Why Do We Still Have Black History Month????

I agree with this man
. I have a love/hate relationship for this month especially coming from a predominately white High school and college. I bet it won't even be brought up in any of my classes either
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

In one of my courses today, we spent a significant amount of time talking about the importance of Black Americans in United States History and this got me thinking.

Some of the topics that were covered could have been covered on any other day of the year, but for some reason, teachers and professors at all levels feel the need to show us how important these people really are only during a 4 week period.

Is there a specific reason why we still need to celebrate this 'holiday'?

In 2012, you would think that we could drop all these titles and just celebrate "American History."

How you do you guys feel about this?

Let's keep discussion mature.

What do you mean THESE PEOPLE?
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

In one of my courses today, we spent a significant amount of time talking about the importance of Black Americans in United States History and this got me thinking.

Some of the topics that were covered could have been covered on any other day of the year, but for some reason, teachers and professors at all levels feel the need to show us how important these people really are only during a 4 week period.

Is there a specific reason why we still need to celebrate this 'holiday'?

In 2012, you would think that we could drop all these titles and just celebrate "American History."

How you do you guys feel about this?

Let's keep discussion mature.

What do you mean THESE PEOPLE?
Go back to ISS.

Why are you trolling serious thread?
Well first off it's not a holiday. Unless you can point me to the schools and work place's giving black ppl a whole month off with pay/credit.

I understand the insult as far as schools only teaching it when this month comes around but I'd say if a school is only focusing on black history in Feb and not including it with the rest of history throughout the regular school year you should make a complaint.

As for ppl who think we don't need to recognize it for a month at the very least or wonder why need it,
This should be the last year for it, unless the US is willing to recognize a different race each month of the year ...
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

In one of my courses today, we spent a significant amount of time talking about the importance of Black Americans in United States History and this got me thinking.

Some of the topics that were covered could have been covered on any other day of the year, but for some reason, teachers and professors at all levels feel the need to show us how important these people really are only during a 4 week period.

Is there a specific reason why we still need to celebrate this 'holiday'?

In 2012, you would think that we could drop all these titles and just celebrate "American History."

How you do you guys feel about this?

Let's keep discussion mature.

What do you mean THESE PEOPLE?
Go back to ISS.

Why are you trolling serious thread?

Never been on ISS --- and I said that because it reminded me of Tropic Thunder.  Lighten up
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This should be the last year for it, unless the US is willing to recognize a different race each month of the year ...
Ummm...you do know that Hispanics are recognized, and Asians right? And other races throughout the year. Now other races/nationalities
do need more publicity/recognition, but come on now.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This should be the last year for it, unless the US is willing to recognize a different race each month of the year ...
Ummm...you do know that Hispanics are recognized, and Asians right? And other races throughout the year. Now other races/nationalities
do need more publicity/recognition, but come on now.

I was unaware Hispanics & Asians were recognized as a whole in a given month, which months because I've never anything in school or media about it? As for the other races I would like to know which months too? Thanks in advance
Aren't they trying to remove all ethnic studies from classrooms in Tx Or AZ and trying to say slavery wasn't that bad so white students don't feel bad?

Until everyone's contribution is properly represented BHM is very necessary and so is the focus on other groups of people.
Originally Posted by illwill24

You see how they treat Obama?

Thats why we have Black History Month
What is your reasoning for this?

You can't make a claim like that and give no reasoning.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Question for my white NTers

How did or do you feel in school when black history month came around? Did you gain or lose interest in the black history being taught? Just curious

Personally I couldnt of cared less. I dont know if that sounds rude or not.  Always understood why it was being done I just didnt pay any attention to it because its history lol. Ask me how much I paid attention to the Cold War and you'll get the same answer.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This should be the last year for it, unless the US is willing to recognize a different race each month of the year ...
Ummm...you do know that Hispanics are recognized, and Asians right? And other races throughout the year. Now other races/nationalities
do need more publicity/recognition, but come on now.

I was unaware Hispanics & Asians were recognized as a whole in a given month, which months because I've never anything in school or media about it? As for the other races I would like to know which months too? Thanks in advance
Just from me in elementary, middle school, and high school, there was always Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month (along with Chinese New Year
recognition), and Hispanic Heritage Month (along with Cinco De Mayo celebrations). Those have always been the main ones. There's two others that I

remember from that time (Middle Eastern was one, can't think of the other).

