Why is Writing Taught?

Oct 9, 2007
it's one thing to complain about 7 page papers vs 2 page papers
its another thing to complain about teaching writing which does have its benefits
Ok, seriously...Why is writing taught? What benefit does writing have?

I'm here working on a 7-page paper and I just don't see the point.

Also, if I can make my point in 2 pages, why make seven out of it?

...Why, NT, why??
word, i hate these %!#%*!@ length requirements. why don't you just let me american express myself in however many pages i actually need instead of pullingthe period trick and +%!%

yes i'm mad
I had a teacher in HS that made you stick to a strict 3 page max essay format. It was good, but some topics were hard to keep to 3 pages. But ya, I am fullyagainst minimum page requirements that are too high, maximum is fine.

Also - I can see youre mad so I wont take your "why is writing taught" comment seriously
why the hell do they teach us math past the basic stuff?

im not going to sit in an office solving problems with letters and numbers
Mastamind89 wrote:
Majority of people can't write, effectively. It does have its benefits.

The majority of people cannot write effectively, thus, it does have its benefits.
I'm not sure why you need to write 7 pages, but a lot of times teachers give minimum page requirements to make sure you know how to expand an argument orbuild on a point effectively. 7 pages though, thats more than anyone needs.
Man, just click on any random thread here on NT and you'll see why we need to teach writing.

Seriously though, writing is incredibly important, and not just for those pursuing a career where they'll be doing a lot of it. You'd be saddened byhow many clients I came across doing work for the family court system that would go on for minutes explaining to me their situation and why they want to changesomething, then say "but I don't know how to say that on paper."
It's taught because some people will use it.
That's like asking why is math taught. People will use it but some people, like writers, won't.
Originally Posted by 18key

I'm not sure why you need to write 7 pages, but a lot of times teachers give minimum page requirements to make sure you know how to expand an argument or build on a point effectively. 7 pages though, thats more than anyone needs.
Seven pages as more than anyone needs, huh? Boy, I miss those days.

I had to write a fifty page comment on any topic of my choosing last year (so long as it had a legal nexus) as ayear-long assignment. The research alone took me a couple months.
It's getting published now though, so at the end of the day it was worth it.
Long papers are designed to make you go into as much detail as possible. It helps validate your argument.
Depends what your expressing your thoughts about, whats your topic on for your 7 page paper?
Originally Posted by JDocs

I had a teacher in HS that made you stick to a strict 3 page max essay format. It was good, but some topics were hard to keep to 3 pages. But ya, I am fully against minimum page requirements that are too high, maximum is fine.

Also - I can see youre mad so I wont take your "why is writing taught" comment seriously

that was very considerate.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

why the hell do they teach us math past the basic stuff?

im not going to sit in an office solving problems with letters and numbers

at the end of the day your logic make sense, but you can't force feed someone that has no interest.
So you can fail it?

But seriously, it's taught to enhance people's speech. You usually write the way you speak and vice versa. So if you write better, you tend to speakbetter.
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Just read NT, than your gonna find out why for all intensive purposes.
Oh the irony.


Writing teaches you how to organize your thoughts and communicate your thoughts effectively. I do feel you on the 2 vs. 7 pages tho. It seems as thoughprofessors just throw out random page limits knowing damn well you can get your point across in less pages. Luckily I have a knack for drawing out essays withbullsh, superfluous information.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Just read NT, than your gonna find out why for all intensive purposes.
Oh the irony.
Indeed. That's all you saw wrong with that statement.
Nah, I caught the "than" and "gonna" as well, but that instensive purposes was just too much.

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