Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by copped

sillyputty and anton both sound like pretentious douche bags...get over yourselves.

i can respect a humble man's opinion, but you two shove your ideas down others throats.

realize this: nothing you say or do is going to change a strong believer's opinion about their own faith---whatever faith that may be. This will NEVER happen, not you nor the billions of people smarter than you on this topic will change the entire world into believing in what you and atheist/agnostic community believe in.

your self-righteousness and crusade like attitudes are not getting you any where. the ignorance within both of you is embarrassing.

I'm ignorant for NOT believing in something I have no reason to believe in?
Are you ignorant for not believing in the gods of other religions and faiths? 
No, you're ignorant for thinking you'll change the beliefs of people with faith.
No one's saying you're wrong for stating what YOU believe in, yet you quote every single person who types up their testimony and you try shooting down what they believe in.  Who are you to say what's right and wrong?

I'm not trying to change anyones mind.
But don't come at me with utterly stupid arguments that don't hold their own weight. 

"i believe there is a magic man in the sky that tells me what to do"

You want to be respected for THAT? 



Just ...No. 
Originally Posted by RevTheJedi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by lebrons n jays23

because i've accomplished things that I couldn't do on my own.

And he chose to help you, and forsake others who pray for his help?

Typical religious egotistical bullcrap
me me me me me, God loves ME don't care about the guy down the street

   Do you pray? Do you expect whatever you pray for to happen? I don't try to explain it, I've lived a very blessed life or maybe I'm just lucky. You can make your case for why believing in god is illogical or non-sensical; I couldnt be happier with where I am in life, and I think my faith has something to do with that. Good thing I'm a Poli Sci major, I dont think I have the brains for Philosophy.

If having faith brings you happiness and emotional comfor more power to you, it just grinds my gears when people use that "God did sh#$ for me so I believe in him" excuse for believing-
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I'm ignorant for NOT believing in something I have no reason to believe in?
Are you ignorant for not believing in the gods of other religions and faiths? 
No, you're ignorant for thinking you'll change the beliefs of people with faith.
No one's saying you're wrong for stating what YOU believe in, yet you quote every single person who types up their testimony and you try shooting down what they believe in.  Who are you to say what's right and wrong?

I'm not trying to change anyones mind.
But don't come at me with utterly stupid arguments that don't hold their own weight. 

"i believe there is a magic man in the sky that tells me what to do"

You want to be respected for THAT? 



Just ...No. 

Word people are acting like I give a #$$# about converting believers-But don't come at me with that you're gonna go to hell if you don't worship an old white man in the clouds with a beard
and expect me to be like you right, where the bible at?

The only thing I'd change about religious people is their many intolerant attitudes, I respect the right for everyone to practice their religion-I don't have to agree with it
religion is not whats wrong with society...it is ironically people like you that is.

close-minded, disrespectful, 'lulz at what you believe in' attitude, and moronic over the top sarcasm to demean other people's faith.

until you realize that you are not superior to others, and humble yourself to at least understand WHY someone would believe in something as opposed to nothing, you will not be taken seriously by anyone with sound knowledge in both science and religion. For example: I am religious, although i do not agree with what you say, i understand why you say what you say and can respect your opinion about it---however irrational i think it may be. YOU CANNOT bring yourself to do that. No one is telling you to believe in god, or accept other people's religion, but the least you can do is UNDERSTAND why someone would believe in what they believe in.

i think you got an erection from all the e-fame you received from this thread and the other from high schoolers and uneducated individuals pertaining to this subject. people like you who think they got it all figured out get embarrassed in the academic world, you are not impressing anyone.
Originally Posted by copped

religion is not whats wrong with society...it is ironically people like you that is.

close-minded, disrespectful, 'lulz at what you believe in' attitude, and moronic over the top sarcasm to demean other people's faith.

until you realize that you are not superior to others, and humble yourself to at least understand WHY someone would believe in something as opposed to nothing, you will not be taken seriously by anyone with sound knowledge in both science and religion. For example: I am religious, although i do not agree with what you say, i understand why you say what you say and can respect your opinion about it---however irrational i think it may be. YOU CANNOT bring yourself to do that. No one is telling you to believe in god, or accept other people's religion, but the least you can do is UNDERSTAND why someone would believe in what they believe in.

i think you got an erection from all the e-fame you received from this thread and the other from high schoolers and uneducated individuals pertaining to this subject. people like you who think they got it all figured out get embarrassed in the academic world, you are not impressing anyone.

