Why is it against the rules to get gifts/money in NCAA?

oh and i dont think family can do that either... i remember someone getting in trouble for taking $200 from their uncle, cant remember who tho
If you came from a wealthy family and drove nice cars i'm sure there is no problem with that as long as the college didn't give anything to you or yourfamily.
i think one of the concerns is that some of these gifts will lead to athletes doing advertisements while in school which the college may be against in somecases, on top of that some of these people may be sending gifts or money to these kids in order for them to do some kind of promoting in the sense that thesepeople would also be making money off of the kids - ie the college isnt seeing any shares in that profit
what is your opinion on paying players in college

Should colleges pay athletes or should student-athletes be happy with a full ride?
Because their %#*%. The D1 system is pimpin at its finest. Take young black men and exploit their talents and toss them an "education". Keep themlookin good, but no doe. Please...
They bring in money for theseprograms and get nothing in return...
I say nothing because most of themwon't even graduate.
If its your uncle then its cool. If its an agent or someone like that, then it is illegal to accept such gifts.
Originally Posted by jmoneybaggz

Because their %#*%. The D1 system is pimpin at its finest. Take young black men and exploit their talents and toss them an "education". Keep them lookin good, but no doe. Please...
They bring in money for these programs and get nothing in return...
I say nothing because most of them won't even graduate.
By your definition, is there even one human being on the planet that isn't being pimped out?
they should be happy with their full ride, paying them makes no kind of sense..

Because their %#*%. The D1 system is pimpin at its finest. Take young black men and exploit their talents and toss them an "education". Keep them lookin good, but no doe. Please...
They bring in money for these programs and get nothing in return...
I say nothing because most of them won't even graduate.
Kind of, but not really, either. The truth is somewhere in between.

We get all sorts of stuff like hotel rooms and what not, and the truth is, the AD doesn't really make money. You can count on your hands the number ofcollege athletic departments that make money. However the disconnect is when you look at the time spent for a sport, and the amount of money in thescholarship. It amounts to about $4.95 an hour or something like that, plus you can't really expect to be able to work a real job while on scholarship. Youwon't have the time, realistically, especially not in season.

I was both a scholly athlete and a non-scholly student. The non-scholly side was WAY easier than the athlete part. All I had to do was keep the grades. I coulddo whatever the hell I pleased otherwise, which was surely NOT the case when I was playing ball. Same with my brothers and cousins, even at the JUCO level.

Anyway to the point, check out Bylaw 16 of the NCAA Division I manual. If you do and you're confused, good. I think that's how they want it. Damn neareverything is a violation, and damn near everything is legal too. It's the most mind numbing experience in all of existence. How did Pacino say it inDevil's Advocate: "Look, but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. TASTE!... but don't swallow! And while you're jumpin' from onefoot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, [censored] [censored] off! He's a tight-[censored]! He's a SADIST!"

I'd say that applies here, no?
Originally Posted by jmoneybaggz

Because their %#*%. The D1 system is pimpin at its finest. Take young black men and exploit their talents and toss them an "education". Keep them lookin good, but no doe. Please...
They bring in money for these programs and get nothing in return...
I say nothing because most of them won't even graduate.

This is ridiculous. First off, not graduating is their own fault. Seeing first hand how a lot of these guys think they are above doing anything butpartying and playing their sport just makes me shake my head. They get far more than an education. They get tuition, room, board, books, school supplies, food,clothes, shoes, road trip stipends, stipends for staying at school when classes are not in session, free health care, etc. Not to mention a platform on whichthey can show off their talent to the nation. The problem is that too many athletes just care about that last part.

Paying college athletes is not as simple as it seems. Do all the players on a team get the same amount of money? Do you get the same amount of money at aDIII school and a DI school? Do all athletes get the same amount of money? Allowing them to be paid would also make it far easier for the rules to be broken,not like they aren't easy already.
I say throw these kids a bone. I mean if someone was getting $30,000 a year in free schooling, that's cool but if they can find a way tojust give thesekids like $200 a month to live off of, they'd be aight. That extra couple of G's can go a long way.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by jmoneybaggz

Because their %#*%. The D1 system is pimpin at its finest. Take young black men and exploit their talents and toss them an "education". Keep them lookin good, but no doe. Please...
They bring in money for these programs and get nothing in return...
I say nothing because most of them won't even graduate.

