Eff that.  Our company policy is also that if our office or a client's office is open and we can't get to work we have to take a vacation day.  Just ridiculous, especially since some of our clients are two hours away.  In the snow it'll take twice as long as that, I'm really not driving 8 hours round trip to NY/MA unless it's a super emergency.  

Shoveling snow isn't fun but it's tolerable.  Driving is the worst though, I'm not trying to die or eff up my car getting to/from work.  
remote working is a god send. going to do it tomorrow. my street and surrounding streets are going to freeze tonight and im not touching the roads since i leave so early for work (5 am). fuggetaboutthat.
I love snow until I have to shovel it or unfreeze the car windows, but we didn't get any snow this year
THE ONLY THING I HATED BOUT SNOW WAS DRIVING.....now that i have a 4x4 Jeep, i have no problems with snow....not a damb worry....just cruise around enjoying the scenery.
I used to like snow...until I went to school in Buffalo. I started snowing in October! I was like hell naw. It got really real for me when I had to borrow my roommates ski goggles to walk to the damn library. Then that same year, a snowstorm shut down the city Thanksgiving week and nearly stranded me there for the holiday. No deliveries to the cafeteria and for two days it was nothing but cappuccino and stale bagels :smh:. Then later that year, it snowed for the entire first week of April. I wasn't used to that. So yeah, that's my snow appreciation story.

That lake effect, dropping feet of snow in a few hours for half the year.

I love the snow but that's because I still snowboard, ski, sled, skate, and play hockey.
Not a huge fan of snow...it's too problematic when its too much on the ground. Schools, post offices, stores, all close down and it makes driving through it a risk depending on where you're going.
Snowing in the Northeast right now. Already have about 8 inches. I will be out with the snowblower tomorrow morning. 
Man. This afternoon was hell. I haven't actually felt a legitimate snow storm in close to 5 years because of living in Cali.

Northeast climate :x. I mean, I have friends and family living in other states that would kill to see snow and just live through it for a while, but most don't realize the day-to-day struggle with snow.

I've had enough of it, real talk. 20+ years of dealing with it every 8 months is dreading.
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You aight famb?
i'm straight brah...

i just fuggin hate the snow w/ a passion... i'm never moving to an area where it snows... chicago is completely off my destination list... ::lol:

i really dont see how someone could enjoy the snow... like, its cold, it messes everything up, it hurts your fingers...
People who like snow have obviously never shoveled it.
I've lived in the snow all of my life! I appreciate it 

That first major fresh snowfall in October is amazing to look at! Plus the temperature is usually above freezing (30's) as well, which is much better than sub-zero. 90% of the time when it snows, it means the temperatures will increase. The snow all the way up to New Years time is much appreciated.

The cons about the snow is if you wait too long to shovel the snow, the snow gets very hard and icy and is really tough to shovel, especially in AK. You can use a snow machine, but my dad says to do it like a man and use a shovel. It's actually a good workout, lowkey.  Another bad thing about the snow is in the spring when it starts to melt. The roads are absolutely disgusting grey slush.

Overall though, the snow is nice. Plus, you can build these:

Check out all of the cool stuff that can be made with snow!
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Moving to SoCal on Sunday. Can't *$&$*$# wait to escape this snow.
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This thread reminds me of an old youtube video.

The video showed a bunch of cars trying to drive up a road that was filled with ice.

Even though a numerous cars failed to drive up the road, more and more people still tried to drive up the road.

Anyone remember what I'm talking about?
I hate walking through the city when there's black ice around. I miss my California 'winters'
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