LOL ok? My reputation as a being over-achiever in the sciences would beg to differ (Sillyputty knows

Furthermore, I have had respectful and meaningful discussions with many religious folks on NT-It's impossible to do with some (no names)

I understand why people are religious, I don't have to agree with it

It doesn't take a high level of education  to argue why religion is irrational, this dude acting like the second children realize Santa doesn't exist they get PhDs in Quantum Physics

Ironically on the spectrum my agnostic views are actually more open-minded than either extreme-I believe in the existence of a God as a POSSIBILITY, just don't know what it is and I'm gonna need evidence before I even attempt to characterize it
Originally Posted by copped

religion is not whats wrong with society...it is ironically people like you that is.

close-minded, disrespectful, 'lulz at what you believe in' attitude, and moronic over the top sarcasm to demean other people's faith.

until you realize that you are not superior to others, and humble yourself to at least understand WHY someone would believe in something as opposed to nothing, you will not be taken seriously by anyone with sound knowledge in both science and religion. For example: I am religious, although i do not agree with what you say, i understand why you say what you say and can respect your opinion about it---however irrational i think it may be. YOU CANNOT bring yourself to do that. No one is telling you to believe in god, or accept other people's religion, but the least you can do is UNDERSTAND why someone would believe in what they believe in.

i think you got an erection from all the e-fame you received from this thread and the other from high schoolers and uneducated individuals pertaining to this subject. people like you who think they got it all figured out get embarrassed in the academic world, you are not impressing anyone.
On top of that, I actually DONT understand why anyone BELIEVES anything they can't prove or provide evidence for when they use that same proof and evidence to justify EVERY other thing they do in their life.

Yet when religion comes up, they're free from criticism somehow.


I will protect your right to believe what you want to believe but I will NOT respect you for it nor will I agree with you. 

Tell me. Why do you believe in a god?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I'm ignorant for NOT believing in something I have no reason to believe in?
Are you ignorant for not believing in the gods of other religions and faiths? 
No, you're ignorant for thinking you'll change the beliefs of people with faith.
No one's saying you're wrong for stating what YOU believe in, yet you quote every single person who types up their testimony and you try shooting down what they believe in.  Who are you to say what's right and wrong?

I'm not trying to change anyones mind.
But don't come at me with utterly stupid arguments that don't hold their own weight. 

"i believe there is a magic man in the sky that tells me what to do"

You want to be respected for THAT? 



Just ...No. 

 From this response alone I can tell you're not very bright.

This country was founded on the basis of God.  The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Pledge of Allegiance all contain God in it.  In hearings you vow on a Bible and swear to God that you'll tell the truth.  You don't respect our founding fathers?  Our president? Get out of here with that, I don't think you know what the meaning of respect is.  It's people like you who push the border of extremism that cause such things as racism and xenophobia.  I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm not even asking you to be open-minded.  I'm asking you to be respectful of the beliefs of others, you bigot.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by copped

religion is not whats wrong with society...it is ironically people like you that is.

close-minded, disrespectful, 'lulz at what you believe in' attitude, and moronic over the top sarcasm to demean other people's faith.

