Originally Posted by LetItShine24

who gives a rats ***. I dont care what any religion says or why they believe its dirty or unclean. bacon on my baked potatoes is bomb digity
I don't know why but this reposnse had me
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

who gives a rats ***. I dont care what any religion says or why they believe its dirty or unclean. bacon on my baked potatoes is bomb digity
I don't know why but this reposnse had me

my goodness that looks good.  my in-laws always have a full roast pig to go along with the ham and turkey at thanksgiving, and its like heaven on earth.

if someone doesn't want to eat pork its their loss.  more for me.  like others have mentioned, so much of the best tasting foods are pork products

cured pork products (bacon, pancetta, prosciutto di parma, jamon iberico, jamon serrano, multitude of different salamis, etc.. etc...)
baby back ribs
pork chops
kurubota pork belly
pulled pork

man im getting hungry just thinking about it


my goodness that looks good.  my in-laws always have a full roast pig to go along with the ham and turkey at thanksgiving, and its like heaven on earth.

if someone doesn't want to eat pork its their loss.  more for me.  like others have mentioned, so much of the best tasting foods are pork products

cured pork products (bacon, pancetta, prosciutto di parma, jamon iberico, jamon serrano, multitude of different salamis, etc.. etc...)
baby back ribs
pork chops
kurubota pork belly
pulled pork

man im getting hungry just thinking about it

You guys do know that pork is safe to eat once its cooked correctly, doesnt matter how dirty and what it ate all that is cleaned and killed once its cooked.
You guys do know that pork is safe to eat once its cooked correctly, doesnt matter how dirty and what it ate all that is cleaned and killed once its cooked.
a friend of mine hosted a party and had a full pig that was roasted and then deep fried.

good lord that thing was delicious
a friend of mine hosted a party and had a full pig that was roasted and then deep fried.

good lord that thing was delicious
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

There is much evidence to show that pork is quite dirty in comparison to other animals.

Along with with Wooly said, another factor to consider is that pigs have the highest fat:tongue:rotein ratio, making it the least beneficial meat in your diet.

uh yeah you enjoy your prime rib and keep thinking that

there are tons of lean cuts of pork

face it, this notion is based on old beliefs, not science. trying to justify it makes you sound ignorant.
From a religious perspective, we don't eat pork first and foremost because that's what God said so.

But many rulings by God tend to have an appeal to human logic.  I didn't say that just because it has a high fat content makes it directly wrong, just that it's one of the many factors.

Many people tend to think swine is the only thing that humans aren't allowed to eat.

Also to go along with Wooly's comments about how pork tastes like human meat:


[h2]'Human Flesh Tastes Like Pork'[/h2]
Inhis first television interview, German cannibal Armin Meiwes describesthe taste of human flesh, provides a decent recipe for steak, explainshis fascination with the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel -- and insiststhat he's a normal person.


Armin Meiwes, serving a life sentence for killing a man and eating more than 20 kilos of him, insists he is a normal guy.
Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal serving a life sentencefor killing and eating a man who begged to be devoured, has describedhow the meat tasted of pork and how he prepared an elaborate meal ofhuman steak in a green pepper sauce with croquettes and Brusselssprouts.
In his first television interview, broadcast on Monday night on theRTL channel, Meiwes, 46, looked relaxed and healthy as he spoke abouthis decades-long yearning to consume another man.

The case came to light in December 2002, and the grisly details madeworld headlines. Meiwes filmed himself killing, disembowelling andcutting up the corpse of computer engineer Bernd Brandes, 42, whom hehad met after posting messages in Internet chatrooms seeking "men forslaughter."

"Yes, people who can't think their way into this find it monstrous.But in principle I'm a normal human being," he told his interviewerGünter Stampf, who has written a book, "Interview with a Cannibal,"based on 30 meetings with Meiwes in jail. The interviews were approvedby the Frankfurt district court that convicted him.

"I sauteed the steak of Bernd, with salt, pepper, garlic and nutmeg.I had it with Princess croquettes, Brussels sprouts and a green peppersauce," said Meiwes. He said the meat was a little tough. He frozemeal-sized portions of Brandes, some in the form of minced meat, andate more than 20 kilograms of it in the months following the March 2001killing.

Lifelong Fantasies

During his two trials in 2004 and 2006, Meiwes said he had alwaysdreamt of having a younger brother -- "someone to be part of me" -- andhad become fascinated with cannibalism as a way to fulfil thatobsession. His desires were fuelled by the Internet, where he hadcontact with around 400 men interested in cannibalism.

He found a perfect match in Brandes, who was obsessed with beingeaten. "The first bite was of course a peculiar, indefinable feeling atfirst because I had yearned for that for 30 years, that this innerconnection would be made perfect through this flesh," Meiwes said inthe interview.

"The flesh tastes like pork, a little bit more bitter, stronger. It tastes quite good," he said.

He said that when he was a child, he had enjoyed his mother readinghim the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel," about a witch who traps twochildren and prepares to eat the boy. "The bit where Hansel is to beeaten was interesting. You wouldn't believe how many Hansels arewhizzing around the Internet."

Police estimate that around 10,000 people in Germany alone shareMeiwes' fascination with cannibalism -- either eating human flesh orbeing eaten.

