Why Do We Still Have Black History Month????

because white folks will sweep it under the rug like they do w/ a lot of history

like how your jesus christ is the reason you're really here
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Ummm...you do know that Hispanics are recognized, and Asians right? And other races throughout the year. Now other races/nationalities
do need more publicity/recognition, but come on now.

I was unaware Hispanics & Asians were recognized as a whole in a given month, which months because I've never anything in school or media about it? As for the other races I would like to know which months too? Thanks in advance
Just from me in elementary, middle school, and high school, there was always Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month (along with Chinese New Year
recognition), and Hispanic Heritage Month (along with Cinco De Mayo celebrations). Those have always been the main ones. There's two others that I

remember from that time (Middle Eastern was one, can't think of the other).

Funny thing, I've heard white people ask "how come we don't have a white history month". One person who said that in a group of some of my friends,

i told him "You have the other 9 months out of the year to celebrate".

You can't be serious:

-Chinese new year acknowledgement is a day event and could not go in depth about Asian history, its impact & leaders

-Cinco De Mayo is another day celebrated and not a month

- The fact that you gave vague information, and even admitted to not remember some of these celebrations shows either your making this up for the sake of argument or that these other races were not represented properly

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by illwill24

Obama had that lady put her hand in his face, a congressman called him a Tar Baby, another congressman called Michelle a big booty ho. As incompetent as Bush was, NO ONE disrespected him like that.
W was called a racist by Kanye West, had a shoe thrown at him, people call him the worst President ever, etc... Every President catches heat. Continue on with yalls discussion.
If your the commander in chief of "the most powerful country in the world" (
) and in your country you got a memo saying that a hurricane can destroy a coast of one of states but you don't evacuate any of the population and it takes you 7 $#+#+%$!%%++! days to send relief to the aftermath of storm, i'd call you a lousy president. If the population that was mostly affected by the storm was african-american, i'd call you a racist.  
But calling the President a tar baby and the First Lady a ho is just heat?
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

I was unaware Hispanics & Asians were recognized as a whole in a given month, which months because I've never anything in school or media about it? As for the other races I would like to know which months too? Thanks in advance
Just from me in elementary, middle school, and high school, there was always Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month (along with Chinese New Year
recognition), and Hispanic Heritage Month (along with Cinco De Mayo celebrations). Those have always been the main ones. There's two others that I

remember from that time (Middle Eastern was one, can't think of the other).

Funny thing, I've heard white people ask "how come we don't have a white history month". One person who said that in a group of some of my friends,

i told him "You have the other 9 months out of the year to celebrate".

You can't be serious:

-Chinese new year acknowledgement is a day event and could not go in depth about Asian history, its impact & leaders
-Cinco De Mayo is another day celebrated and not a month
- The fact that you gave vague information, and even admitted to not remember some of these celebrations shows either your making this up for the sake of argument or that these other races were not represented properly
Those are key words you obviously missed while reading that.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Just from me in elementary, middle school, and high school, there was always Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month (along with Chinese New Year
recognition), and Hispanic Heritage Month (along with Cinco De Mayo celebrations). Those have always been the main ones. There's two others that I

remember from that time (Middle Eastern was one, can't think of the other).

Funny thing, I've heard white people ask "how come we don't have a white history month". One person who said that in a group of some of my friends,

i told him "You have the other 9 months out of the year to celebrate".

You can't be serious:

-Chinese new year acknowledgement is a day event and could not go in depth about Asian history, its impact & leaders
-Cinco De Mayo is another day celebrated and not a month
- The fact that you gave vague information, and even admitted to not remember some of these celebrations shows either your making this up for the sake of argument or that these other races were not represented properly
Those are key words you obviously missed while reading that.
No you are missing what I am saying, if it was embeded in you with a strong emphasis on it ... then you would remember. So either it doesn't mean much to you or it didn't mean much to the school system that you were under.

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by illwill24

Obama had that lady put her hand in his face, a congressman called him a Tar Baby, another congressman called Michelle a big booty ho. As incompetent as Bush was, NO ONE disrespected him like that.
W was called a racist by Kanye West, had a shoe thrown at him, people call him the worst President ever, etc... Every President catches heat. Continue on with yalls discussion.
If your the commander in chief of "the most powerful country in the world" (
) and in your country you got a memo saying that a hurricane can destroy a coast of one of states but you don't evacuate any of the population and it takes you 7 $#+#+%$!%%++! days to send relief to the aftermath of storm, i'd call you a lousy president. If the population that was mostly affected by the storm was african-american, i'd call you a racist.  
But calling the President a tar baby and the First Lady a ho is just heat?

The audacity of this guy.

Thanks for the feedback guys. This is just something I've been wanting to get off my chest for awhile now, it's actually quite hard to find people who share the same ideas on this topic.
Why not? It is a positive. This thread wouldn't even happen without it. It starts a conversation at least.
Black American history is American history. I don't see why it is separated. I'm black if it matters.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

AceBoogie wrote:
We're 4 decades removed from segregated schools, blatant and open racism, lynchings etc...

People really seem to forget that it hasn't been that long.

