Why does everyone knock resellers?

Cant knock resellers. In fact sometimes theyre the ones who help you cop a grail along way down the line by keeping something DS for years. Its a job to them and its what pays the bills. They dont give an F if youre a shoe head or not. If you think about it all retail stores are resellers cus they buy their product from the manufacturer at cost. Ive worked for Nike and copped 7 pairs of different AM 1s for $17 a piece and they still made a profit and sold the same pairs to buyers for $85 a pair.

Retailers are nothing like resellers. Retailers are like contractors that work for Nike/JB that have contracts and rules that they follow. Resellers are price gouging opportunists.

With that said, I'd resell a hyped release like Corks or Yeezy's if a dude is willing to pay $2000 for em.
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I always blame the buyer. Stop paying the asking price and resellers go away.

Until people fully understand this, resellers will exist. I blame the buyers 100%, if people chose to pay retail or nothing, resellers would move on the next opportunity. Heads these days have to have everything right away no matter what, they're clueless.
Lack of awareness by the hype sheep

you can complain about resellers and all that but at the end of the day..... its that same lust for whatever sneaker is hot that brings prices up

People really think that just because they want it others don't. The same reason why they want it so bad is the same reason why things can be re-sold.

Its a useless battle really. Im guessing the poorer buyers ger mad at the resellers.

stupid on all accounts. Making $20 on a sneaker seems like perfect investment....not
I just hate the fact that resellers make it harder for me to cop the pair that I want, then have the nerve to sell it above retail :rolleyes

Nothing good about that at all. That's lame as hell.
but... how is it lame?

Cuz they let the market decide? You get mad at the reseller and call him lame.. but SOMEBODY is paying that asking price.

If no one payed the asking price " do you think he would just hold the shoes?

Simple economics bro
loI think its funny the divide in join dates and peoples opinion on this matter... Other than OP and a few other members it really seems like the newer members, the same ones usually overpaying for these new releases are the same ones that stay defending the resellers and their artificially high prices. While the members that have been in the game for a while can see the drastic change for what it is... Market manipulation.

I hate "professional" re sellers. I say professional because I have no problem with someone flipping a pair or two each release to offset the cost of their own habit but these guys with shady connects that buy out entire store stocks to sell for 2x as much that very same day are doing nothing but artificially decreasing the RETAIL supply of shoes THE DAY THEY RELEASE.

I mean... You know the game is ****** up when you can find higher quality older retros cheaper than whatever "limited" shoe just released... its become like freakin beanie babies... There are a TON of new players in the "game" that are overpaying and destroying the culture for the true fans.
Sheep mentality...everyone wants the newest, "pseudo-rarest" and most expensive kicks.

I didnt care when it was furbys... I didnt care when it was beanie babies... I didnt care when it was Xbox... or PS1,2 or 3.... but when the "Culture Vultures" go after my hobby.... Id would be lying if I said it didnt piss me off.
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loI think its funny the divide in join dates and peoples opinion on this matter... Other than OP and a few other members it really seems like the newer members, the same ones usually overpaying for these new releases are the same ones that stay defending the resellers and their artificially high prices. While the members that have been in the game for a while can see the drastic change for what it is... Market manipulation.

I hate "professional" re sellers. I say professional because I have no problem with someone flipping a pair or two each release to offset the cost of their own habit but these guys with shady connects that buy out entire store stocks to sell for 2x as much that very same day are doing nothing but artificially decreasing the RETAIL supply of shoes THE DAY THEY RELEASE.

I mean... You know the game is ****** up when you can find higher quality older retros cheaper than whatever "limited" shoe just released... its become like freakin beanie babies... There are a TON of new players in the "game" that are overpaying and destroying the culture for the true fans.
Sheep mentality...everyone wants the newest, "pseudo-rarest" and most expensive kicks.

I didnt care when it was furbys... I didnt care when it was beanie babies... I didnt care when it was Xbox... or PS1,2 or 3.... but when the "Culture Vultures" go after my hobby.... Id would be lying if I said it didnt piss me off.
yeah... you mad.

loI think its funny the divide in join dates and peoples opinion on this matter... Other than OP and a few other members it really seems like the newer members, the same ones usually overpaying for these new releases are the same ones that stay defending the resellers and their artificially high prices. While the members that have been in the game for a while can see the drastic change for what it is... Market manipulation.

I hate "professional" re sellers. I say professional because I have no problem with someone flipping a pair or two each release to offset the cost of their own habit but these guys with shady connects that buy out entire store stocks to sell for 2x as much that very same day are doing nothing but artificially decreasing the RETAIL supply of shoes THE DAY THEY RELEASE.

I mean... You know the game is ****** up when you can find higher quality older retros cheaper than whatever "limited" shoe just released... its become like freakin beanie babies... There are a TON of new players in the "game" that are overpaying and destroying the culture for the true fans.
Sheep mentality...everyone wants the newest, "pseudo-rarest" and most expensive kicks.

I didnt care when it was furbys... I didnt care when it was beanie babies... I didnt care when it was Xbox... or PS1,2 or 3.... but when the "Culture Vultures" go after my hobby.... Id would be lying if I said it didnt piss me off.
yeah... you mad.