This is ridiculous. First off, not graduating is their own fault. Seeing first hand how a lot of these guys think they are above doing anything but partying and playing their sport just makes me shake my head. They get far more than an education. They get tuition, room, board, books, school supplies, food, clothes, shoes, road trip stipends, stipends for staying at school when classes are not in session, free health care, etc. Not to mention a platform on which they can show off their talent to the nation. The problem is that too many athletes just care about that last part.

Paying college athletes is not as simple as it seems. Do all the players on a team get the same amount of money? Do you get the same amount of money at a DIII school and a DI school? Do all athletes get the same amount of money? Allowing them to be paid would also make it far easier for the rules to be broken, not like they aren't easy already.
He hit the nail on the head.
They get far more than an education. They get tuition, room, board, books, school supplies, food, clothes, shoes, road trip stipends, stipends for staying at school when classes are not in session, free health care, etc.
All those things are available to all students. In fact, the one about the stipend is usually handled by any scholarship, also. The onlydifference is a full scholarship student need only concentrate on grades, while a full schoarship student-athlete has to perform both on the field of play ANDin the classroom, all while essentially NOT being able to (at least outwardly) participate in all the normal debauchery of college life...

The stipends are the only part they get that nobody else does, but is that really wrong? Any extra benefit under $100 is cool as long as the kid pays it back,and they're actually supposed to be NL until they do. The trip in which they are going as a representative of a University allows for them to eat and stayfor free, and somehow that's too much?

I took the Alumni Distinguished Scholarship test at school, and got WAY more pampering than I did when I came on my visit. However since I wasn't with abunch of people who thought the watching a game on TV was equivalent to poking holes in my head and what not, I had more fun on the visit. If I'd gottenthat scholarship cuz of the test, it'd have been renewable over eight semesters, include tuition, fees, room and board and $1,000 annually. Basically theonly difference between the ADS and a full athletic scholarship is the time requirement... PLus with ADS I could have gone on to Study Abroad anywhere Iwanted, and that would have been paid for, which I guess would counter the point about travel expenses. A semester in Barbados > A couple weeks in Orlando,I don't care what anybody says...
Sure during the season student athletes don't need extra money. For the most part they are making a killing on stipends such as $500 during winter recessand if they go on a tournament in lets say Hawaii they are getting an extra $200. In the summer they get about $500 to $1000 if they stay on campus because thecafeterias are closed, plus the fact that most coaches find jobs for their players, whether it is at an alumnus' law firm or if its working basketballcamps for the coach. I personally would have no problem if these athletes can get a monthly stipend for personal use such as clothing, food, gifts, etc. Now Iknow these athletes get free clothing from the schools and actually get a $500 allowance to purchase suits and dress clothing at the men's wearhouse, butthey could use some extra cash to buy clothes they would wear everyday.
whether it is at an alumnus' law firm
Careful... borderline illegal. That would be an extra benefit, especially if the coach hooked it up.

or if its working basketball camps for the coach.
Legal. But you still can only get a certain amount for that, and even that is below scale when you look at the numbers.

Have some of you guys ever SEEN your athletes at school? Like, really... Have you paid attention to them? And I'm not talking about the ones that are greatplayers and recognizable, I mean the average athlete on the team. Because when you talk about the players, you have to talk about ALL of them, not just thebankable stars that everyone wants to latch on to so they can improve their own status (whether that be the U, tagalongs, or whatever).

Most of the athletes at a given school are broke as I don't know what. The football team wears the same shoes, sweats and warmups they got at the beginningof the school year most of the time, with a variation on the combinations. In fact, almost ALL the athletes do this. They aren't out here lookingstunt-tastic like everyone seems to make them out to be, and it kind of bugs me when people make it like they are...
Stuff from you dad is cool. I'm not sure about uncle. But family can give money. I remember one of the USC guys (Palmer or Leinart?) has a fairly well offdad. Paid for a fancy apartment for him and his roommate to live in. There was no problem with the son, but USC got into some minor trouble cuz the roommatebenefitted as well. Had to repay the diff btw the rent and what was allowed under the stipend or something like that.
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