Funny thing, I've heard white people ask "how come we don't have a white history month". One person who said that in a group of some of my friends,

i told him "You have the other 9 months out of the year to celebrate".
Black people are still underpriveleged, underrepresented, and unrecognized for their efforts.

A lot of businesses don't celebrate MLK day but they celebrate Columbus day?

Ppl still think the first Sit In was at a diner? No it was at a library, they arrested a black man for reading a book in a LIBRARY.

Obama had that lady put her hand in his face, a congressman called him a Tar Baby, another congressman called Michelle a big booty ho. As incompetent as Bush was, NO ONE disrespected him like that.

People don't get it. They still don't understand what black people go through.

Black people are the worst educated. 200 years ago a black man was lynched for learning how to READ.

The government is not interested in educating black communities. There needs to be at least SOME kind of recognition, so we know our heritage, or at least inquire about it. That's what Black History Month does.
this is the issue:

black history month is a condescending concept and lends credit to the master narrative..there is no such thing as a 'black history month'..history IS history..it cannot be altered by the whimsical efforts of men...especially European men trying to compensate for their misdeeds and treachery.

illwill24 wrote:Obama had that lady put her hand in his face, a congressman called him a Tar Baby, another congressman called Michelle a big booty ho. As incompetent as Bush was, NO ONE disrespected him like that.

So $#+@*$* disrespectful.
disgusts me.
Originally Posted by illwill24

Black people are still underpriveleged, underrepresented, and unrecognized for their efforts.

A lot of businesses don't celebrate MLK day but they celebrate Columbus day?

Ppl still think the first Sit In was at a diner? No it was at a library, they arrested a black man for reading a book in a LIBRARY.

Obama had that lady put her hand in his face, a congressman called him a Tar Baby, another congressman called Michelle a big booty ho. As incompetent as Bush was, NO ONE disrespected him like that.

People don't get it. They still don't understand what black people go through.

Black people are the worst educated. 200 years ago a black man was lynched for learning how to READ.

The government is not interested in educating black communities. There needs to be at least SOME kind of recognition, so we know our heritage, or at least inquire about it. That's what Black History Month does.
Funny thing is, I agree with almost everything you said here....

But why is it necessary that we must teach these things only in February is my question?

this is the issue:

black history month is a condescending concept and lends credit to the master narrative..there is no such thing as a 'black history month'..history IS history..it cannot be altered by the whimsical efforts of men...especially European men trying to compensate for their misdeeds and treachery.
Co-sign 100%

But why is it necessary that we must teach these things only in February is my question?

Because if you didn't raise the awareness at least for a month, you would NEVER hear about it.

The stuff I heard about in Black History Month in elementary to highschool....George Washington Carver, Madam CJ Walker, Marcus Garvey, Chrispus Attucks....I have NEVER heard about these people outside of that month

I'm scared that if not for that month, us as blacks would NEVER have this stuff taught to us


Im out
c'mon bro....I respect their contributions to life but those select few people do NOT define our history...your convinced those people represent our history because your taking everything THEY tell you to be true. Our history is rich and full of the accomplishments of different civilizations, which its why it was stolen from us...stop giving credit to the master narrative.

Its time to step outside of the imprisoned mentality.

W was called a racist by Kanye West, had a shoe thrown at him, people call him the worst President ever, etc... Every President catches heat. Continue on with yalls discussion.
Nothing you say matters anymore. The Bush family is a piece of %!@%...and everything that is wrong with America...I don't acknowledge any role they've ever played in government as true leadership...it's simply them holding their privilege over the heads of the true Americans.
Originally Posted by illwill24

Obama had that lady put her hand in his face, a congressman called him a Tar Baby, another congressman called Michelle a big booty ho. As incompetent as Bush was, NO ONE disrespected him like that.
W was called a racist by Kanye West, had a shoe thrown at him, people call him the worst President ever, etc... Every President catches heat. Continue on with yalls discussion.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by illwill24

Obama had that lady put her hand in his face, a congressman called him a Tar Baby, another congressman called Michelle a big booty ho. As incompetent as Bush was, NO ONE disrespected him like that.
W was called a racist by Kanye West, had a shoe thrown at him, people call him the worst President ever, etc... Every President catches heat. Continue on with yalls discussion.

Bush was "disrespected", even if that, for being a lousy president; for reasons having to do with his inability to do his job well.
Obama, however, in the previously stated examples, was not judged/condemned because of his job performance; he was ridiculed because of his RACE.

That's a HUGGEE difference, broham.

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