This! Plus racism is still very present in today's society. If you dont believe me, read the comments on any yahoo article that features an African American, its pretty harsh some of the things people say.
Racism will always be present. It's something that will never go away. Whether it be towards blacks or any other race or ethnicity. Their will always be hate, sad to say but its true.
Why does it still exist? Because racism still exists. It's a reminder that 40+ years ago we have the Civil Rights Movement & we've come a long way but are nowhere close to living in a non-racist society.

People think that racism doesnt exist anymore because there arent as many lynchings or beatings and there are wealthy minorities..

Blatant racism has transformed into Institutionalized Racism. You can't see it as clearly because it's institutionalized. This basically means that racism becomes part of everyday life so people don't even notice it. An example of this could be different media outlets... Ever notice on shows like Cops the majority of the people they arrest are minorities?? In movies, what roles do Asians always play? Kung Fu master, smart, nerdy, etc.

It's good that we celebrate holidays like this. I wish there was more actually so everyone can remember the struggles that minorities faced in the past 200 hundred years & even now.

In case anyone is interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism
our real history isn't talked about during Black History Month

but it is what it is
For those of you that don't live in "Urban" Environments, how much do you learn about black people in school? I mean do you even talk about it? Do you all talk about Black History Month?
I have a love/hate relationship with BHM, but as of right now I think it's necessary. Random, but where are you guys from? Curious to see if opinions differ due to location.
Edit: ^Promise I didn't see your post lol. 
They need to move it to march instead of Feb 29 days is not enough blacks have done so much and gone so far
In this world and in USA just to be forgotten or not mention in all history
The bigger question is why do people constantly question the need for MLK day and BHM, but not other holidays.

I'll wait.
Black History Month was made to relieve white guilt for slavery. It's moot at this point.

Look how around this time of year, they still show slave movies and all that stuff. History Books barely even mention black history before slavery. If you can tell people their history started with slavery, the psychological insinuation is "Ok, you're a slave and we liberated you anyway, now go out and be somebody"....as opposed to the reality that we were kings and queens in Africa.

I cant even front as a Caribbean American, i sometimes feel sorry for Black Americans.

And these people are getting too slick with our President. It's disgusting to see.
Originally Posted by G o D Jewels

The bigger question is why do people constantly question the need for MLK day and BHM, but not other holidays.

I'll wait.

"Black" people themselves do this a lot.

 There's a lot of bitterness (rightfully so) that clouds any attempt at appreciation. 
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Black History Month was made to relieve white guilt for slavery. It's moot at this point.

Look how around this time of year, they still show slave movies and all that stuff. History Books barely even mention black history before slavery. If you can tell people their history started with slavery, the psychological insinuation is "Ok, you're a slave and we liberated you anyway, now go out and be somebody"....as opposed to the reality that we were kings and queens in Africa.

I cant even front as a Caribbean American, i sometimes feel sorry for Black Americans.

And these people are getting too slick with our President. It's disgusting to see.
I get what you're saying but I feel like I dont know anyone who feels this way. As I've gotten older I've noticed that black people myself included have went above and beyond to learn more than just MLK and George Washington Carver. 
I agree schools could do more but it seems as we grew older (we as in people in our age range now) we took it upon ourselves to learn more. Maybe thats not the majority of people tho. I'm just saying.
Originally Posted by G o D Jewels

The bigger question is why do people constantly question the need for MLK day and BHM, but not other holidays.

I'll wait.

I agree. No shots at the OP but it almost always seems to be someone black as if they are scare/embarrassed about being separated and having the spotlight on them for a little bit.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

We're 4 decades removed from segregated schools, blatant and open racism, lynchings etc...

People really seem to forget that it hasn't been that long.

removed you say?
Strom Thurmond died like what...3-4 years ago? 

We have congressmen/women that think Civil Rights bills are unethical and unconstitutional. 

Your parents can still remember when they were children and lived through this stuff...its NOT that long ago.

Ya'll act like just because 100/1000 NBA/NFL players a year and a handful of black actors/entertainers are making headlines that the rest of us are doing so well? 

This isn't like asking why we do we still duel for the right to marry fair maidens... 

Ask me again in 200 years OP. 

I agree with duke. Although he OD'd on the emoticons, he's right. 
@MinnyMouse, I don't think MOST people go above and beyond to find out their history though. I don't think that is a reflection of the majority of folks. Especially if we are talking about Elementary/Middle school students. They haven't even conceived the idea that their history books might be innacurate and written from the standpoint of the "winner."

So I have to side with Magnus in this situation.
^ that was my point...as people get/got older they found more than just MLK and GWC on their own and hopefully shared it w/younger kids at least

i certainly don't expect the schools to cover everything there is out there...
When they start teaching about Black History on a regular basis (which will probably be never), then we can get rid of Black History Month. And even during Black History month, most schools don't teach you anything but a few select things (Frederick Douglas, Rosa Parks, MLK). Basically the most obvious things that you've heard over and over.
Would a teacher get in trouble if he basically made his own curriculum? A history teacher at that? I mean they could simply switch things up whenever someone is in the classroom evaluating them right?
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