Why is it so wrong for pro athletes to speak their mind?

Jul 5, 2002
For example, take this Joakim Noah statement after the Bulls/Pistons game the other day...
"I feel like we're different, but I feel like at the same time, with our style of play, there's no reason why we shouldn't have beat that team," Noah said.

"I think Detroit's a great team, but I still feel like we're better than them, really. I feel like we're a better team."

Or take this T-Mac quote about their next game vs. Atlanta...
"One of these days, the streak has to come to an end," McGrady said. "It won't come tomorrow (at Atlanta)."
Say what?

"It will not come tomorrow."

He's told that sounds like a guarantee.

"You heard what I said earlier. If we take care of our business, if we play the way we've played the last two months ... "

Both of those statements can make those players come off as being cocky or arrogant, but I see nothing wrong with them.
IMO, if you DON'T feel that way then why even play the game....and I don't buy that argument about giving the opponents extra motivation because thattalk doesn't really make that much of a difference.

If winning isn't enough motivation then the game isn't for you..
"I feel like we're different, but I feel like at the same time, with our style of play, there's no reason why we shouldn't have beat that team," Noah said.

"I think Detroit's a great team, but I still feel like we're better than them, really. I feel like we're a better team."

Because people look up to random athletes like their not normal human beings. They're supposed to be "role models" about everything theydo.

It's actually refreshing when an athlete speaks his mind good or bad sometimes, just to show they're not robots like middle America wants them to be.
I agree...athletes should be allowed to speak their mind...but at the same time I guess since they're professional they do have to kind of show class.

I just really hate how they always say "this game is gonna be tough", "both teams played hard"
, and all those sports cliches.it'snice to see someone say something outside the norm
They can still be role models and say those types of things posted....

I don't think those statements showed poor class. People will look at Noah like he's a moron for saying that he believes in his team tho
Originally Posted by grittyman20

So speaking about your own confidence is "unprofessional"?

What exactly are you saying

That's how they are perceived as professional atheletes.

I could care less if they express their confidence, but I'm not their employer.

It's a sport, but you are getting paid to represent the organization, so it's kinda different.

Plus the media will eat it up, and make a big deal about it.
its because the media wants to criticize any way they can, i blame espn for the most part specifically their league specific shows "nfl countdown""baseball tonight" "nba fastbreak" - each of these shows has "analysts" who are older and thus want to talk about "playinthe game the right way" and are ready to criticize any sports related news they can - the big one of course - sportscenter
It's not wrong.

It's the media's game, and our country follows the media's lead. They try to get players/coaches to give them juicy quotes (and headlines) and notjust the same old cliche answers.... yet when they do get something they rip the athlete for opening his mouth and saying that. The media just wants a headlineso you will click on a link or talk about it on radio. So they blow things up for their benefit.

"Is that a guarantee?????" <--------- quote from a media member to TMac in that above article. He's asking for a headline, and there you go.
you gotta watch what you say in public nowadays... being an NBA player is not the same as chilling with your friends or teammates, no matter how bad somepeople want it to be. if you "speak your mind" and get bashed for it, dont complain. thats your fault. "you oughtta know by nooow" word tothe Dips

"I think Detroit's a great team, but I still feel like we're better than them, really. I feel like we're a better team."

this dude is a dumb !$@ ... he seems dead serious too
if you go out there and perform to the best of your ability and back statements up, i have no #*%%*#@ problem!
I have no problem with pro athletes or ANY athlete speaking their mind....if you aren't approaching a game with the mindset that you can win, then youshould not have gotten off of the bus. You have to have confidence going into any sort of game that you are playing. If you feel as though you are not as goodas your opponent and you don't have a chance to win, then you are defeated even before the ball is tipped. If you lose, just make sure you tip your hat toyour opponent, and be better prepared the next time you all meet up (but keep the same attitude). There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with what both Noah andT-Mac said. The media likes to make something out of nothing, and give "bulletin board material," which makes for saturated storylines on networkslike ESPN.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

It's not wrong.

It's the media's game, and our country follows the media's lead. They try to get players/coaches to give them juicy quotes (and headlines) and not just the same old cliche answers.... yet when they do get something they rip the athlete for opening his mouth and saying that. The media just wants a headline so you will click on a link or talk about it on radio. So they blow things up for their benefit.

"Is that a guarantee?????" <--------- quote from a media member to TMac in that above article. He's asking for a headline, and there you go.

Yeah that's pretty much how I feel...this post is more like a rhetorical question...I know the media plays a big part, but I want to ask those sportsfans who feel that way to explain the "unprofessional" side of an athlete keeping it real
Of course you have people saying things like this..
this dude is a dumb !$@ ... he seems dead serious too
which is EXACTLY why I made this post
I have no problem with athletes speaking their minds. That statement from Noah is good example... if a player feels his team is better he should be able to saywhat he feels. It is the athletes opinion not everyone else's.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

For example, take this Joakim Noah statement after the Bulls/Pistons game the other day...
"I feel like we're different, but I feel like at the same time, with our style of play, there's no reason why we shouldn't have beat that team," Noah said.

"I think Detroit's a great team, but I still feel like we're better than them, really. I feel like we're a better team."

THIS is why I like Joakim.
There is nothing wrong with those statements. I have no problem with athletes speaking there mind but there is also a difference between speaking your mind andjust being stupid and talking nonsense, or being TOO cocky or disrespectful. But those quotes are perfectly fine.
Because we all know professional athletes are more less ignorant and not too bright. How many times have they said something to make you think "Wow,he's stupid.". A perfect example is Noah, what makes him think that they are anywhere near Det.? Get off NBA Live son.
Barry Bonds and TO are my favorite players of all time...

SO you know i love it when players speak their mind
whatever tmac says no one takes him seriously anymore. ever since he guaranteed his orlando magic squad would beat the hornets, when they were up in theplayoffs a few years back. then Baron Davis made him eat his words...
This is why I (along with many others across the country perhaps) like people such as Barkley, Jeff Van Gundy, Sheed, and others so much. F that, if I havesomething to say i'll say it. No use in holding your tongue.
I dont see a problem with it... If some of you guys like to see players speak their minds then you would love Sean Avery.....but none of you know hockey sowhat's the point.
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