until you realize that you are not superior to others, and humble yourself to at least understand WHY someone would believe in something as opposed to nothing, you will not be taken seriously by anyone with sound knowledge in both science and religion. For example: I am religious, although i do not agree with what you say, i understand why you say what you say and can respect your opinion about it---however irrational i think it may be. YOU CANNOT bring yourself to do that. No one is telling you to believe in god, or accept other people's religion, but the least you can do is UNDERSTAND why someone would believe in what they believe in.

i think you got an erection from all the e-fame you received from this thread and the other from high schoolers and uneducated individuals pertaining to this subject. people like you who think they got it all figured out get embarrassed in the academic world, you are not impressing anyone.
On top of that, I actually DONT understand why anyone BELIEVES anything they can't prove or provide evidence for when they use that same proof and evidence to justify EVERY other thing they do in their life.

Yet when religion comes up, they're free from criticism somehow.


I will protect your right to believe what you want to believe but I will NOT respect you for it nor will I agree with you. 

Tell me. Why do you believe in a god?

   THIS!!!! People just don't get it

Luckily I live in a country where I can freely express these views without threat of harm.
Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by DecemberLove

No, you're ignorant for thinking you'll change the beliefs of people with faith.
No one's saying you're wrong for stating what YOU believe in, yet you quote every single person who types up their testimony and you try shooting down what they believe in.  Who are you to say what's right and wrong?

I'm not trying to change anyones mind.
But don't come at me with utterly stupid arguments that don't hold their own weight. 

"i believe there is a magic man in the sky that tells me what to do"

You want to be respected for THAT? 



Just ...No. 

 From this response alone I can tell you're not very bright.

This country was founded on the basis of God.  The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Pledge of Allegiance all contain God in it.  In hearings you vow on a Bible and swear to God that you'll tell the truth.  You don't respect our founding fathers?  Our president? Get out of here with that, I don't think you know what the meaning of respect is.  It's people like you who push the border of extremism that cause such things as racism and xenophobia.  I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm not even asking you to be open-minded.  I'm asking you to be respectful of the beliefs of others, you bigot.

Atheism is the cause of racism? When's the last time a group of atheists enslaved an entire race or committed genocide?
Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I'm not trying to change anyones mind.
But don't come at me with utterly stupid arguments that don't hold their own weight. 

"i believe there is a magic man in the sky that tells me what to do"

You want to be respected for THAT? 



Just ...No. 

 From this response alone I can tell you're not very bright.

This country was founded on the basis of God.  The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Pledge of Allegiance all contain God in it.  In hearings you vow on a Bible and swear to God that you'll tell the truth.  You don't respect our founding fathers?  Our president? Get out of here with that, I don't think you know what the meaning of respect is.  It's people like you who push the border of extremism that cause such things as racism and xenophobia.  I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm not even asking you to be open-minded.  I'm asking you to be respectful of the beliefs of others, you bigot.

Do you know anything about the founders of this country? Some of them believed in god, many of them didn't and specifically left "god" out all things government. The government was intended to be secular.

Let me help you out there:

Adams signed the Treaty of Tripoli (June 7, 1797). Article 11 states:
"The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."

From a letter to Charles Cushing (October 19, 1756):
"Twenty times in the course of my late reading, have I been upon the point of breaking out, 'this would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it.'"

From a letter to Thomas Jefferson:
"I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved -- the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced!"

Additional quotes from John Adams:
"Where do we find a precept in the Bible for Creeds, Confessions, Doctrines and Oaths, and whole carloads of trumpery that we find religion encumbered with in these days?"

"The Doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity."

"...Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, and which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind."

Thomas Jefferson (the third President of the United States)

Jefferson's interpretation of the first amendment in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association (January 1, 1802):
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State."

From Jefferson's biography:
"...an amendment was proposed by inserting the words, 'Jesus Christ...the holy author of our religion,' which was rejected 'By a great majority in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and the Mohammedan, the Hindoo and the Infidel of every denomination.'"

Jefferson's "The Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom":
"Our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions, more than on our opinions in physics and geometry....The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

From Thomas Jefferson's Bible:
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."

