Why does NikeTalk have advertisements for Fake Jordan shoe websites at the top of the screen?

Sep 30, 2006
Why does NikeTalk, the most legit forum for Jordan's and other brands, have advertisements for fake shoe websites at the top of the screen? I understandad's are necessary for most websites to be up and running and effective but I have never figured this one out? Here is an example of a site advertised onNikeTalk, http://www.shoesenjoy.com...ype=class&ClassID=41, maybe Iam wrong here but I think that this is just strange...
I'm pretty sure this has been discussed before. Supposedly niketalk does not control the ads which are posted, therefore making it hard to filter out allof the fake sites.
Because the ads are by google and this post is more about the ads than the shoes they advertise.
its a program to earn some money... for very click you recieve like 2 or 3 cent, depends...
but you cant decide which websites they will show
nothing to worry about
Yeah, they don't control what's advertised, but they've only had them for a few years. When NT used to be ad free, members would donate money tokeep it ad free.
googleadservices, often causes freezing when i attempt to log in. It's a pain in the %%@%.
It's just killin' me that they are using stolen pictures. The Air Randy pics on the fake site ads is the worst. I mean, doesn't that violatecopyright laws or something? Step your game up, google!
Why does this post come about every 2 weeks? Why don't people with under 300 posts stop making posts?
Google dont control it,google is a search engine,niketalk is sponsored by google,so googles search engine automatically advertises something relevant to thewebsite it sponsors,so if theres a fake website on search engine they have no control over it!!
i dare some one to buy something from there,they can then discuss there "purchase" on here
Originally Posted by ShortyC94

Yeah, they don't control what's advertised, but they've only had them for a few years. When NT used to be ad free, members would donate money to keep it ad free.

How much??
serious question....
Originally Posted by BigLefty23

Why does this post come about every 2 weeks? Why don't people with under 300 posts stop making posts?
Hmmm, maths aint your strong point huh....
Originally Posted by TheTaffy

Google dont control it,google is a search engine,niketalk is sponsored by google,so googles search engine automatically advertises something relevant to the website it sponsors,so if theres a fake website on search engine they have no control over it!!
i dare some one to buy something from there,they can then discuss there "purchase" on here
Google has control over any results their search engine comes up with. It's just not a big enough problem for them to care about.
If you know how Google works, it works from Ad Sense and it sends Ads based on Keywords used on the site AND algorithms.

NT Admins try to curtail those types of ads and ask anyone who sees them to report them so can get them removed.
i saw tht long ago, but i believe the ads r not controlled by the NT administrators...
but just funny to c it~ so contradictive
Originally Posted by neukicks

Originally Posted by ShortyC94

Yeah, they don't control what's advertised, but they've only had them for a few years. When NT used to be ad free, members would donate money to keep it ad free.

How much??
serious question....

There wasn't a set amount of what a member used to have to donate, but I last remember it being around or slightly over $2,000 total. I think it was theNiketalk Community Chest or something.....I think the last time I saw that was 2005 or so. It used to be in the right hand corner at the top of NT's homescreen.
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