Why is eating healthy so expensive?

May 13, 2008
I can't figure this out to save my life.

I went to the grocery store to buy some fruits & veggies and I ended up spending close to 50 bucks for romain lettuce, carrots, grapes, strawberries,raspberries, blueberries, all natural fruit drinks, canelopes, kiwi, mangos, tangerines etc etc...

but I can easily walk out with a few bags of junk food for 20 bucks.

Sometimes, I feel like the government is behind this mess, allowing the less fortunate to eat whats available to them which is junk... look at the dollar menuat your local fast food spot! See what I mean?
i feel your pain. i think its so expensive because it is more expensive to grow these foods naturally as opposed to genetically altered foods that are cheaperand easier to grow.
as in, its easier and cheaper to grow enhanced foods, so theyre cheaper.
i'd rather go for quality vs. quantity.
no real need to go the organic route that much, even though i love the products

the non organic fruits are just as good
i dont usually eat junk food...but ive been craving white chocolate chips a hoy...too bad its snowing in va. i wish there was a drive by grocery store.
Population control.

People that eat unhealthy are more prone to various health conditions and die at a younger age compared to those who eat healthy. If everyone ate healthy,excercised often and the medical field being what it is the avg life expectancy would probably rise by 9-10 years. How else would insurance companies makebillions of dollars?
Shoppers who are selective about which items to splurge on for the organic label might choose those with the highest residual pesticide levels: apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, according to February's issue of Consumer Reports.

Other produce -- asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, kiwi, mangoes, onions, papayas, pineapples and sweet peas -- are rarely tainted with pesticides even when not dubbed organic, advises Consumer Reports.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Population control.

People that eat unhealthy are more prone to various health conditions and die at a younger age compared to those who eat healthy. If everyone ate healthy, excercised often and the medical field being what it is the avg life expectancy would probably rise by 9-10 years. How else would insurance companies make billions of dollars?

truth also
Not only that, it's not convenient for some people.

You have to schedule a special trip to the market, make a list, etc... lol.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Population control.

People that eat unhealthy are more prone to various health conditions and die at a younger age compared to those who eat healthy. If everyone ate healthy, excercised often and the medical field being what it is the avg life expectancy would probably rise by 9-10 years. How else would insurance companies make billions of dollars?

hmmmm... is this happening in canada also?
i hate that it is so expensive to eat healthy, we try to eat pretty healthy over here but when money is slow coming in 99 cent store here i come
unless youre just rich, for the average person to really eat healthy is almost like a hobby imo.

then after that you gotta look at how much you eat and what are your goals if youre into lifting.

youre just gonna have to adjust your vices.........
because its a "luxury item"

you throw the organic label in there and charge 5x times the price and get away with it

you put a polo logo on a t-shirt and charge 5x times the price and get away with it.

dont believe the hype
^I bash organic-maniacs a bit...but there really IS a difference in the food...especially fruits and veggies...it's not just labelling
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Population control.

People that eat unhealthy are more prone to various health conditions and die at a younger age compared to those who eat healthy. If everyone ate healthy, excercised often and the medical field being what it is the avg life expectancy would probably rise by 9-10 years. How else would insurance companies make billions of dollars?
on point
You can eat healthy if you're a smart shopper and keep it simple

I spent 80 or so on groceries and it lasts me a month....look into costco

Madd chicken breasts and thigh....skinless is more expensive. I got the skinned and just take it off
Mixed vegetables
Raisin bran

I basically eat white rice+sauce and broiled chicken everyday and drink madd water
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^I bash organic-maniacs a bit...but there really IS a difference in the food...especially fruits and veggies...it's not just labelling

i really feel organic anything is better. im not gonna lie and say everything i eat is orgranic.

but if i could.................all the way.

i eat normal fruit and veggies
...............organic milk, eggs, meatthough

AntonLaVey swtich from white rice to brown rice..........
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