Jefferson's Notes on Virginia:
"Reason and persuasion are the only practicable instruments. To make way for these free inquiry must be indulged; how can we wish others to indulge it while we refuse ourselves? But every state, says an inquisitor, has established some religion. No two, say I, have established the same. Is this a proof of the infallibility of establishments?"

Additional quotes from Thomas Jefferson:
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself."

"They [the clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition of their schemes. And they believe rightly: for I have sworn upon the alter of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

"I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth."

"In every country and in every age the priest has been hostile to liberty; he is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own."

"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear....Do not be frightened from this inquiry by any fear of its consequences. If it end in a belief that there is no God, you will find incitements to virtue on the comfort and pleasantness you feel in its exercise and in the love of others which it will procure for you."

"Christianity...[has become] the most perverted system that ever shone on man....Rogueries, absurdities and untruths were perpetrated upon the teachings of Jesus by a large band of dupes and importers led by Paul, the first great corrupter of the teaching of Jesus."

"...that our civil rights have no dependence on religious opinions, any more than our opinions in physics and geometry."

James Madison (the fourth President of the United States)

Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments:
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise....During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in laity; in both, superstition, bigotry, and persecution."

Additional quote from James Madison:
"Religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together."

On top of that you're stupid to even assert that because you THINK it was founded on religion that it SHOULD STILL BE centered around religion. Because we used to do something does not mean we should keep doing it. I guess slavery was a good idea too? 
Tell me where in the constitution is says "god"
Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli please tell me what it says and who wrote it. 
Stupid christians thinking the world belongs to them when islam is the fastest growing religion. NO SIR.

On top of that... God was added to the money in 1953 and to the pledge in 1954 to combat anti-communist sentiment. It was a propaganda move. 

The constitution says freedom FROM religion. 

I completely disagree with swearing on a bible. Its the equivalent of swearing on a bagel to me. People also have the option to affirm or swear. 

Did you know there are SEVEN STATES in this country in which legally you can't own office if you don't believe in a god? Tell me where is the bigotry there?

If i'm stupid then you're flippin ******ed. You do not even know basic constitutionality or american history worth a damn. Miss me with the bigot talk.

This is what you don't understand.


You have lost mine.

I don't have to respect your hocus pocus mumbo jumbo pseudoscientific jargon. 

I will protect your right to believe what you want, but I will not and am not obligated to respect you for your beliefs. Thats something I WONT do. 
I posted that blog link to the naturalism topic a few pages back...of course the atheists never responded to that or the passage I posted from Aldous Huxley on the perennial philosophy. 
I was reading this article on the train this morning and found it relevant to this thread:

"What, for a start, is the natural world? If we say it is the world of matter, or the world of atoms, we are left behind by modern physics, which characterizes the world in far more abstract terms. Anyway, the best current scientific theories will probably be superseded by future scientific developments. We might therefore define the natural world as whatever the scientific method eventually discovers. Thus naturalism becomes the belief that there is only whatever the scientific method eventually discovers, and (not surprisingly) the best way to find out about it is by the scientific method. That is no tautology. Why can’t there be things only discoverable by non-scientific means, or not discoverable at all?"
Why do all things living in this earth reproduce? Why is it Man, and Woman. Why is there an idea of reproduction. Even if the existence of humans is by "Chance", how are we humans?. 

Great you have established that its a big bang theory and somehow magically the stars fell into orbit and we were luckily given  earth, which then luckily produced some sort of organism, which then produced an identical organism, yet with different organs that allowed it to be a pair so that it can reproduce...

I believe in Mans knowledge and will to advance, but I think this idea of not believing is very limiting. 

Keep doing your thing though, believe what you will. You can choose to BELIEVE our origin as something and I will choose to BELIEVE our origin from something else. 