Meiwes, serving his sentence in a prison in Kassel, central Germany,could be eligible for parole after serving a mandatory 15 years injail. A psychiatric examination conducted ahead of his trials concludedthat he is not insane but has a "severely disturbed soul."

"I want to undergo therapy, I know I need that and I hope it will be done at some point," said Meiwes.

Historically many civilizations that practiced cannibalism also formed the connection. 

European explorers and colonizers brought home many stories ofcannibalism practiced by the native peoples they encountered. The friarDiego de Landa reported about Yucatán instances, Yucatán before and after the Conquest, translated from Relación de las cosas de Yucatán, 1566 (New York: Dover Publications, 1978: 4), and there have been similar reports by Purchas from Popayán, Colombia, and from the Marquesas Islands of Polynesia, where human flesh was called long pig (Alanna King, ed., Robert Louis Stevenson in the South Seas, London: Luzac Paragon House, 1987: 45–50
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

There is much evidence to show that pork is quite dirty in comparison to other animals.

Along with with Wooly said, another factor to consider is that pigs have the highest fat:tongue:rotein ratio, making it the least beneficial meat in your diet.

uh yeah you enjoy your prime rib and keep thinking that

there are tons of lean cuts of pork

face it, this notion is based on old beliefs, not science. trying to justify it makes you sound ignorant.
From a religious perspective, we don't eat pork first and foremost because that's what God said so.

But many rulings by God tend to have an appeal to human logic.  I didn't say that just because it has a high fat content makes it directly wrong, just that it's one of the many factors.

Many people tend to think swine is the only thing that humans aren't allowed to eat.

Also to go along with Wooly's comments about how pork tastes like human meat:


[h2]'Human Flesh Tastes Like Pork'[/h2]
Inhis first television interview, German cannibal Armin Meiwes describesthe taste of human flesh, provides a decent recipe for steak, explainshis fascination with the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel -- and insiststhat he's a normal person.


Armin Meiwes, serving a life sentence for killing a man and eating more than 20 kilos of him, insists he is a normal guy.
Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal serving a life sentencefor killing and eating a man who begged to be devoured, has describedhow the meat tasted of pork and how he prepared an elaborate meal ofhuman steak in a green pepper sauce with croquettes and Brusselssprouts.
In his first television interview, broadcast on Monday night on theRTL channel, Meiwes, 46, looked relaxed and healthy as he spoke abouthis decades-long yearning to consume another man.

The case came to light in December 2002, and the grisly details madeworld headlines. Meiwes filmed himself killing, disembowelling andcutting up the corpse of computer engineer Bernd Brandes, 42, whom hehad met after posting messages in Internet chatrooms seeking "men forslaughter."

"Yes, people who can't think their way into this find it monstrous.But in principle I'm a normal human being," he told his interviewerGünter Stampf, who has written a book, "Interview with a Cannibal,"based on 30 meetings with Meiwes in jail. The interviews were approvedby the Frankfurt district court that convicted him.

"I sauteed the steak of Bernd, with salt, pepper, garlic and nutmeg.I had it with Princess croquettes, Brussels sprouts and a green peppersauce," said Meiwes. He said the meat was a little tough. He frozemeal-sized portions of Brandes, some in the form of minced meat, andate more than 20 kilograms of it in the months following the March 2001killing.

Lifelong Fantasies

During his two trials in 2004 and 2006, Meiwes said he had alwaysdreamt of having a younger brother -- "someone to be part of me" -- andhad become fascinated with cannibalism as a way to fulfil thatobsession. His desires were fuelled by the Internet, where he hadcontact with around 400 men interested in cannibalism.

He found a perfect match in Brandes, who was obsessed with beingeaten. "The first bite was of course a peculiar, indefinable feeling atfirst because I had yearned for that for 30 years, that this innerconnection would be made perfect through this flesh," Meiwes said inthe interview.

"The flesh tastes like pork, a little bit more bitter, stronger. It tastes quite good," he said.

He said that when he was a child, he had enjoyed his mother readinghim the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel," about a witch who traps twochildren and prepares to eat the boy. "The bit where Hansel is to beeaten was interesting. You wouldn't believe how many Hansels arewhizzing around the Internet."

Police estimate that around 10,000 people in Germany alone shareMeiwes' fascination with cannibalism -- either eating human flesh orbeing eaten.

Meiwes, serving his sentence in a prison in Kassel, central Germany,could be eligible for parole after serving a mandatory 15 years injail. A psychiatric examination conducted ahead of his trials concludedthat he is not insane but has a "severely disturbed soul."

"I want to undergo therapy, I know I need that and I hope it will be done at some point," said Meiwes.

Historically many civilizations that practiced cannibalism also formed the connection. 

European explorers and colonizers brought home many stories ofcannibalism practiced by the native peoples they encountered. The friarDiego de Landa reported about Yucatán instances, Yucatán before and after the Conquest, translated from Relación de las cosas de Yucatán, 1566 (New York: Dover Publications, 1978: 4), and there have been similar reports by Purchas from Popayán, Colombia, and from the Marquesas Islands of Polynesia, where human flesh was called long pig (Alanna King, ed., Robert Louis Stevenson in the South Seas, London: Luzac Paragon House, 1987: 45–50
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