Right... I already said Im pissed. Thank you for the affirmation... I cant stress how much positivity and insight you've just contributed to this conversation :smokin

Really though... I am dealing with it... I havent bought a new pair of shoes in 2 years. Im just waiting for this bubble to pop.... at this point its inevitable. JB is peaking in its all time popularity.... keep in mind I said... POPULARITY, not exclusivity, design creativity or quality. As with anything the culture vultures get their greazy lil fingers on... they exploit it... it gets too big, popular and commonplace for its own good... and then boom one day its "played out" and nobody wants to be seen in it !
Like I always say when this topic is brought up, I just wish you non-resellers would stop making this out to be some morality issue. As if resellers are demons or something because they are making some $. So what if they don't like a shoe forreal. Doesn't matter. Why does he liking it mean you "deserve" it more than someone that simply wants to resell it? Cut it out.
dudes are passionate about their shoes bro

but yea, its really not that serious

if you dont like resellers dont buy from them, ive missed out on plenty of shoes because im not down for paying resell, at the same time i have paid resell and i felt mad about it afterwards for giving in to that ***** made ***** the money (dude was a champs employee who grabbed ALL the sz 13s man, there were 4 pairs and he said he had them all, like for real) but i wanted the shoes, im much less serious now and honestly dont even pay retail for most of my shoes
^ yea I've been thinking about that

Nike/JB is in reality a new company, they've really been around since what the 80s? 72 on was just another shoe company

They already went through the exclusive stage, popularity is still high thanks to the OG heads who helped fuel the real hobby

But now they seem lost

Color ways/designs that just have you scratching your head like? And that don't sell
They lost a lot of true fans and therefore lost the transition of knowledge from the OGs to yougins

Yougins won't pass on nostalgia or the history bc they don't really know it, and that will leave an open window

It's bound to happen tho, you can only sell a shoe for so long b4 the marketing dep takes over
I mean look how they're treating the roshe :lol:
maybe because the mods used to.

even though the mods resell themselves and respect resellers A LOT more than the average NT user

NT admins used to talk about Steve "selling out" the culture, and I agree he's spineless, but I think in the end, they just missed the boat, considering they stay very close to the NT OG resellers.
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maybe because the mods used to.

even though the mods resell themselves and respect resellers A LOT more than the average NT user

NT admins used to talk about Steve "selling out" the culture, and I agree he's spineless, but I think in the end, they just missed the boat, considering they stay very close to the NT OG resellers.

Also back I the day there were a few big resellers, most of whom had overseas connects and while they still made their money they truly provided a service to those of us who didnt have certain retailers in our region.

With everyone and their mama wanting to be a "sneaker head"/ reseller we have the classic problem of "Too many Indians and not enough Cheifs". Its not long before this "game" self destructs and the market is flooded with crap colectors dont want anymore.... or should I say, realize they never even wanted it in the first place.
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I hate "professional" re sellers. I say professional because I have no problem with someone flipping a pair or two each release to offset the cost of their own habit but these guys with shady connects that buy out entire store stocks to sell for 2x as much that very same day are doing nothing but artificially decreasing the RETAIL supply of shoes THE DAY THEY RELEASE.

I actually feel the exact opposite way. I hate the small potatoes resellers. The "professional" resellers don't mess up the lines or anything (HTF, Croatianstyle, etc.)--they just get the stock out the back door and sell it on their website or on eBay and are pretty good at it, provide good service, fast shipping, don't ever have to consider their authenticity, etc.

It's the small potato guys who pop up out of nowhere and think they can resell who bother me. They're lining up, buying a bunch of pairs not in their size, selling on eBay with like 0 feedback, are unaware of what market prices are, are unresponsive, have poor grammar, don't know how to conduct business, shipping shoes late or in crappy boxes, or otherwise have no idea how the process works, etc.
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because they charge too much. Are you a reseller? and they always cut the line instead of waiting at the back with everyone else.
It's all supply and demand. If people weren't so thirsty to get certain pairs, then some wouldn't have a market to cater to. (Even though this might not apply to all situations.)

It also shows how desperate you are to get something. I.e. turning to Flightclub to buy something that you can't seem to find anywhere else.
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Really though... I am dealing with it... I havent bought a new pair of shoes in 2 years. Im just waiting for this bubble to pop.... at this point its inevitable. JB is peaking in its all time popularity.... keep in mind I said... POPULARITY, not exclusivity, design creativity or quality. As with anything the culture vultures get their greazy lil fingers on... they exploit it... it gets too big, popular and commonplace for its own good... and then boom one day its "played out" and nobody wants to be seen in it !
This right here is wishful thinking.
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It's basic economics people. The buyer sets the standard. The standard right now is to try and get the shoe at retail but when that fails, turn to the secondary market and try to get a deal. Plus some people simply find it easier to pay the extra money to avoid waiting by a computer for hours or camping out for hours to be empty handed.

Join dates have zero to do with why some people "defend" resellers. It's just why go through the hassle when I can just pay and have my shoes worry free.
shout outs to resellers, if no one ever sold their shoes how would one go about getting a lebron mvp pack that didn't live in florida? or a pair of nike mags that didn't have the cash @ the time of auction? etc
shout outs to resellers, if no one ever sold their shoes how would one go about getting a lebron mvp pack that didn't live in florida? or a pair of nike mags that didn't have the cash @ the time of auction? etc
thats another thing that gets me, if you have enough money to buy the lebron championship pack then how do you not have a nike connect?

nike mags are a little different
i don't really follow sneakers anymore but even when i did, i NEVER resold them.

today i was at the mall and a new "boutique" shoe store opened up.

went in and saw them selling a FSR of grapes for $300.

i don't really follow sneakers anymore but even when i did, i NEVER resold them.

today i was at the mall and a new "boutique" shoe store opened up.

went in and saw them selling a FSR of grapes for $300.

... sad part is that people are going to pay 300 for those shoes
resellers are trolls that make it a concerted effort to profit from you, they stand in your way between you and what you wanna buy.
Wouldnt call me a reseller but i have sold shoes for profit a few times here and there. Its just kinda part of it. Its like the guy who spends a ton of cash smoking weed. Every now and then hustling off a bag can help off set the cost.
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