BTW I seen antons post about "bingo" its all luck, and that religion maintains an idea of ME ME ME ME. That is very wrong, no religion preaches that the less fortunate should look onto the rich and be like o why does he have everything. Which is basically what you implied by saying the more fortunate think that they are blessed because they are fortunate. The great thing about religion is the less fortunate still believe they are fortunate and give thanks for that.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Why do all things living in this earth reproduce? Why is it Man, and Woman. Why is there an idea of reproduction. Even if the existence of humans is by "Chance", how are we humans?. 

Great you have established that its a big bang theory and somehow magically the stars fell into orbit and we were luckily given earth, which then luckily produced some sort of organism, which then produced an identical organism, yet with different organs that allowed it to be a pair so that it can reproduce...

I believe in Mans knowledge and will to advance, but I think this idea of not believing is very limiting.
Not always true. Some species have a three or more genders.
Also, the big bang doesn't say "magic" happened. Its only a theory that asserts that since cosmic entities are rapidly moving apart that they more than likely originated from a singular entity.

You are asserting things because you THINK that is what is true. If that is the case, back up your thoughts with evidence and proof of your statements. If not, then you have no reason to assert what you're saying other than because you just want to.

Here is a short clip that hopefully can explain some of the things you may not understand about evolution.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I was reading this article on the train this morning and found it relevant to this thread:

"What, for a start, is the natural world? If we say it is the world of matter, or the world of atoms, we are left behind by modern physics, which characterizes the world in far more abstract terms. Anyway, the best current scientific theories will probably be superseded by future scientific developments. We might therefore define the natural world as whatever the scientific method eventually discovers. Thus naturalism becomes the belief that there is only whatever the scientific method eventually discovers, and (not surprisingly) the best way to find out about it is by the scientific method. That is no tautology. Why can’t there be things only discoverable by non-scientific means, or not discoverable at all?"

Ok...no one debates this. That is why research is so important. To always keep pushing forward.

This makes no sense. Its not even about "science" at this point but if you can't DISCOVER something then what is there to be discovered? You cant find something if there is nothing to find. 

If you discover something, you use empirical evidence and proof to assert it. Otherwise you wouldn't assert it in the first place. 

That article is FUBAR. 

If you can't test something then what are you even asserting? 

Once again, philosophers just sitting around and thinking about thinking about thinking in endless sophistry 

There is a time to think and there is a time to act through research and testing. You can't discover anything if you're sitting around thinking all damn day. 
So why are there Woman and Man. Basically you shutdown the idea of all things on earth, by some being tri-gender. What about humans which is essentially what this topic is about. That vid didnt explain anything to me nor did answer anything i said.
Matter of fact all it did was reinforce the idea that an original blueprint of Humans was there. It describes that as time goes on original things get differences due to genetic make up of the previous generation. I do not see much difference, ill rephrase ANY difference in humans since the first finding of a human. 

Some one earlier posted this picture that said if the human body was so amazing it wouldnt have all these issues, then it went to  name a few things. That picture is faulted because its description is like the human brain can not handle moving at high speeds and being thrown around in a car.. Cars were not around when humans first appeared so granted we wouldn't have that "GENE" in our brain yet why have we not produced it? Why are modern humans not more solidly built with extra padding in the skull to provide safety for us considering we have adapted to a certain way of life.

This is what i said in my first post in this thread, you choose to look at yourself in 2011 and believe that humans have rightfully overcame something, the belief in religion, and that you must be correct. That is arrogance considering the history of humans and great achievements by generations that came waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before us.

MAN AND WOMAN homie.. Come on do you guys not see what it means to have 2 identical humans yet they are different. That doesnt trip you out? it doesnt make you think? beyond what a dam scientist can explain????
On TheNephs.

Well put sir.

I have this conversation a lot with people on other thread and I'll probably be adding to this one.

Props to the OP for making it
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by RevTheJedi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

And he chose to help you, and forsake others who pray for his help?

Typical religious egotistical bullcrap
me me me me me, God loves ME don't care about the guy down the street

   Do you pray? Do you expect whatever you pray for to happen? I don't try to explain it, I've lived a very blessed life or maybe I'm just lucky. You can make your case for why believing in god is illogical or non-sensical; I couldnt be happier with where I am in life, and I think my faith has something to do with that. Good thing I'm a Poli Sci major, I dont think I have the brains for Philosophy.

Being happy doesn't mean someone 
A. Created you

B. Said you have to worship it

C. said you have to acknowledge it

D. answers prayers. 

Everyone who believes in a higher being does not subscribe to the four things you just listed.  Stop limiting your understanding of the potential existence of a higher being to such narrow conception(s) provided by organized religion.  Some of you agnostics and atheists are just as rigid and dogmatic as the religious folks you clearly despise...
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by RevTheJedi

   Do you pray? Do you expect whatever you pray for to happen? I don't try to explain it, I've lived a very blessed life or maybe I'm just lucky. You can make your case for why believing in god is illogical or non-sensical; I couldnt be happier with where I am in life, and I think my faith has something to do with that. Good thing I'm a Poli Sci major, I dont think I have the brains for Philosophy.

Being happy doesn't mean someone 
A. Created you

B. Said you have to worship it

C. said you have to acknowledge it

D. answers prayers. 

Everyone who believes in a higher being does not subscribe to the four things you just listed.  Stop limiting your understanding of the potential existence of a higher being to such narrow conception(s) provided by organized religion.  Some of you agnostics and atheists are just as rigid and dogmatic as the religious folks you clearly despise...

OK Smart guy, why do you believe there is a god and why must you acknowledge it? 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Being happy doesn't mean someone 
A. Created you

B. Said you have to worship it

C. said you have to acknowledge it

D. answers prayers. 

Everyone who believes in a higher being does not subscribe to the four things you just listed.  Stop limiting your understanding of the potential existence of a higher being to such narrow conception(s) provided by organized religion.  Some of you agnostics and atheists are just as rigid and dogmatic as the religious folks you clearly despise...

OK Smart guy, why do you believe there is a god and why must you acknowledge it

i dont think anyone is arguing that you MUST believe in a God.
Originally Posted by QuestLife

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by red mpls

Everyone who believes in a higher being does not subscribe to the four things you just listed.  Stop limiting your understanding of the potential existence of a higher being to such narrow conception(s) provided by organized religion.  Some of you agnostics and atheists are just as rigid and dogmatic as the religious folks you clearly despise...

OK Smart guy, why do you believe there is a god and why must you acknowledge it

i dont think anyone is arguing that you MUST believe in a God.

Answer the question.
Why do you believe in a god?

That is the topic of the whole thread. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by QuestLife

Originally Posted by sillyputty

OK Smart guy, why do you believe there is a god and why must you acknowledge it

i dont think anyone is arguing that you MUST believe in a God.

Answer the question.
Why do you believe in a god?

That is the topic of the whole thread. 

at "Answer the question."

Who said I believe in a higher being and who said I (or anyone else for that matter) must acknowledge this entity if I did believe it exists?

The purpose of my post was to point out that you all are rejecting the idea of a higher being within a framework with which you do not agree and apparently despise.  However, don't act like there are no other possible understandings of a potential higher being that exist outside that framework...
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

go to church my man

i think its a hispanic thing that we go harder for it but its obvy i mean u tell me who made earth the sky and us?

this nt anyway my 2 cents
I went to Catholic school and did my communion and confirmation and I'm not going to lie, they brainwashed me.
The answer to whatever science can't answer is always God.

Humans use this as an alternative to things we can't answer. 

We have faith because we are scared, because we don't have the answers to things. 

We have hope because we can't control things. That is why most people believe in god. 

Also Fear, we believe in God because we are afraid of what will happen to us after we die. We do good to go to heaven. 

Like someone once said, "I don't believe in God, but I am afraid of him."
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